VN - Ren'Py - Curvy Moments [v0.15e] [AdultAndi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    An alright game. The renders are good and the women are attractive. The dialogue itself didn't bother me as much as it appears to bother others, but what kills me is how disjointed and unstructured the story as a whole is. It feels less like it's unfinished and more like stuff is just... missing.

    There are weird time jumps all over the place and scenes don't flow neatly from one to the other. The story begins with our main character on a train and the next scene starts with him on the same train the next day, and I'm questioning why it needed to be a whole different day to begin with. Then it skips through the entire workday where we could have had an introduction to his coworkers or boss or what he does for a living and just jumps to the next morning and I'm getting frustrated at this point because apparently three days have passed and absolutely nothing has happened yet.

    And it just continues like this from each scene to the next without any sense of continuity and it doesn't stop being jarring. The neighbor will invite the MC over for a swim and ask about looking for a Yoga instructor and then the MC hangs up to spend some time at the park watching a sunset and almost fall asleep. And then it will literally timeskip all the way to next week with him still out in the city. It makes me question if any thought was put into what order to put the scenes in and whether or not this whole story was just drawn up by ChatGPT or something
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    I like my share of curvy models so I gave this a try.

    Based off the chapters I've played which are : 1-9


    The story is kind of lacking, there's no real structure or consistency. You play a guy who's this great fashion designer, now with a game like this his job is ideal because it should allow him to meet different interesting people or love interest, correct? But that's not really what you get, Amanda is your co-worker but there's nothing really interesting about her or at least the Dev hasn't illustrated her in a interesting manner yet. Marvilla is the typical abused housewife of your boss but that's it.

    You do have the option to woo your neighbor, Andrea and maybe her sister, Camilla. So the fashion designer gig comes in handy there. Then there's the secretive "coffee worker" Jaylen. Where this game lacks consistency as I said is with the storylines. Jaylen takes up screen time early on and then.. nothing. You think there's this mystery element of a cult and then... nothing. You have sex and then move on to the next girl, that's the constant theme of this game and sadly it made me lose interest fast. Especially when you consider there's nothing really special about the models other than their looks.

    There's no real depth with these characters, people like Marvilla come off as annoying when she's supposed to be one of your main attractions. The expressions of the characters are dry and bland, the dialogue is stale and often robotic. The narrator feels the need to tell us every single thing the Main character is doing as if you the player can't see it for yourself.

    As I mentioned, I haven't played Ch. 10 or 11 yet but I'll probably pass on this game for now at least.


    Fair. The bland expressions killed this for me. Love the curves though.




    Robotic. Dry. Emotionless. Needs improving the most.


    I thought the animations was the best positive of the game.

    Overall, this could be a lot better. It's definitely not the worse game I've played, this isn't a death sentences as the cons could definitely be corrected in the future. Best of luck.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    So first and foremost this is not a bad VN, but it's not great either.
    I'm not going to jump into giving a Pro/Con list this time. I'm just going
    to say right from the start, FIX THE WRITING!

    If the writing was somewhat polished up this would be a better VN. Being this deep into development it should have been addressed and corrected.
    I did notice that the change log said that it was taken care of, but I started over and I'm seeing loads and loads of problems.

    The story is interesting, the characters are better than most VNs, and there is push and pull with the flow of content. Some characters have struggles, issues, and problems. Which gives this VN some depth.

    Although I've given a 3 star rating I do recommend new comers and everyone else to at least give this VN a try. AdultAndi is doing a decent job with this project but the writing really needs addressed.
    Good luck and I'll keep an eye out for the next release to see if things have gotten better.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    • Offered Choices
    • Lack of Diversity (I only got to chapter 3-4, not sure if there was diverse characters after that)
    • Lack of Physical Attraction (I just reviewed another game about this, most of the women were not attractive to me. I was trying to avoid sexual choices with certain women which leads to my next con)
    • Lack of Choice (Meaningful) (Quite honestly, I hate playing ren'py games without choices and if you are going to give us choices, make them meaningful. I hate that i couldn't avoid sexual interactions. For example, I was trying to avoid sexual interactions with the "Boss" but for some reason it still happened. At that moment, i quit playing the game)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Following a few glowing ratings, I tried this game.

