Note: The following code is fully, 100% functional and does exactly what I want, and everything I want. It works. I'm just curious about ways it could be re-written to be "better". When I write code, I tend to hack things together until they work. I'll note - I fully understand HOW it works, and what it's doing, but it's usually a "learn as I go along and do it, and run into problems, figure out why I'm having them and how to fix it". Which basically means I know what I know, but I don't know what I don't know.
The code is for my phone/text messaging system. I'll post it in snippets, since it's spread out amongst multiple files all over the place.
First: The very basic python code behind most of it.
Next, there's 3 seperate types of variable declarations. First assigns a variable, the next three are dictionaries referenced later on, and the last is just a list.
The next 3 are various screens that are used. The first is the contact list (shows all the contacts as buttons, which opens up a the second screen). The second screen is the actual text msgs, and the 3rd is the screen to select responses. Anything that is displayed as "new_idle", etc - it's just seperate buttons I have for a visual indication when there's new messages available.
contacts screen:
The 2nd screen is the actual messaging window that displays the texts: Notes - "extra" in the "not re.findall" section is to exclude certain images I want inline and not separate. images that are separated are simply a button that opens up a larger version of the image. I need background None there because default buttons (via gui styles) have a background. I have more buttons I *want* the background on than ones I don't, so it's easier to do it that way, than try and apply to all the ones I want it on. Finally for this, the on show action simply exists to prevent the message from endlessly looping - that's the same reason the "close this window" buttons are disabled while the label is active.
The 3rd screen is just a response screen that gets called a lot:
Finally, there's the "Actually using it" bit. First, when I want the msgs to be enabled I have something like this:
(I could have defaulted "Jasmine" in the initial list in this instance, since it's the first time text msgs are being used in the game. I didn't because when I wrote that I was testing to make sure it worked properly, then just left it). When I want the msgs to be disabled, (Example, you passed that point in the game, and never checked it) I'll just reset the variables to 0 and False.
Finally, a snippet of the label where everything works. (I'll only give a partial bit, since it's fairly long):
at the end of the label I do two things: I reset all the variables, so you can't loop through the msgs sequence again, and I run a small while loop to check if there are any more new texts. (The main phone screen not pictured here, has a notification for when you have new text msgs, that loop just checks if it should be turned off or kept on if you still have more you haven't checked).
Note: A big part of the reason for calling the "Response" screen even when there's only one available response, is simply to give the player a chance to read whatever is there, and CTC. I could easily just "add" the text and not bother with the screen call, but from a gameplay standpoint I didn't like that option as much.
All in all, the entire thing works exactly the way I want. I also tested it against everything I have planned for the future, and it worked correctly, so no issues later on either. Functionally, there is absolutely no reason to change a single thing. I'm just curious how this code could be re-written to be functionally identical, but "better" - because like I said to start, I don't know what I don't know.
One last note - if you look through the code and see things that don't look like they do anything at all, they probably don't. When I wrote this, it went through a few iterations, and I didn't fully cleanup the code once I settled on a working model. As I was pasting it I noticed at least one that I left behind and never got rid of, even though it does absolutely nothing - there's probably a couple of those I should clean up at some point.
The code is for my phone/text messaging system. I'll post it in snippets, since it's spread out amongst multiple files all over the place.
First: The very basic python code behind most of it.
init python:
import re
class phoneMessage:
def __init__(self,name,message): = name
self.message = message
class phoneLog:
def __init__(self):
self.history = []
def addmessage(self,name,message):
def delphone(self):
self.history = []
default Jasmine_msg = phoneLog()
default Jack_msg = phoneLog()
default Paisley_msg = phoneLog()
default Henry_msg = phoneLog()
default Samantha_msg = phoneLog()
default Marie_msg = phoneLog()
default chatstate = {'Jack':0,'Samantha':0,'Henry':0,'Jasmine':0,'Paisley':0,'Marie':0}
default newtext={'Jasmine':False,'Jack':False,'Paisley':False,'Henry':False,'Samantha':False,'Marie':False}
default msghistory ={'Jack':Jack_msg.history,'Samantha':Samantha_msg.history,'Henry':Henry_msg.history,'Jasmine':Jasmine_msg.history,'Paisley':Paisley_msg.history,'Marie':Marie_msg.history}
default contact_list=["Jack","Samantha","Henry","Marie"]
contacts screen:
screen contacts():
modal True
add "phonecontacts" pos 800,150
add "cdiv" pos 812,320
text "Contacts" pos 905,265 style "contacts"
idle "powerb"
tooltip "Power"
pos 971,809
action Hide("contacts"),Show("phone")
idle "back"
tooltip "Back"
pos 870,809
action Hide("contacts"),Show("bigphone")
mousewheel True
draggable True
cols 2
spacing 20
xpos 825
ypos 330
xsize 0.21
ysize 0.42
for i in contact_list:
$tmp1 = i.lower() + "msg"
$tmp2 = i + "chat" + str(chatstate[i])
if newtext[i]:
idle "contact_" + i.lower() + "new_idle"
hover "contact_" + i.lower() + "new_hover"
idle "contact_" + i.lower() + "_idle"
hover "contact_" + i.lower() + "_hover"
action Show('textmsgs',name=i,chatnum=tmp2), Hide("contacts")
if i == "Jack":
textbutton "Dad":
yalign 0.8
background None
action Show('textmsgs',name=i,chatnum=tmp2), Hide("contacts")
elif i == "Samantha":
textbutton "Mom" yalign 0.8 background None action Show('textmsgs',name=i,chatnum=tmp2), Hide("contacts")
textbutton i yalign 0.8 background None action Show('textmsgs',name=i,chatnum=tmp2), Hide("contacts")
The 2nd screen is the actual messaging window that displays the texts: Notes - "extra" in the "not re.findall" section is to exclude certain images I want inline and not separate. images that are separated are simply a button that opens up a larger version of the image. I need background None there because default buttons (via gui styles) have a background. I have more buttons I *want* the background on than ones I don't, so it's easier to do it that way, than try and apply to all the ones I want it on. Finally for this, the on show action simply exists to prevent the message from endlessly looping - that's the same reason the "close this window" buttons are disabled while the label is active.
