Ren'Py - Completed - Curvy Cougars Street [v1.8 Public] [CHAIXAS-GAMES]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Curvy Cougar Street [Final]

    Just finished this behemoth of a game and it’s definitely something to experience. If you’re a fan of curvy women of all ages and shapes, this is probably a must play. Packed with a couple dozen intimate scenes, you’re bound to find something you will like. The thing is - you have to look through a lot of content to get there. This is more Curvy Cougar Town than anything else.

    Curvy Cougar is a continuation of ‘My Secret Fever’, a game where you eventually end up in a situationship with your mother. You flee for a new life together and at the start of the game, you get to live out that fantasy. Your sisters - who you are in different situationships with - fly along every now and then as you find your way in the new town you end up in.

    While the game is filled with intimate events, the overall storytelling isn’t very strong. Characters rarely evolve after events - even though the sandbox is locked off - and by the end, the MC is just as much a dork who gets women thrown at him as he was in My Secret Fever. In fact, this game takes it into the extreme as more family members join the ‘fun’ while the MC doesn’t ask or corrupt anyone. It’s basically “Your package is big and I want some”.

    The game often jumps directly into intimate acts after three lines of dialog, disabling the chance to build connections with characters. You end up with a map of a double dozen amount of women you can fuck, but won’t know much about them except that they want to see you more often. It makes many encounters forgettable and time-consuming.

    Good thing there is a main story - which sadly really never gets fully resolved. You won’t feel the climax of solving the story, it simply settles with settling the issues over money and some sex. Which ironically are the two things this game cares about most.

    Novel thing is that characters from earlier games interject themselves into the main story. It’s very fun until they hijack the story and side characters dictate what will happen. There are a few surprises here, but overall the MC and his mother are subject to whatever happens to them this week to eventually go back to their mundane lives.

    While you meet and have fun with over 40+ women, very few are actually noteworthy and iconic. I couldn’t tell Dolly from Aude or Rose from Claudia apart from their looks - which means they are equally unimpressive. In the end, the story of Curvy Cougar street is enough. It’s not great and the dialog at times is still a bit dodgy - but it works for the illusion.

    If anything, this game does feel like a full town of curvy cougars hunting you. You’ll see many interiors of houses, businesses, sometimes warehouses - there is a lot of attention to bringing the MC into different places or situations. Maybe even a bit too much. The same can be said for women in the game, maybe the choice is too much for comfort.

    Models look believable most of the time, but I’ll guesstimate about 60% of women are overweight older women who aren’t up to today’s beauty standards. If that’s your demographic, this game will blow you away. If you like cute big women, you have about 15% of content to enjoy. If you don’t enjoy a bigger woman, you skip this at all costs.

    Outfits are good, but some are recycled from earlier games and even recycled among women. That kind of makes sense in a town with one clothing store and 40+ big women, but since there’s so much emphasis on the visuals it takes away from the magic. Often outfits are just porn outfits and not related to a woman’s personality. It’s a missed opportunity.

    This is a sandbox game where the sandbox doesn’t fully shine. The format works for showing you how huge the town and the amount of content is. But often times, you’ll be skipping days to get to a certain point where a new story bit happens - and each story bit happens one after another to ensure continuity. Since choices don’t really matter, this might have worked better as a visual novel - where all the time building the sandbox could have gone into enriching the story.

    Menu and UI are a bit clunky where you click on the minimap to go to a part of town, but eventually you can get the hang of it. Word of advice - don’t stray from the story path, offer intimate moments only when absolutely necessary and focus on the task at hand. Playing around in the sandbox gives you nothing other than recycled content, a few surprises aside.

    Gameplay consists of daily tasks until new story bits unlock. It can get really tedious when an event is 5+ days away and sadly, it happened at least three times in my playthrough. If such a moment is followed by an uninteresting story bit, the game can start to feel like a chore. Good thing there’s more than enough content to enjoy if you’re willing to grind through the days.

    Curvy Cougar Street was an enjoyable experience, even though it has serious flaws. There is too much filler content, the story doesn’t conclude in a natural way, there is little character development and the rush to intimate moments feels forced. Playing the earlier games from Chaixas helps in seeing the bigger story, so I would recommend doing that if possible.

