Mod Others Completed Dai Sengoku Rance [Fan Translation][2025-02-25]


Jul 24, 2020
If you mean story cgs, then no, only Rance 10 sprite CGs and made up events.
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Mar 12, 2018
The mod author didn't give any living signs for a year, so I don't know if there will be updates, and if they are, I will translate this further as well. The spoilers from Rance X Part 2 are the sprites of the characters used in Rance 10, basically
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But the story is made up as Rance 7 IF, with *minor* references for characters like
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I don't think that spoilers are huge apart from sprites. But if you consider sprites as spoiler then you should wait for Rance 10 release.
As I mentioned, I myself already completed Rance X in Japanese. If I have to guess, then the spoilers he talked about would be regarding the whale god, it would be strange if he doesn't appear at the end of this story one way or another. But anyway, some people most likely are just too afraid of any little "spoiler", while others don't care as long as it's not something critically important or a plot twist spoiler.

So do I get it right that the optimal way to play is to complete Part 1 default route, then continue with Part 2, all on the default difficulty? And after that there's going to be Part 2 with higher difficulty options and NG+ if you don't want to replay all routes of Part 1? I just want to make sure what's the best way to play for someone who has completed Sengoku once in the past and doesn't want to replay all the routes (though the main route still will be a good way to refresh memories of how the game works).


Jul 9, 2019
So do I get it right that the optimal way to play is to complete Part 1 default route, then continue with Part 2, all on the default difficulty? And after that there's going to be Part 2 with higher difficulty options and NG+ if you don't want to replay all routes of Part 1? I just want to make sure what's the best way to play for someone who has completed Sengoku once in the past and doesn't want to replay all the routes (though the main route still will be a good way to refresh memories of how the game works).
You do not need to go through Part1 to experience the full extent of the mod (with some very small, insignificant exceptions).

Part1 and Part2 have different global save states and work independently from one another. Completing just Part2 will give you NG+ options for only that bit of the mod, and vice versa.

hello , someone know how to persue battling?
Conquer the AL Church and have Am in your army.


Jul 24, 2020
So do I get it right that the optimal way to play is to complete Part 1 default route, then continue with Part 2, all on the default difficulty? And after that there's going to be Part 2 with higher difficulty options and NG+ if you don't want to replay all routes of Part 1? I just want to make sure what's the best way to play for someone who has completed Sengoku once in the past and doesn't want to replay all the routes (though the main route still will be a good way to refresh memories of how the game works).
For me ideal playthrough would be:
1) Play from start 2 as first playthrough diff 0. - Unlocked part 2 bonuses
2) Speedrun through part 1 with any route to unlock part 1 bonuses (Optional finish part 2 speedrun for more points, but more info in point 3)
3) Actually play seriously part 1 to farm Rance levels, like 200 turns are good enough to beat the game in hardcore difficulty 7. Save before ending part 1 (Maybe KTM route probably should be best for it, idk)
4) Here you have two choices, either farm points for ng+ points in part 2 using save (diff 1 or higher) or experience new story here. But take in mind that some story is locked if you stall too long or finish too quickly.
5) If you unlock lot of part 2 ng+ bonuses I suggest playing from part 2 diff 1 without save from part 1, because turn 200 will lock you out with some content.
6) Farm ng+ part 2 points and then if you get two op items - Tiny reach and Uruncel Blade. Then you might be able to play diff 7 hardcore difficulty, but for that you need to unlock it
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7) Play diff 7 from save with 200 turns and beat the game on hardcore difficulty
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May 22, 2018
But when I conquered one of the two Ashikaga provinces, I didn't get the +3 Sat event.
i think here you need to have Rance in conquering party for it to trigger. which means you need to beat it on turn 5 latest as on turn 5 end Ashikaga gets Isoroku. at least when i tested it i did not get it post Isoroku (no Rance since auto lose). but did get it when i rush it.
Mar 12, 2018
You do not need to go through Part1 to experience the full extent of the mod (with some very small, insignificant exceptions).

Part1 and Part2 have different global save states and work independently from one another. Completing just Part2 will give you NG+ options for only that bit of the mod, and vice versa.
Okay, I just thought that maybe Part 2 is, by default, balanced with having Part 1 complete in mind and that you start Part 2 with all the stuff from Part 1 carried over.

