Feeling like I hit a bit of a progress rut. Basically, I think I took on the 2 bandits and the guild traitor too early by cheesing the stun effect of extracting their seed and attacking when they're immobile, but by the time I finally got KO'd by the traitor's scripted move around his 1k HP mark, I was down to like 2.5k SP. Now I'm stuck with the mercs and the wolf quest is beyond me solo, while I kinda don't feel like gathering forever to build rep. Is there some easy way to regen SP that I'm missing or did I mess up by finishing the well quest too soon? Assuming the armor loss wasn't story forced, either.
In terms of combat, I can AoE the the top floor parasites or bees in the forest down in a couple turns, but that obviously does nothing to regen SP and even reduces it due to the -5 penalty per battle. Letting gold slimes bang me doesn't feel very productive, either, and incredibly slow at 5 per use and then the incidental absorption.