    If you are able to sustain the grind and treat this as episodic content that are separate stories with a small overarching story, you will have fun playing this. Just make sure you love looking at big, older women.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The positive:
    * Loads of content
    * Good characters
    * Interesting setting
    The negative:
    * Pretty bad writing
    * Rpetitive sex scenes
    All in all, very enjoyable game. Definitely recommend for any BBW fans.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't think I've reviewed any of the Chaixas games I've played. This is the 2nd or maybe 3rd. I also highly doubt they'll see a lonely review and reformulate anything on existing games they've created. Still, I have to express some frustration here...

    The fact that this dev/studio is almost the sole entity on F95 with an exclusive favoring of voluptuous/chubby/BBW fetishes, puts undue pressure on them to satisfy from virtually every angle. Be that as it may, since other devs don't seem to be all too interested in creating stories with models of similar build, and the fact that F95 STILL doesn't have such a tag anyway...the pressure remains.

    I'm not sure of the image resolution, whether it's limited to 1080p or scales up to 4k, but a lot of objects and images themselves are grainy as fuck. This shouldn't be the case; IMO all VNs should be rendered in 4k with an FHD option if users want a smaller package or don't have a 4k display for some reason.

    The Good:
    • The models. This is why anyone plays Chaixas games to begin with. It satisfies a niche that I suspect has a large group of interested and active VN enthusiasts, and I wish there were more devs making games centered around this. Everything from the full/voluptuous faces and lips, to the huge breasts, to the large hips, the huge asses, and of course bone-crushing thighs. All of it is hot. And since this is all fantasy to begin with, I don't mind a lack of variety in a given "world" created for storytelling that is targeted to catering to the fantasy of a bunch of hot BBWs everywhere you go.

    The Bad:
    *Unfortunately, this list far exceeds the good. Both in impact and in volume*
    • The dialog is shit. I know this isn't written in English primarily, but I wish someone would overhaul every Chaixas game with common, colloquial English narratives.
    • The story is not engaging. I don't have vivid memories of the prior games in this world/series, so I may go back and replay them to refresh my memory - but it seems to me nothing stood out as particularly gripping/compelling. The story isn't what keeps you coming back for more.
    • While the models, in concept, are the reason myself and many others pick these up and start playing, they're pretty lacking in finer details/textures. I wish the dev/studio would go look at the top 10 3DCG devs' VNs and appreciate the level of detail in the renders; lighting, textures, etc. I realize this is time-consuming, but it makes for a far more immersive experience.
    • For the love of fuck, make the games easier to navigate! I remembered this was one of the biggest reasons I didn't finish prior efforts.
      • You can change the time of day, but there's no map and no real guide or walkthrough.
      • It's annoying as fuck to click and open doors (which can only be done by the handle itself and not the entire door, even more frustrating), go inside only to find nothing and no one to interact with, then repeat the process until you finally find an actionable item.
      • This is easily one of the most lazily-implemented "free roam" elements I've ever encountered in a VN. Yes, there are worse ones, but the graphics are shit and there's zero imagination to it. Dev would be much better off removing the free-roam feature from all of their games, and just present the player with choices as they navigate the story.
    • You can get a notification on your phone, open the phone UI, see a large "New message from XYZ" but you can't click that to open the message? Then, when you DO open the message, it' doesn't even open an actual familiar-looking SMS thread UI - it just displays the "text" on the bottom of your screen in the same place as spoken dialog. Just sloppy. Same with phone calls. The dev doesn't even include a picture of the caller.

    I find myself frustrated when I think of this studio's games, because they entice you with their description and the promise of smokin' hot BBWs, but it just falls flat. Perhaps others will get inspired by Chaixas' games, and put the time and effort into a truly compelling story universe with unparalleled BBW models who have enticing personalities and dialogues.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Frequently get to points where you have "nothing to do" according to the in game quest tracker. Can last for a few days or weeks with zero indication as to when or what happens next. An actual walkthrough would do amazing things for this game. Also, clicking near the edge of the screen sometimes teleports you back several screens and sometimes even back in time in the game forcing you to redo content. Although there is a vague quest tracker, there is no indicator as to where objects that require clicking are located or where to find some characters. Game needs some help, but can be a pleasant experience if you're lucky or more patient than a saint.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall i do enjoy this game but it has problems.