screen textmsgs(name,chatnum):
$chatname = msghistory[name]
on "show":
if newtext[name]:
action SetDict(chatstate,name,0),SetDict(newtext,name,False), Call(chatnum)
action NullAction()
default yadj = ui.adjustment()
if yadj.value == yadj.range:
yadj.value = float('inf')
modal True
add "phonechat" pos 800,150
add "cdiv" pos 812,320
add "contact_" + name.lower() + "_idle" pos 955,250
if current_label == chatnum:
imagebutton idle "powerb" pos 971,809 action NullAction()
imagebutton idle "back" pos 870,809 action NullAction()
elif freeroam:
imagebutton idle "powerb" pos 971,809 tooltip "Power" action Hide("textmsgs"), Show("phone"), Jump(freeroamlabel)
imagebutton idle "back" pos 870,809 tooltip "Back" action Hide("textmsgs"), Show("contacts"), Jump(freeroamlabel)
imagebutton idle "powerb" pos 971,809 tooltip "Power" action Hide("textmsgs"), Show("phone")
imagebutton idle "back" pos 870,809 tooltip "Back" action Hide("textmsgs"), Show("contacts")
vpgrid yadjustment yadj:
style_prefix "msgs"
ypos 0.31
xoffset 0
yoffset 1
ysize 0.43
xsize 0.21
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
xfill True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0.513
yinitial 1.0
spacing 5
xalign 0.0 yalign 0.05
xsize 260
for i in chatname:
if == "MC":
if re.findall(r'jpg|png', i.message, re.I) and not re.findall(r'extra', i.message, re.I):
xalign 0.75
background Frame(i.message,240,135)
button background None action Show('imagescrn4', img=i.message)
xsize 360
background Frame("yc",10,10)
xmaximum 280
xalign 1.0
xoffset 0
text i.message style "textmsg"
if re.findall(r'jpg|png', i.message, re.I) and not re.findall(r'extra', i.message, re.I):
xalign 0.0
xmaximum 250
ymaximum 250
xoffset 53
background Frame(i.message)
button background None action Show('imagescrn4', img=i.message)
elif re.findall(r'extra', i.message, re.I):
xalign 0.0
background Frame("tc",10,10)
xmaximum 250
xoffset 39
text i.message style "themmsg"
xalign 0.0
background Frame("tc",10,10)
xmaximum 250
#xoffset 53
xanchor -0.17
text i.message style "themmsg"
$tooltip = GetTooltip()
if tooltip:
focus "tooltip"
prefer_top False
background None
xalign 0.5
text tooltip size 24
The 3rd screen is just a response screen that gets called a lot:
screen msg_choice(choice1,choice2=False,choice3=False):
xpos 1180
yalign 0.7
spacing 5
if choice1:
xmaximum 320
background Frame("yc",10,10)
textbutton "[choice1]" text_style "textmsgchoice" background None action Return(choice1)
if choice2:
xmaximum 320
background Frame("yc",10,10)
textbutton "[choice2]" text_style "textmsgchoice" background None action Return(choice2)
if choice3:
xmaximum 320
background Frame("yc",10,10)
textbutton "[choice3]" text_style "textmsgchoice" background None action Return(choice3)
$chatstate['Jasmine'] = 1
$newtext['Jasmine'] = True
$newtextmsg = True
Finally, a snippet of the label where everything works. (I'll only give a partial bit, since it's fairly long):
label Jasminechat1:
call screen msg_choice("You actually got a picture? LOL!")
if _return:
$reply = _return
$Jasmine_msg.addmessage("Jasmine","I had to. I wonder if anyone ever told her.")
call screen msg_choice("I saw her later and it was gone, so....")
if _return:
$reply = _return
$Jasmine_msg.addmessage("Jasmine","Later {image=images/phone/extra/blood.png}")
call screen msg_choice("Is... is that a threat?")
Note: A big part of the reason for calling the "Response" screen even when there's only one available response, is simply to give the player a chance to read whatever is there, and CTC. I could easily just "add" the text and not bother with the screen call, but from a gameplay standpoint I didn't like that option as much.
All in all, the entire thing works exactly the way I want. I also tested it against everything I have planned for the future, and it worked correctly, so no issues later on either. Functionally, there is absolutely no reason to change a single thing. I'm just curious how this code could be re-written to be functionally identical, but "better" - because like I said to start, I don't know what I don't know.
One last note - if you look through the code and see things that don't look like they do anything at all, they probably don't. When I wrote this, it went through a few iterations, and I didn't fully cleanup the code once I settled on a working model. As I was pasting it I noticed at least one that I left behind and never got rid of, even though it does absolutely nothing - there's probably a couple of those I should clean up at some point.