Unity - Cumrooms [v0.7.0 Halloween] [Moon Loom Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    0.7.0 Halloween build review

    Lets start with the basic things and maybe proper tutorial in this review

    Movement : I like the movement mechanic but watching how character sliding when looking down is funny

    The "Anomalies" : Kinda fitting in but for full experience play on "Medium" Difficulty because game way too easy on "Easy" Difficulty

    H-Scene's : Worth like 3-7 mins of all scenes, nothing special

    Customization : Absolute cinema for adding that and having full control on what you prefer

    PC UI: When had first experience in game didn't know until you need to approach your office and click on laptop, and i like the UI very much

    Items/Upgrades : Fair and kinda not. You need to grind for money to at least get 100% of perma buffs (Custom game can solve that)

    Tutorial : It doesn't show you inventory so good luck figuring out how inventory works (Open pc = Web browser = Liquid corp = Equip = and then remember on which slot you have your item "Just press 1-2-3-4")

    An actual proper tutorial on review : If you stuck asking (How i get upgrades/horny upgrades = Web Browser = Naughty Nook = Scroll down) you can also buy items from there

    What i think : Good enough to play it for like 60-120 mins, but you wont like the grind. 4/5
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a solid 2.5, but since that's not valid, I'm rounding down to 2/5 due to its focus on wasting your time.

    First, the porn. This content consists of 7 total 2-second looping animations, 5 for Kar and 2 for Mal0. They can only be accessed by using a consumable horny spray item on them in close range during a run, and doing so ends the run.

    As for the gameplay loop, it's basically a refined prototype. You'll spend your time running around in a grid of randomly placed rooms, searching for randomly placed puzzle features to unlock the exit. If you get caught by the monster girl she \ends your run.

    There is a currency system that lets you unlock upgrades like "better stamina" , "item to cut trip wires", or "completed runs give you +$20", but nothing fundamentally changes the game. You gain currency when you successfully complete a run, or when you find random boxes containing $1-5. Easy runs give $35-45, medium gives $50-80, and hard gives $90-130.

    That's it. There's nothing else. The longevity of the game exists only because the sex scenes themselves are gated behind currency.

    In addition to requiring consumable items, certain animations can only be unlocked with a high enough "horny level". This can be done either by applying multiple horny spray items, each costing $40, or purchasing upgrade tiers for the spray to use less spray items, with each tier costing, $50, $60, and then $70.

    However, if you want to get any amount of money consistently, you're incentivised to spend money in the core gameplay upgrades first.

    If you're here for the porn, you should skip this game and just look up animations on rule34 or something. The scenes are not integrated into the actual gameplay in any way, and exist only as a money sink to waste your time.

    If you're here for the game, doesn't hurt to try it out. There isn't much to do besides running the same looping rat maze over and over, and no progression beyond the simple currency upgrade progression, but it does have two distinct map environments to waste time in.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Squishy ladies enjoyer

    [v0.5.1] [thanks to CLucky4U with a massive fucking cock, for providing us with this version]
    I'm gonna write about new additions and new problems, 'cause previous review is already explaining the base of the game.

    - New lvl - "sublimity". My fav lvl thou. I like that it have a decent height of water, not too little, not too much. I like to look at objects in rubber ducklings. Yes there is not much of a use of a flashlight, but despite all light, it still have darker areas.
    - 2 traps. Yes they are a sort of a too primitive, but they are spicing gameplay a little. Bear trap always makes me jump when I accendently stepping on it. A tripwire with an alarm is easy enough to notice, but at a hard level, you still can trip on it if you not careful enough.
    - Customization feature. I like it, it even have a belly slider. And finally, a proper pp for Kar, also if you not in futa, in main menu -> settings, you can turn of such fetishes.
    - New char Mal0. For now, she is just a reskin of Kar. But in the future, devs will change that [not my char in terms of preferences].
    - New items. Now if you feel like the gameplay is too easy even on hard difficulty:
    1) Phone- will ring every 30 seconds triggering entity, and I assume it might do it faster the more items in your inventory.
    2) F-class Battery - when you turning on flashlight the battery have a chance to fully discharge and it won't gonna be able to turn on until it's fully charged[charge regenerates passively].
    - New item & intractable to aid:
    3) Wire cutters- if for some reason you think that the tripwire is not defusing quickly enough.
    4) Boxes - there was a presents in v0.4 that gave a bit of money. Now it's a boxes with brand that seems familiar for some reason:unsure:

    - Devs should add two sfx of steps in new lvl, there is one place that is not fully filled with water, and that place is quite big.
    - Incorrect shadows. There wasn't been any issue with that in previous version. But now, oftenly: items, barricades, interactables and even entities displayed black in spots were light is on. Mostly it is on first lvl. Second one seems fine thou.
    - If you finished lvl or got your balls crashed, you will be need to rejoin in your office menu or otherwise your equipped items won't gonna be with you, and they also not appearing in your inventory after buying them until you restart from main menu, atleast it not requires to fully restart the game.
    - Yes, there is still this mechanic with horny sprays to get scenes. But I think devs can understand that, and will change or make smth with that at some point.

    It's actually my first review in that style rather than just sharing my opinion mostly. Hope it will help. The game, even in that state deserve more than 3 stars.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Small backrooms h-game, not best, not worst.

    -Story, Originality
    You are stuck in a big room with doorframes/passages and some random props.
    Oh, and big booba+ass(+dick) monster searches for you.

    Good, 3D model and okayish environment.

    Basic sound effects nothing super unique.

    You can run around the room and search for 1-2 items to escape, or choose harder difficulty and do puzzles and break barricades with crowbar...

    Played both difficulties, but they are too repetitive and there is nothing except these small tasks to do.