    What a mistake.

    I know it is still "work in progress" but the story is completely disjointed, the MC acts both like a complete slut and someone with zero knowledge of sex at the same time.

    The interactions with the women are painful to follow (when the translation makes sense) There are awkward and unneeded time jumps then followed up by unnecessary time kill dialogue.

    The "photo shoot" mechanics are cumbersome and contribute nothing to the overall story.

    The creator has several story lines going at one time, some complete without contributing anything but wasting time, some wander around just to introduce additional story branches and unneeded characters. I would greatly encourage the creator to take all the dialogue out of the game and try to read through it. Highlight the different story arcs, different characters, and see if there is an understandable path to conclusion. After playing through this game multiple times, I couldn't fine one.

    Until there is an effort to cleanup the story, there is no need to play this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game looking forward to its continuation!
    The girls are looking amazing 10/10 at least for my taste.
    Good art and renders.
    Realistic meshes in renders.
    Nice variety of characters and faces.
    Good storytelling.
    5-5 for me
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Models and animations are ok but the writing...sheesh! So bad. Not just lost in translation bad (although THAT is plenty present too) but honestly some of the worst writing I've seen here in a long time. There is some potential here but dev needs a writer/proofreader to clean this mess up. Not just typos and translation but some really bad and ham-fisted narrative as well. Some of it doesn't make sense at all and I'm betting it still wouldn't even if not just a language/translation issue.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Little ass licker

    Seriously one of the top 5 games that I have played so far. The story is engaging, and not one-dimensional

    Good to great renders
    fantastic characters that you care about
    Impressive animations
    Great writing
    (There are a few minor translation issues such as context, or grammar, but these are easily forgiven and not so egregious as to interfere with the immersion.)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    v 0.9c
    This is a five-star game
    . It has everything needed to make it one of the top games out there.
    The plot is exceedingly good, the LI's are fleshed out extremely well, renders are great but I've noticed them improving further into the game and the amount of content this game has is cool. Also, the MC is fantastic, finally a handsome and likable MC instead of the classic college fratboy.
    Animations are top-notch, overall 9.5\10
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I guess it's one of those games huh!?!. The models are decent but the overall renders are mediocre. But the thing that makes this game terrible, for me at least is the writing. The casts with their dialogues are so boring to read, robotic, and unnatural at times, especially the main character, the biggest virgin in the universe while acting like he's cool. Maybe delusional is the real trait given to the MC, or the writing is just that bad. Who knows!?!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Curvy Moments [v0.8e]

    This VN has potential but...

    -- The writing, especially for the dialogue, can be very jarring as it is poorly written and has typos (e.g. "Turns out she's not have the nerd I thought she was").

    It jumps around, as if the dev had the full conversation in his head but couldn't type that fast and only managed to translate 2 out of every 3 lines.

    Maybe there is a translation to English thing going on because it simply doesn't flow in many places (e.g when MC and Amanda are talking on the phone about Michael). One reason I think there may be a translation thing, is because an office in the workplace is referred to as a cabin.

    -- The story is also nonsensical in spots. One minute he is following the girl from the coffee shop and the next they kiss and have a fuck fest, in public, without a care about someone else walking in on them. What?!?

    -- This is one of those dev things, where you cannot click through an animation or transition, but have to wait for the entire thing to play out.

    -- On different devices I found some of the sex scenes (especially movie night) too dark to see what in general was going on, let alone details in those scenes. It's okay dev to lightening things up for a VN regardless if things are dark in the room in real life.

    + I do like the curvy models versus every character having the same exact runway model look and dimensions (every teen, every milf, etc.).

    + I like a lot of the poses and the animations are enjoyable too. For example, a nice little extra ass bounce added to the cam girl sex scene.

    + The story overall (excluding some poor scene setup and dialogue) turned out to be interesting enough that I continued on in spite of the Chapter 1 - 3 mess.

