
Unity - Completed - Cum Queens [Feb12] [BanzaiProject]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Quite boring clicker, took me half hour to complete with autoclick. Basic rules, You know what to do. but there are some minigames in while, so let's try to say Dev was trying to somehow elevate gameplay.
    3d models are made spectacular, from face to vagina both girls looks very nice with good animations and jiggling physics
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Another mass production Idle-clicker, but with added extra annoying garbage.
    Looping the same 3d animations from different angles, while an improvement to your standard still image, is not a game. There is no entertainment, no adventure, and definitely no monetary value to this "project".
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is basically cookie clicker but with two hot naked chicks.

    It's really really really grindy. The money you make from the 'autoclicking' tab is useless. The real money maker is the 'click' tab, these upgrades should be the sole focus and dump of all your money. You still have to unlock every upgrade at most once to increase money per click/second.

    There are a total of 14 scenes, each with 3 different variations. For a total of 42 unique animated CGs featuring the two voluptuous ladies in various positions, using different sex toys.

    The game is only worth it if you have an AHK autoclicking script, that clicks every 0.01 second for you. Other than that, if you dont have an autoclicking script, this game is absolutely not worth your time.

    With an AHK autoclicking script clicking less than 0.01 second, I was able to get all 42 CGs in less than 30 minutes.