Others Completed CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It's a Night Magic [Final +DLC] [KISS]

4.00 star(s) 9 Votes


Jan 13, 2018
I tried VN translator app on CM3D2 like VNR, ITHVNR, and Artikash Textractor. The result is VNR not working and i fuckup with ITHVNR setting, Textractor working fine and im gonna try in this too.


New Member
Apr 16, 2018
Guys, I just installed the personality pack of the bookworm. After I update using the "Selector" I can't run the game, and its saying I'm missing "tutorial_list_en.nei". I tried to use Sybaris arc editor to extract that file but it has no effect. Does anyone know what to do ?


Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
So I have been purchasing the DLC slowly for this game and it's getting stupidly expensive. I just put all the DLC left in the cart and it's coming out to a whopping 200$ dollars. Shits steeper than the sims. Like I already spent around 70 bucks on this game so I feel like I did my part supporting them. Is there a spot where all the english dlc is being compiled so we aren't paying money for packs of fucking virtual clothing and hair???

On another note is there a spot where mods that are compatible with the ENG version are compiled? Been looking and all I find are mods for the JAP version which is annoying as a lot of the mods depend on assets from dlc and whatnot that haven't been released yet for this version as of today.

I appreciate any help I can get.
Consider yourself lucky, I can't even download some of the dlc including Additional Event Pack Vol.1 and since I have a mobile line I there is no support... So now I'm just hoping this'll be updated to include the dlc. Still I agree it's overpriced to all hell
Apr 28, 2018
Idk if I'm allowed to post this here, mods remove the link if not, but here's a full AIO torrent I've found.

EDIT: This seems to be the full game with a few mods installed, uncensors work like a charm, performance is great & so is the translation - I'd say if you want to download this game, get it from here.
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New Member
Nov 8, 2018
I took the aio jp version mentionned in this topic,, the jp dlc from the pastebin, the stuff from cm3d2, added the steam translation to it and the latest sybaris/bepinex. So far it seam to be working fine.
edit: But I am missing the translated texture(png), is there a good way to extract them ?
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Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
can anyone figure how to make mod work on eng/jap version ? There is something similar if you press U key in game using most of the AIO sybaris/bepinex plugin packs out there but it's just a 2d frame animation. That one looks to be 3d.
Also is there any setting for YATranslator to not display japanese+translation at the top as well as in the dialog baloon ? Or is it conflicting with the XUnity autotranslator ?
I'm using the + + + + selection of mods from flashbangz version and . 75GB and it works fine so far.
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I am Sin

Sick Fuck
Apr 16, 2018

English Adult Version with Yasd Uncensor, Sybaris and Bepinex compactible with Migrator.

Extract and run. Have fun.

Torrent is uploading. Might take a Day or so, will update this Post

(Does NOT include DLCs. Patch version 1.3, Does not include Mods, May contain traces of nuts)

Also... working on a Mod Launcher for the English Version.. I'm at 70% to completion. Will share it once it's done. Tested it on 300 Mods, worked on 120. Goal is 220 working and then someone else can bother with it. ^^ Just some patience is all i ask :)

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Oct 20, 2016

English Adult Version with Yasd Uncensor, Sybaris and Bepinex compactible with Migrator.

Extract and run. Have fun.

Torrent is uploading. Might take a Day or so, will update this Post

(Does NOT include DLCs. Patch version 1.3, Does not include Mods, May contain traces of nuts)

Also... working on a Mod Launcher for the English Version.. I'm at 70% to completion. Will share it once it's done. Tested it on 300 Mods, worked on 120. Goal is 220 working and then someone else can bother with it. ^^ Just some patience is all i ask :)

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Hey man, hows that torrent coming along? Also it seems your files are corrupted, at least for me that is. Still cool of you to take the effort.


New Member
May 27, 2018
Someone linked to a google drive which includes DLC and adult patch folder here.

