VN - Unity - Completed - Crypto Girls - SEXCoin [Final] [Pirates Of The Digital Sea]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, well, another low-grade Steam "hentai puzzle" game, expect this time focused on the latest craze called cryptocurrency, followed with incredibly generic excuse of a story, gameplay consisting of "puzzles", if I am being generous to call an excuse of puzzle games at all, which consist of dragging lines from circle to circle, yet levels are structured in a way that makes ALL of them doable in under 30 seconds at worst, or under 15 at best, with later levels having more circles but still placing the obvious solutions anyway, resulting in certain later levels being easier than earlier ones, and certain early ones being harder than later ones! This is incredibly inconsistent that is a great example of a bad design.

    Now let's talk of this "excuse of a plot" this game proudly says. Its all about some girls and a manager called "whale", which is a reference(a bad one)to people who spend a lot of money(you), who gathers them all for a meeting of sorts, where they do stuff, and by stuff, I meant just talking generic stuff about ponzi schemes, cryptocurrencies without explaining how they work at all, evil Chinese empire, unfunny "great Chinese leader Xi Jinping" and even better, not even following those statements! They just say one topic and off to the next, with no mention of it! And a lot of recalling of real world events just to make a buck off it without considering greater details of them, like talking about "Sergey Mavrodi's MMM and Charles Ponzi", but never even discussing them in proper! Its like its all been added as an afterthought rather than trying to prove a point!

    And then goes the sex scenes, 1 every 3 levels, first 5 focusing on you and them, and final 5 focusing on the futa girl with the others(in 1 case, you and her), yet for some reason, the art for her is incredibly inconsistent - in first scene she has a member, ballsacks and a pussy not under the ballsack, but inside it; then in the second scene involving another girl, she's now darker skin for some reason, then in the third scene, she's brighter yet again and with balls, but with no vagina at all, then in the 4th scene the penis looks like a pink strapon or an animal one, but the panties and just how bad it looks it says otherwise, and then 5th scene she has no balls at all, and brightest skin compared to previous scenes...and to top it off, none of the scenes are even of quality, when you can find comparable AND free images/animations off other sources.

    The girl themselves are just boring personifications, and often look like they had to watch some anime/weebery on the internet and then copy it for their designs, and the girls are exactly that - boring, uninspiring, on top of cringeworthy dialogue.

    So what the game has to offer considering the previous points? About 15 minutes of "gameplay", if I am being generous, then 5-10 minutes of "story" that will make you angry at how they pull real life matters but fail to present anything of value let alone discussion, and animations that are fairly bland and generic and have no personal connection to any of them. And you can get that all for 5$ on Steam, I might point out, with all users who have standards too low praising, if not outright joking about it - and that sets a bad precedent for actual good games, be it with great gameplay, or great story, or better yet, both. But like other "hentai puzzle" creators and other shady developers, no one will learn anything. Please play anything but those, I hope this will save your sanity.