    You can play it for 30 minutes and see all the gameplay (Or grind money for 1-2 hours like crazy to buy sexy skin, consumables and skills(?)... I hate grinding)

    Runs okay.

    Didn't see any.

    Its okay.

    -Voice Acting
    Didn't hear voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    30 minutes of gameplay.
    1-3 hours of grind.
    5 minutes of h-content. (I think there were 1-3 scenes/animations)

    It has some potential to be a small funky h-game, but nothing overly cool or memorable...
    Hopefully I'm wrong and it becomes more interesting.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Al Gore

    The gameplay is surprisingly good, but the biggest thing dragging this game down is that you don't actually get a sex scene when you get caught, which is strange considering what you're getting chased by. Instead you have to grind for "horny spray" items and upgrades to see any sex scenes, and your money is wasted in the process.

    The scenes aren't great for the effort involved either. This game will fall firmly into the "too much game, too little porn" camp until getting caught has sex scenes and horny spray is made cheaper.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    i'll be honest, i like this game. it's short, it's sweet, it's replayable. sure, there are issues, but the game isn't even at v1.0 yet. they'll probably get ironed out with time. if you like the free updates that come out, feel free to send the devs some cash. they deserve it. i would do it myself but i don't have any. and i'm still looking for a job...
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a giant pussy when it comes to horror games, but, the butt pulled me in.

    Gameplay: Spooky, but manageable. Not very interesting gameplay and you'll quickly realize there's no point doing harder difficulties when you can speedrun the easiest difficulty.

    The porn: Weak, gave me a chub but I couldn't jerk it out. The model is nice and certainly unique among the games I've played, but the actual sex scenes just aren't very good.

    I only give this game 2 stars instead of 1 because atleast it had enough... Lets call it "intrigue" to keep me going. Meaning I wanted to see the anal scene and the blowjob scene. Anal cuz hot. Blowjob cuz how tf will it look with all them teeth. Both were pretty dissapointing.
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    First i'm gonna say the good things about this game, it's actually a bit scary and you can use money to make your job at escaping easier. Nice controls and graphics, 7/10 animations. The concept is interesting.

    Now, for the ugly, the gameplay loop just doesn't work. The game consist in entering the cumrooms and escape to get money, with the money you buy upgrades and your main weapon the "horny spray". You get to see the scenes with the horny spray and you can unlock new ones by increasing the horny level.

    To get enough money for a horny spray you need to scape 1-2 times in the easiest difficulty, then you enter again and use your horny spray to see one scene, then you go to the menu without receiving any money for fucking the monster... The best way to play this is to grind for enough money to unlock all the scenes and buy a lot of horny sprays, not that fun and rewarding really.

    TL;DR another game where it's best to skip the gameplay just to see the gallery (there's no gallery for now).
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Comparing to the 'original' Backroom games this game is way too dark, in terms of lightning, as of the 0.3.1 version, which is a major issue.

    Like, In 'original' there are two types of rooms, lighted and dark. A lighted room is, well, lighted. Its possible to see walls of entire room and whats there in there from the nearby room. Dark room is dark, obvious from the name.

    Here a 'lighted' room is a room with a single light bulb that unable to properly lit even ground below bulb. Game provides player with flashlight but it so crappy that even with it turned on player should squish face directly into an object to figure out what he looking at.
    This means that instead of a 'is this room have something -> look around a room -> nope, moving on' player is forced to tediously walk around a badly lit room to find out is it have something or no, which is a huge turn off from entertainment point. And walking around a dark room is not funny.

    Core gameplay is a usual backroom games thing, find randomly spawned shit and apply it to other randomly spawned shit to progress while trying to avoid monster, nothing new. With aforementioned 'darkness' it turns from somewhat entertaining exploration into irritating slog really quick.

    Sex scenes is okay-ish. To unlock/see them it player should spray monster with a 'horny' spray when it tries to catch him. Otherwise, without horny spray, monster just kills player by breaking his...neck. It didnt shows directly, since game always stays in first person mode, it just feels like it. Player thrown on the ground -> monster kick player directly below camera -> characteristic dry crack -> you died, try again.

    Also, it feels like players camera field of view is set to 70 or something degrees. In other words game feels....wrong. Like its a port from old console to PC, if you know what I mean. Probably its just me, since Im using non standard 16:9 monitor.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.3.1

    I think I have some kind of fetish for niche lewd games like this that break away from the common visual novel mold. Whether it's metroidvanias, roguelikes, Doom-esque shooters, or now in this case a backrooms lewd horror game. I love shit like this.

    More than anything, it's an actual game. Not another animation gallery or broken tech demo walking sim, but a real, functional game fit with gameplay and mechanics that actually work.

    The loop is relatively simple. You spawn in and have to escape via finding a ladder randomly spawned around the map and then bringing that to a hatch that has also randomly spawned somewhere. All while a thick ass monster is hunting you down. If you escape, you get money that's used to buy upgrades and items for the next run. There's even difficulty levels that throw in twists such as barricades, puzzles, and more dark rooms. Nice.

    Lewd scenes don't come from you forcing yourself to get caught by the monster, which is great imo. Instead, you spray her with "horny spray" that stuns her and allows you to initiate a lewd scene. Lewd scenes are tied to "horny level" which you can increase from upgrades or spraying the horny spray. Admittedly not the best sex animations I've seen in Unity games, but they aren't awful.

    Honestly the hardest part is just finding where the randomly generated shit spawns. The monster AI is very easy to avoid once you figure out how it works. You essentially just turn a corner and you're in the clear.

    Obviously the game is early and has a lot of room for expansion and improvement, but what's here is already more functional than some Unreal/Unity games that have been on the site for years. Probably not a game you'll really get your rocks off to as of now, but it's a fun time killer if you want to play something different. I imagine it only improves from here.