Unity - Cuckold Simulator: Life As a Beta Male Cuck [v0.8.1] [Team SNEED]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a fantastic snapshot of America in the 2020's, I'm sure scholars will look back after "the collapse ™ " and find this little time capsule that will give up so much.

    You could say that it's frighteningly accurate and firmly fortified in current day reality.

    Simply brilliant!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Felt like a meme than an adult game. No H content, no NTR, just walking/talking game with a lot of repetitive content (work, event, sleep, repeat).
    If there was H content from the start, it would have been great game with a lot of humour added.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Not porn. Hardly a game. Mostly a collection of memes and tropes aimed at a very specific audience. If you're of that audience, you'll probably like it.

    Then again, that audience would give a thumbs-up to a literal turd as long as it somehow reflected their views and opinions, so their approval is hardly indicative of its quality.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Hilarious name and description A+ for that.. as for the game itself dont waste your time. From what I was able to find there is virtually no NTR or H content to be found just some bad gameplay simulation..

    great meme, not a great game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    Cuckold Simulator aint just another ordinary game, it's much more than a mere amalgamation of /pol/ memes turned into a visual novel, Cuckold Simulator is a fascinating, enticing, deep and emotional story narrating the daily struggles of the average redditor. This masterpiece of a game is a must in you library. 11/10
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    least progressive american (just kidding), this game is really fun the sterotypes are really good, i wish i could understand about this Krzysztof Gonciarz guy (christopher in game) if someone know PM me
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    everything the game has to offer is found in the trailer. don't waste your time on this.

    besides a couple of lines from your wife at the start of the game there really isn't any ntr or any sex of any kind in the game, and the rest of the satire is covered in the first few minutes. the game after that is just a grind of going to work. seeing that theres nothing else to do it would have good if they had gave you an option to set the guy to work x amount of days in a row instead of manually making you walk to your computer. the game you just run from your bed to your car, from your car to the computer, then to a night place; day ends and repeat.

    other grievances if you bother to keep playing past the opening:
    • you can't end your day at home and have to visit the nightclub or china town first.
    • the anime girl in the club isn't finished and nowhere in the game does it say so, no point in buying drugs or working for her, but the game devs let you anyway
    • the letter in the mail tells you to get the rest of the funkos even though they are placed in impossible to reach spots.
    • anime girl killing on the snitch isn't a game, its just a voice and a janky anime girl with a long jog in between
    • seeing that the anime girl is pointless and the snitch game isn't a game, that leaves everything past the opening pointless, literally the rest of the game after that is working so you have money for the anime girl and snitch.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game changed my life.
    I now attend BLM riots as a white hype girl and failed my last pregnancy test.
    I've also began reflecting on myself for once , stopped doing oppressive tasks like cleaning the house or cooking non microwavable things for the kids, and began devoting my efforts to more uplifting activities such as twerking on TikTok , gangbang parties, and practicing my knife skills because some ratchet ass bitches be trippin.
    I lost my nursing job at the local hospital because racism . You know if they had caught me on my knees with a WHITE man no one would have said shit!
    Fucking systematic racism!
    Wall-mart really does supply everything a family needs anyway.
    After having a heart to heart phone conversation with my deployed husband in Iraq, he now understands that not supporting my new lifestyle is basically white supremacy.

    Thanks Team SNEED!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite this game being described as F95 moderator simulator, it is actually more than that. In fact it can be applied to various kinds and types of human beings. Redditors, Cyberpunk 2077 fans, politicians, Fortnite players are only some of various examples. In fact the main protagonist may actually be whoever you like, or don't like (usually the latter).
    That is what makes this game so unique and deep. A small indie team with limited budget consisting most likely of one crate of beer, managed to achieve something that triple A studios like Bioware or CDPR couldn't. They created a true role playing experience in which we can become one of many people and live their lives all we need is a little imagination.
    Not to mention that famous Christopher G. himself makes a cameo appearance.
    This masterpiece is one of the finest examples that games can become art.
    10/10 GOTY
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A Psychological Tour de France.

    A long time ago I was a more optimistic view of the medium of video games. I used to believe that games were the next great art medium and that we were all beautiful children of God that were about experience a new golden age of art and entertainment. The past five or six years of scummy business practices and political polarization within games has left me jaded on the medium. Thankfully Team Sneed's breakout hit 'Cuckhold Simulator' has changed all of that. I once again have confidence that gaming can touch people the same way books, movies, and music can.

