VN - Ren'Py - Cumona Beach [v0.9] [Dunderdeuce]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Although I generally appreciate stories that slowly develop their characters and plots with many provocations, the execution in this game leaves much to be desired. The writing suffers from poor grammar, and the characters are recurring clichés, such as the annoying sister and the cruel father—who, at least, is alive—but neglects the desperate mother's needs. As for the mother, the scenes involving lollipops or ice creams seemed strange to me.

    The game consists of an extensive sequence of long dialogues and shows a lack of significant action, limited to "sticks and breasts" that do not contribute to the plot. The audio seems nonexistent, and the overall pace of the game is confusing and predictable, making the experience monotonous.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense


    - Normal looking woman
    - Doesn't try to do too much
    - Constantly improving
    - Likable characters
    - Top notch teasing content


    - Story doesn't really have anything going outside of the Fred scandal
    - Dialogue was rough early on

    This game grew on me because I thought it was going to be bland and eventually abandoned but I enjoy this. The interaction between Emma and the MC was very entertaining, I loved the teasing aspects especially the sexy time.

    The grammar has gotten better as the game progressed. Frida and Emma are my favorites but Molly is the most realistic looking milf I've seen in a while. She's sexy but not overly...enhanced. This game deserves more attention and support.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely loved it! Eagerly anticipating more content. Hoping for thrilling adventures featuring Molly, Erica, and Nicole. Frankly, I could do without more of Cristina. Keep up the great work! Can't wait!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    [Review of 0.9]
    The pacing is all over the place, the plot is boring, the characters are all cookie-cutter stereotypes that have been done a million times, the grammar is bad and the writing is much the same.

    The renders are nice and the characters are all attractive, but the game is just so boring and predictable that I don't feel it's worth the time investment.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    (Version 0.9 review)

    I found this to be pretty darn good. The graphics are solid, and the plot had some really strong tension building moments. It isn't a story where the MC gets to bone everyone right off the bat. Some of the people he has to tease and tempt. While others will get down to sex quickly.

    Plus, the female bodies are a nice, diverse makeup. Mostly average or smaller busted, some slim hipped, some not. That broad range of bodies is a refreshing change from most games that are all big tits and hips/ass all the time.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The potential here is vast because it has the foundation to be a great game. The girls have varied personalities and it's got some good kinky stuff to go with them. Graphically, the game isn't that good or that bad its pretty average, but the writing I thought was done pretty well. It wasn't really cringy or overbearing and it was decent. The biggest negative for me I think was despite how long the game is currently, theres not much sex stuff. If I could describe it in a few words I think the best way would be endless edging. It teases you, brings you right to the edge of delivering the goods but then stops. I think this is a game worth following if you like the rather cliche setting but with a really good foundation.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Personally I actually like slow burns and lots of teasing and character building, however not when it's written and done like this.

    Bad grammar aside, It's pretty clear early on that the writer is not native English speaking. It's things like saying "nice to meet you" to people you already know or calling bed linen "bedclothes".

    The characters themselves are the usual bitchy Sister, the mean Dad that doesn't give the increasingly desperate Mother what she needs etc etc. You get it.

    Character models are OK, a little generic but nice proportions.
    One side note is the Mother looks like a teen that's had the age slider turned up lol.

    The teasing and slow burn aspect of the game is good in parts but truly bizarre in others. e.g. you and your Mother having these weird secret ice-lolly sucking sessions is one of the strangest things i've seen in an adult game haha.

    The actual lewd scenes are pretty good.

    Overall I'd really give it a 2.5 if I could.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    i like this VN very much, the writing is ok, and the renders look quite amazing at times. It has a lot of teasing, and some of the tease scenes are quite good. It starts out pretty slow, but its focus on relationship build up for every character makes it worth it every time something exciting happen, so i see great potential in the game and i cant wait to see more.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Review Written for v0.7 part 1

    Good game, I really wish the updates would come faster / have more content.

    I'd normally say this is a story heavy game, but it isn't so much as the story, but rather the character development that's the focus. We're on v0.7 part 1 and there are still extremely few sexual content, so if you're looking for some quick hot scenes, look the other way, this one is a slow burner. At first I thought it would be the opposite, given how oblivious the character Molly was, and how overly sexual she was whitout even realizing it. It was kind of a turn off to be honest, but it changed as the chapters flew by, and there hasn't been such scenes since then, which is a good change imo.