    Story: Everything happens so fast, like its rushing to the sex scene. there is barely is any interaction before its straight to sex. Everything about the story feels so forgettable due to the rushed nature of the story, most are character that will have 3 interactions then never used again, this happens to almost every character except the mayor. Im not saying that it has the be an novel but at least make the story connect in ways, especially to the main story.
    To add insult to injury this part 2 of a story but they are barely even connected. it feels like this was an attempt to create a new story and keep the main cast (which again was barely used.)
    im not sure if the dev plans on additional updates but some characters dont even reach 3 stars (one character doesn't get a single star)

    Gameplay: its a sandbox, not too bad but its very linear, which i think is the worst way to do a sandbox. if you are going to do a sandbox make sure there are overlaps task/quest, otherwise it feels like a kinetic novel with a lot more clicking, and a half assed gallery. doesn't get too confusing, as long as you know what you have to do it goes by pretty easily but a better hint system would be appreciated.

    Art and animations: this is great, the animations are pretty basic but there are multiple position/angle per scene. on a more personal note, im not the biggest BBW fan but i tend to enjoy them when the models are cute, that being said some of these girls faces look ugly (subjective option), one of them looks like john travolta in drag.
    The game needs a better gallery to accommodate the one time scenes.

    Final thoughts: there are not many BBW game and most are not successful, this game is pretty good but if measured at the same standard as most games on this site it would be trashed even more. its a niche and its different then most of the games here so it attracts people and unfortunately it doesn't entirely stand on its own legs.

    on a completely random note there is another BBW game by a different dev, that feels so similar in its style, pacing and story telling, that it just feels like a trend. maybe that dev was inspired by this one, but i felt the same lackluster response to that game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    First off I got no problem lovin' thicc girls. I DO however have a problem lovin' ones with total dude faces going on. Jesus christ Sharon and Tatyana are ugly af. I would not have sex with them...if there was a choice, which there isn't. The rest of the "game" is just...clunky. Like I can't even put it into words. Just so uneccessarily awful. Most of the models are ok, some even hot but the gameplay is just blech. Needs a serious re-tuning imo but some of the chubbies are sexy I'll give it that.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    All stars for curvy (very curvy) MILFs (sadly, also very ugly). Other than that, it's just boring and badly designed sandbox type, time-management, multi-location, MILF dating simulator. Although "dating" is a big word, you just show up at some girls door, say "hi" and receive sex. Straight to the point. Very crude and not really immersive so why even bother to create a sandbox type game (simulating real life) instead of just using Visual Novel frame. There are some questionable design choices that could have been avoided.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay so this isn't the most nuanced game around: gameplay is swift and straight-forward and serves up sex with one well-developed woman after another, and that's all it aspires to in computer-game life. But I'll say this for it, it's got charm. The writing may be in a hurry to get to the sex but every character has their own little story going on, and the fast pace means there's always something new happening, with a fair bit of revisiting certain main character women to keep it from feeling just like a production line of fire-and-forget encounters. Similarly the gameplay's not revolutionising anything but it's well implemented, gives a sense of involvement without getting in the way. It may not be a masterpiece of storytelling or have me falling in love with the characters more than 'well that was fun sex', but every time there's an update I'll put aside other games to download and play through the new content here, and that's not bad at all.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving it! So far even better than My Secret fever.
    Diane is the HOTTEST milf in any game I've played so far and all the other ladies are fantastic.
    I'd love to see more and more BBW content games like this.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Right up my alley ! never thought there will be a bbw game out there, but one with a good story, graphics and interaction is a dream! is sucks that sometimes you wouldn't know what do do though and it keeps saying "nothing special to do now' even though there is.. more guidance would be appreciated.

    Thanks to the Dev, keep going !
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The sex scenes and graphics are great. It's really great to have curvy women in a game. But the biggest flaw of this game is the story for me.

