so, regarding the update
added a health indicator in the form of a bar
what the indicator does with Pac-Man is still unclear
ammunition is now in abundance and ammo replenishment stations are at almost every checkpoint
in chapter 1, the map and access card loop were removed
spear-hands girl's HP was cut (10-11 shots from a pistol to the head)
changed the mechanics of close combat so now you can't clear the chapter with just a knife, but at the same time it is now more realistic to kill the boss with a knife
the new "taser" weapon is "pretty" strange because it only has 5 shots and you can't get more, but they are not enough for the boss, and in chapter 1 it one-shots ordinary opponents, but in chapter 2, the girl with a halberd and hook fists, if not in the head, then 2 shots. Chapter 2
thanks for the rather tenacious dog-girls who are hard to hit in the head (8-9 shots from a pistol)
the machine gun is a gem and nothing terrible was done to it, they only added another magazine, total 80/160
the Mosin is crap 5/20 and you need to aim for the head to kill the dog-girl with 1 shot, and the girl with a halberd and hook-fists with 2.
the 6/36 shotgun does this with the same efficiency, although at close range, but you don't have to climb through a dozen traps for it, some of which are hard to see. If you aim well, you can one-shot the girl with a spear-hand in the head, the parasite ball, the girl with a sword-hand, the dog and the barnacle. and also shows itself excellently on the boss of the 2nd chapter (maybe it's worth making it more difficult, because the damage from the blades in 1 cell is rather annoying when from the blade in the area of 5). I want to tell the author to make a normal camera on boss fights, because if in the rest of the game it's still okay when the bullets fly off the screen and disappear, then on the centaur I lost 3/5 of the ammunition from the machine gun by keeping my distance from it.