    Much like how Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair pulled back the curtain on life as a lower class city dweller during the American industrial revolution, Team Sneed gives us a disturbing and eye-opening look into the life of a F95 moderator as well as commentary on the human condition. The main character, named 'Cuckhold', is an everyman protagonist who struggles through our modern world. He is in a state of socio-sexual termoil as he fights multiple battles on multiple fronts. He epitomizes the average workers struggle under the globalist, capitalist, neo-liberal system while working for the shadowy Globalcorp. At home, he struggles to cross the ethnic and generational divides that separate him from his wife's son, Deshawn. Meanwhile, his wife's other son is lost; adrift in the world without an anchor. This is partially because the devs clearly meant for him to represent the struggles faced by generation alpha as the current social order breaks down and partially because I left the door open and forgot about him.

    The gameplay puts triple A classics like Call of Duty and Dark Souls to shame. When you open the game, the devs (in their infinite humility) apologize for the long wait times and claim that they aren't good at optimization. Personally, I think the real problem is that chip manufacturers were unprepared for this Team Sneed's revolutionary software and will just have to make their next generation of GPUs and CPUs with it in mind. Anyways, once the game is loaded, you will find a complete lack of ludo-narrative dissonance. In fact, I will say this is a great example of ludo-narrative agreement. The gameplay serves as a metaphor for Cuckhold's struggle to live in modern society, just as I struggle to move his character around without hitting every wall in the map.

    One final word about the sound design. The developers have embraced an experimental sound design philosophy that involves all of the sound sometimes going to one ear of your headphones. Personally, I find it to be extremely immersive and greatly beneficial to the experience.

    Final Score:

    Game of the Decade
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Legendary writing.
    The Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSrbWDnEuI4
    Bought it on steam to support TEAM SNEED!
    Perfect game to gift to a friend!

    None. At first, I was a little bored, but as soon as my character voiced is upset over not being able to watch his wife with her bull, I knew this was the game for me.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a masterful immersive sim fully encapsulating the lived experience of a proud cuckold's open relationship while raising his wife's sons.
    A progressive game tackling adversity and topics ranging from alternative lifestyles&sexuality to positive corporate culture to police brutality in a nuanced and intelligent manner, all weaved expertly into the narrative.

    On a technical level (unironically) Cuckold simulator is almost peerless in the western Hgame market. This is a third person sandbox exploration Visual novel with 4 interactive maps to explore for quests and collectibles. The level of skill put into this alpha build is far higher than almost every game on this site. True dedication to art and unlike many pretenders cuckhold simulator could be one of the first games made in the west to the caliber of mainstream indie titles.

    It's writing and black humor follows in the footsteps of subversive classics like "Bitchbreaker" to truly hold a mirror to it's subject matter. You will feel the joys and pains of our protagonist "Cuckold" as he suffers major life events and betrayals like his wife's son DeShawn losing his prized funcopop collection and the end of build twist (0.1.0) concerning Tyrone is impossible to see coming.

    Cuckold Simulator and team SNEED also leading by example with pro consumer monetization. They are not holding this project hostage to crowdfunding but instead offering it and it's first DLC pack as an early access title. At $1.99 on steam it is well worth the buy, even their $1.00 covid-19 mask addon, to support these men and their efforts to spread cope and seethe.
    On steam it sits currently at 98% very positive and such a rating is well deserved. One of the most entertaining "Hgames" ever made.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Were to start, the breath taking renders a new standard for this site, the game a much needed extrapolation of a subsection of new age males and their sexual awakening as F95 moderators, lovers of self abasement and moderating brings tears to ones eye. So brave and stunning, I simply cannot bear waiting for further updates into the lives of those born to moderate. Literally shaking right now.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My wife's boyfriend told me this was right up my alley and it was!

    -A beautiful wife

    -I would've named the son Marcus

    Overall a pleasant experience and one that I plan on revisiting whenever my wife's boyfriend takes her out. Thank you Team Sneed!
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I give this game a low rating only because I'm angry with it.
    It is so profound, so perfect, so unfathomably spiritual and visually overwhelming that my inadequate, simple mind simply can't handle it.
    I wish I could be smart enough to enjoy this masterpiece or at least grasp some of its immense beauty, but I simply am not, and this angers me, a lot.
    So, first 1 star review! There you have it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    • Gorgeous and detailed renders setting a new bar for the industry
    • Crazy hot scenes with a smoking hot female lead
    • Brilliant and snappy dialogue that is simultaneously witty and emotionally profound
    • Realistic characters, consequences, and scenarios that are so believable you may wonder if the writer has a window into your own personal life
    • None
    Simply a 10/10 masterpiece that has a little something for everyone.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    CUCKOLD SIMULATOR has changed my life. My whole outlook on everything that exists in this world, in fact even in the entire universe. I can never look at anything I know the same way ever again. This game represents emotions most humans could never comprehend. But I can. Thanks to team SNEED I have been awakened to many things previously thought unimaginable. Thank you.