    + A polite, friendly, and kind MC is a likeable one.

    + The pacing of the MC with the boss' wife and the neighbor are much improved over the mess with the coffee shop gal in the beginning.

    + Sex scenes aren't done in 3.7sec like some VNs but actually seem to last much longer.

    * This VN has room to grow such as a gallery (got to have those replays!) or even a hint at where certain decisions may lead (e.g. it could be as vague as simply having a tool-tip that says, "Amanda really liked that").
    A hint would will invariably avoid the millions of users posting on the forum asking for a walkthrough.

    * Animation is all at one speed...even when a girl asks for hit harder it's still the same speed they started at.

    * Some users may like that this VN has yet another MC with a big dick (porn cliche).
    I personally think he is enough of a likeable and fit, not fat, MC presented here that he can get plenty of pussy without having to be big too (it's the motion of the ocean not the size of the boat that pleases).

    * We can give the MC any name we want, but a nice feature is when the player can rename the main characters, such as, renaming Marvilla to "FuckTheBoss" or something fun; something that rolls off the tongue better than Marvilla.

    Whether it's the last part of this VN or the dev's next one, there are "curvy moments" worth checking out (see what I did there). A bit of polish and this will be well worth it.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing is all over the place. You meet a woman, getting close to her and - bam! - several days later... You meet a different woman, get close to her (which doesn't seem to be a problem with any of these ladies) and - bam! - several days later...
    It's like the dev wakes up, has an idea for the story and writes it (and not very well at that). Then he has another idea and we get to see that.
    There's a disconnect between the scenes that kills any kind of immersion. It's jumping around all over the place and lost me rather quickly.

    Giving this 5 stars is laughable at best.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game which achieves the balance between lust and romance very nicely, beautiful models, decent writing, great character development, also I like that it doesn't jump to the sex right way and takes its time with the relationships
    great work dev keep up the good work
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Tauro Thurius

    Curvy Moments [v0.4e] Review by Tauro Thurius

    Here's my take on version 0.4e:

    This game took me by surprise. The story sounds bland and uninteresting at first glance but the characters and the hot situations/scenes really made up for the introduction of the game.​
    Our MC is a fashion designer who works for company and he's a well liked employee. He has flexible work hours and lives in the suburbs in a quite neighborhood away from the stress and rush of the city life as his work is already stressful. The story opens up with some curvy MILF named Andrea moving next door. We get to see MC's interactions with her and his colleagues at work. The MC is a very lovable character.​
    Renders are good. The developer managed to catch some beautiful poses for characters.​
    Animations are very unique in my opinion. I've played hundreds of AVNs but this games' animations are quite different. Most other developers use stock/premade animations but it seems like this developer creates his own animations for the scenes.​
    If you like curvy models but with realistic body shapes you'll love this AVN.​

    5 out of 5 stars​
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1096322

    Engaging storyline and great build-up. I like that the MC is somewhat likeable and not a douchebag. The game does have its little flaws but I'm willing to overlook it since it's in its early stages. It has a lot of potential and I hope that the game achieves it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really engaging storyline with all the elements needed in a VN. Multiple voluptuous characters in the game and the slow tease and development of the storyline makes looks good for the first 4 chapters. Hope to see sime great updates from the dev in the future
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game with good character models, my only complaint is the writing. It is still worth supporting and keeping an eye on, despite this flaw. Just go in with the right mindset and you will have a good chance of enjoying this.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Norman Knight

    This game has a lot of potential, the curvy ladies are so far well designed and attractive, the thickness is real here! , good to see that an appreciation for them, so far there are only a few characters, but that can change in the following versions.

    The MC is an actual decent guy, not the usual molester we usually see

    As for the plot, the game is still in early stages, but from what we can see it will be more of "Working man drama", enough seriousness to make you interested, but funny enough to keep you invested

    Only 4 stars since the game is in early stages, but if this first version is an indication, this game could be a 5 stars for me

    Definetly recommend you try this game.