Sadly, since this game is primarily a Japanese game, it makes sense that most mods are Japanese. Even though a lot of western people played the jp COM3D2 version, most things were just machine translated. It'll probably take a while till we get dedicated places for English mods. A few places you could check out would be the and , but again, most mods being shared are Japanese.
The problem with that link is it only has the free dlc and 1 paid dlc. There is like 100 dlc packages though, and some if is pretty ridiculous. Like $4.35 for 1 outfit or some bs like that. Im willing to spend maybe $50 tops for all of it, I just don't think there is anyone with a link with all the dlc, but if there is it would be greatly appreciated!


New Member
Nov 8, 2018
Galactic I used this aio, you need to clean up the install, as explained ) and this , might be missing some dlc but there is a lot of them when you combine those 2. Not all of those dlc work with the western release, but if you are talking about 100 dlc packages you are probably not using the western release.


New Member
Jul 16, 2018
So I have been purchasing the DLC slowly for this game and it's getting stupidly expensive. I just put all the DLC left in the cart and it's coming out to a whopping 200$ dollars. Shits steeper than the sims. Like I already spent around 70 bucks on this game so I feel like I did my part supporting them. Is there a spot where all the english dlc is being compiled so we aren't paying money for packs of fucking virtual clothing and hair???

On another note is there a spot where mods that are compatible with the ENG version are compiled? Been looking and all I find are mods for the JAP version which is annoying as a lot of the mods depend on assets from dlc and whatnot that haven't been released yet for this version as of today.

I appreciate any help I can get.
i think that you can install some DLC from JAP version to International version by copying data file to GameData folder.
Also, if you have bought DLC for ENG version, could you share them? Thank you in advance.


Oct 7, 2019
yes, it definitely works with a few japanese DLC if you just copy over the .arc files to GameData\ and be careful not to overwrite anything. These parts/clothing/etc will show up in japanese but at least You dont mess up Your interface.


Sep 25, 2018
The gdrive link has, like, 4 dlcs. I don't think this is all dlc available. Is there something wrong with the link, or another link with the rest of the dlc?


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
Gamedata .arc files from CM3D2 should go in gamedata_20 in COM3D2. Be sure to copy only files starting with bg_, model_, menu_, texture_. Don't overwrite paths.dat. Get the latest and copy the files from there. You can selectively download files in that folder from the torrent. Now you should have a bit more support for clothing mods made for CM3D2. It would be nice if someone would compile a list of mods fully compatible with com3d2


Oct 7, 2019
i had quite some success with the gamedata folder from the japanese aio torrent (COM3D2_1.36.0.025). basically copied over all the parts_*.arc files from \gamedata\ adding a massive amount of new stuff to the english release. Yes, all those items are in japanese locale but who cares when dressing up all them maids. Not so much success with the other .arc files (bg, csv, motion, script, sound, system and voice). Also cant seem to get the kissevent2017march from \gamedata_20\ to work completely. the added nipples cant find their models, complain about that and crash the game when selected.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Does this not work with WMR? I've launched it through SteamVR, but the game still displays on the monitor and not the HMD.


New Member
Oct 14, 2019
Download the game from here:

Go to Download Info>File Size: 10.23 GB---then choose a source
This is the adult version and does not require the R18 patch from s-court

To remove the mosaics just follow this guide:

If you want to downloaded and want to install the Nekopara DLCs from the first link:
1. Extract only these files -Nekopara Taiyou Paradise -Nekopara Costume Full Set -com3d2engplg_dlc140_141 <---(This one is the Chocola & Vanilla costume set)
2. Run "update.exe"
3. Click apply --- However, you will most likely get a popup that says "Unable to find install information"
4. Click okay
5. Now look for the folder where your com3d2 is installed
6. Click start
7. The DLC should be installed when you get the popup that says "updater option is successfully completed"
8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 for the rest of the files you extracted in step 1


If you want to install the mosaic mod included in "NekoparaDLC-MosaicMod.rar," Extract "COM3D2 - Mosaics Remover Mod v2019.08.02" Drag and drop "Sybaris,""Mod," and "opengl32.dll" into your com3d2 folder
this link doesn't working anymore, will be there someone to gave the Vanilla & Chocola costume set files? Thanks
4.00 star(s) 9 Votes