    You exchange 3 lines of dialogue with a girl and BOOM: sex! You don't get to know her personality and/or motivations. Just sex. I can understand if it's not the main point of this game but it is even more rushed than in My Secret Fever where you at least had to do different stuffs.for women. Don't get me wrong it was rushed but it's even worse here: You go to a house. The woman jumps on you and invite you for sex. It really minimizes the excitement of certain situations that could have been way hotter.

    I get that it's how it is but the relation with Diane is even depressing I think because they barely even interact outside of sex and she always leaves the MC after it is done. Here's my opinion

    P.S: Lots of milf faces feel botoxed and creepy too
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 139786

    This game, like other CHAIXAS-GAMES titles, features a bevy of lovingly rendered delightfully voluptuous women, all who are willing to fuck the MC once he solves the appropriate quest. Don’t play this game for the dialogue or the story - if you are downloading this, you want hot scenes with sexy big, beautiful women, and you will not be disappointed. I wish there were more games like this that represented fat women as slutty minxes and not as jokes.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    ~ Premise

    Right off the bat, the premise of the game is misleading. You, as the player, are promised a world full of curvy milfs, but instead, you are led to the land of obesity.

    Fat and curvy are not the same, and I'm tired of being presented media as if they were.

    ~ Gameplay

    The gameplay is dull and lifeless. There is next to no audio, and the areas you can visit in the world are all constructed with very dull and mute colour palets that fail to draw in the player's eyes and leave you whole uninterested.

    The writing is incredibly stiff; and with a glaring lack of contractions in the dialogue that would be present in most- if not all real-world conversations, I feel much less like I'm reading a genuine conversation between two human beings, and instead, two stiff robots trying to communicate while padding their word count as much as possible.

    Moving around the world is half-decent, though inconsistent. Why is it that when I hover over the bed, it lights up green and I can click anywhere on it, but when I want to go through a door, only the doorknob is lit up and I have to be much more accurate in my click.

    If I wanted to focus on accuracy I would play an FPS, these games are supposed to be simple and easy games that you can mindlessly enjoy.

    I like that the creator added a phone function (something that all games should have) due to the convenience they bring, and yet its partially ruined by the fact I have to hit a small power button to exit it. Again, that goes against simplicity and function. Let me click outside the phone to close it.

    ~ Story

    I don't have much to say about the story, it's generic and uninspiring, but then again, so are most other works on this site.

    ~ Visuals

    As I mentioned above, the world is made with very dull colours and I found it incredibly hard to keep my attention on it. The icons (phone, question mark, sun, mouse and arrow) are all low resolution and a dull, flat, uninspired white.

    Not only that, the places around the map, your home etc... are all really low resolution, as well, and kind of hard on the eyes.

    The map is just a copy-paste from google images and grossly low-effort.

    ~ Sound

    Not much to say here as the concept of sound is almost non-existent in the game and thus makes for an incredibly lifeless experience. For god's sake, at least put in some simple BGM, give the world some life.

    ~ Main character

    The main character is your typical porn game MC. Uninteresting backstory, unfunny, unsuccessful and needing to mooch off of everyone. Just your typical spineless waste of space.

    Anyways, these are some of my basic thoughts after playing the game for a few hours. Hopefully, this will help some other people decide if they want to give the game a try or not.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    luv huge boobs on milfs
    and lots of big curvy asses.
    stuff to do is very easy. no hard riddles.
    not always young.
    no perfect faces.
    Love it and want to live there. My town! please keep them coming!
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Le Mat

    This is so fleshy, so ripe, so intoxicating ! Words fail me...

    To think that I have played all of them, ( Yet, hush, for I am not to mention any of them here...) but I had then not the slightest what reviewing entails.
    I shall copy the reviewing rules and swot them.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Good quality scenes, lots of hot situations with different girls and non overcomplex gameplay. I liked the writting and the story so far,
    If you are into curvy fetish you should give it a try! There are not so many mechanics in the game and they are quite simple so you dont get bored while trying to progress but still feels like a game. Hope to see more of it great job!