    So far, the graphics are okay, the more sexy angles and scenes being the highest quality, while the story seems to be on lower quality renders, which is completely fair.

    There are many girls in the game, with different personallities, so everyone can be pleased for sure.

    The backstory is just average, or maybe a bit above average if you consider how the average with this genre is usually pretty trash. But it makes up for it with nice character personnalities and character development.

    All in all, a good game that doesn't have fast enough updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I want to give a big score in rendering.

    This dev expresses the physical characteristics of each character well, and it is detailed, and the body he describes is a realistic body based on reality but also expresses eroticism well.

    It also expresses the skin and feet well in detail.

    And I like the basic character design.
    Diversity and non-exaggerated body expressions prove that he has good rendering and sophisticated eyes.

    However, I cannot evaluate the grammatical part because I am not a native speaker.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I really do not understand how and why do people rate this visiual novel with five starts? First of all, this is more a series of endless dialogue screens than a game. If I call this a game, than then other devs would have the right to sue me for insulting the genre.

    The story is so boring that after a while, I just kept skipping. Yet, without reading any script, you can still get the idea because there's nothing innovative with it. The same, classic events with lots of scripts.

    For half an hour, nothing happens except for seeing dicks. Yea, this game, currently, has nothing but dicks and a few boobs, which are so unrelated.

    The graphics and models are outdated and all they do is talking. Mindlessly talking. Scripts... Scripts.

    I've no idea if this game has audio. I didn't bother to turn the volume on.

    tl;dr: I regret my time playing this.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to admit, Mid-Chapter 1 I already was thinking about quitting this game because I totally disliked the writing style. Interestingly enough this changed over the chapters - maybe new Writer?

    I'm glad I didn't quit because I very much liked the story and the evolution of the characters. It didn't feel forced and natural.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of V0.5

    I like it. The characters have their flaws and make you want to slap them but that's what's good about it IMO, they aren't copy-paste from every other game out there. It's not "Mr Irrestible MC" with every LI jumping on his dick as soon as they meet him.
    It might be too slow paced for some but I think it's just right as it doesn't drown you in a wall of meaningless and repetitive stuff. But it sure isn't a game for a quick fap.
    Speaking of, nothing has been forced so far so that's also a bonus for me. Although the classic mommy love is pushed the most as most games. Not a big milf fan myself but the mom in this game is good looking, just the right amount of subtle wrinkles to make her look like she's your mom and not some forever 20 looking perfect face.

    Overall, definitely worth taking the time to try it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising Visual Novel! Nice and clean smooth renders, good looking models without monster hips and boobs. Slow pacing with incest relationship and very hot mom's habit that will make her easy to do some stuff in future ^_^
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Here we go again with another passive guy for a MC.

    So lets jump right in there.
    First off the writing needs a bit of help. Proof reading is your friend. If it doesn't sound good to you, then usually it isn't right.
    Second: The MC needs to turn Emma across his knee and smack the redness on her bottom.
    Third: The renders are pretty decent. No error screens, or missing images. That is a huge plus

    Some writing tweaks here and there and that would make the reading more enjoyable.
    Give us options to actually allow the MC to not be a door mat to every one.
    Hopefully things will improve as the updates continue.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Every character is frustrating as fuck! I hope that's on purpose and something's coming. Soon. I can't handle all this passiveness. Almost everybody is a massive asshole, and MC is a massive pussy. It has potential, if only something ANYTHING would happen.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game! Good natural graphics/models. What i would like to see though is more daring/naughty MC. When massage happen he should slip some hands under the towl, just little :)...and things like that. Keep going! 4.5/5 as of v0.4
    Almost forgot. Another thing i don't like is the dark filter. It should be a little brighter.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    it''s good game with good story and characters pretty .
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191783

    This game is great! Its rare for me to actually read through every line of a game but this one really got me. The milf is super seductive and all the other characters are very good to. I really hope this game takes off and that it never stops getting updates.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to give this game 2 stars because some of the story (a lot really) TRULY PISSED ME OFF! But I played to the end of v0.3 and despite the interactions with the asshole and bitch antagonists, I still liked the story and will DL the next updates to see how it continues. So if you don't mind a game where you scream at the MC to DO <something>, this is a good game. Enjoy.