For me ideal playthrough would be:
1) Play from start 2 as first playthrough diff 0. - Unlocked part 2 bonuses
2) Speedrun through part 1 with any route to unlock part 1 bonuses (Optional finish part 2 speedrun for more points, but more info in point 3)
3) Actually play seriously part 1 to farm Rance levels, like 200 turns are good enough to beat the game in hardcore difficulty 7. Save before ending part 1 (Maybe KTM route probably should be best for it, idk)
4) Here you have two choices, either farm points for ng+ points in part 2 using save (diff 1 or higher) or experience new story here. But take in mind that some story is locked if you stall too long or finish too quickly.
5) If you unlock lot of part 2 ng+ bonuses I suggest playing from part 2 diff 1 without save from part 1, because turn 200 will lock you out with some content.
6) Farm ng+ part 2 points and then if you get two op items - Tiny reach and Uruncel Blade. Then you might be able to play diff 7 hardcore difficulty, but for that you need to unlock it
I mean, I don't really care about completing the game on the hardest difficulty if it means repeating the same story multiple times. Even in the original, I only completed the hardest difficulty because it made completing new routes more interesting. If the original didn't have multiple different routes, I don't think I'd play it so many times just for the gameplay alone, ha-ha.

So based on your first point, it's completely okay to just start Part 2 diff 0 without playing Part 1 at all? And I'll get all the story this way? Or is there different "paths" in Part 2 as well, depending on how you advance? Your other points are basically about how to beat diff 7 hardcore in the most efficient way if I understand them right.


Jul 24, 2020
So based on your first point, it's completely okay to just start Part 2 diff 0 without playing Part 1 at all? And I'll get all the story this way? Or is there different "paths" in Part 2 as well, depending on how you advance? Your other points are basically about how to beat diff 7 hardcore in the most efficient way if I understand them right.
It should be more entertaining to start straight from part 2 than going through part 1, you can easily beat difficulty 1 part 2 with just starting from part 2. (I encourage to play ng+ for more story and more bosses).

For the "different paths", this is one big "Rance If", except the main story, you have short character clears events, and you can get them or miss depending if you rush or stall in specific places. There are so many things that I would need to point down if I wanted to explain them all. It's explained on japanese wiki if you want to check... Nobody translated the wiki to english, but viewing from google translate should be good enough. For example Helman is so big that you can't experience it all within 1 playthrough, I believe you need to do 6 different things to see all events in Helman.

And for main story there are 3 endings which you can get within single save file. If you really insist to know how i will say it in spoiler.

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Aug 1, 2017
I believe I found a bug, I can't reorganize my army anymore.
Nothing happens when I click it, I feel like I'm missing out on potential new commanders because I'm at the max atm.

I hope these save files will help to replicate it.

This mod is amazing btw, thank you so much for translating this! It's been incredible so far :D


Jul 24, 2020
what do you mean by reorganize your army?
Ah i know because you have full army and full 2nd army, you can't swap them out, you need to have atleast 1 free space. So combine 1 unit or release and it will work.

Also you can release all the hannies, it was mod author joke hehe
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Oct 15, 2017
How do you get the second Holy Gal Monster? From google translating the wiki it seems to have something to do with Custom, but I've already conquered it so I'm worried I may have accidently locked myself out of getting her


Jul 9, 2019
How do you get the second Holy Gal Monster? From google translating the wiki it seems to have something to do with Custom, but I've already conquered it so I'm worried I may have accidently locked myself out of getting her
The Holy Gal Monster stuff branches out into two independent ways.

You can start a quote unquote quest for one by visiting the Kinani desert, which is accessible after getting Reset.

Another is in the Custom dungeon, which becomes available after a certain start of turn event after Character Clearing Suzume.

Was beaten to it, heh
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Oct 15, 2017
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Many thanks, cheers! Just one more question, if its not too much trouble; are there many characters that can only be caught through the RNG capture mechanic? Just fighting the Hornet faction now so unsure if the wiki is saying I need to get Silky through an event or the RNG capture.


Jul 9, 2019
Many thanks, cheers! Just one more question, if its not too much trouble; are there many characters that can only be caught through the RNG capture mechanic? Just fighting the Hornet faction now so unsure if the wiki is saying I need to get Silky through an event or the RNG capture.
The majority of human characters are capturable through battle RNG and Mercy Charge / Tiny Reach.

The majority of Fiends however have specific requirements, either being capturing their territory, completing a dungeon, or owning a character.

In the case of Silky specifically, you need to have Archfiend's Castle left with only one "battle" until victory, and you have to lose that battle. A new search option will appear in that territory once that happens.


Oct 15, 2017
The majority of human characters are capturable through battle RNG and Mercy Charge / Tiny Reach.

The majority of Fiends however have specific requirements, either being capturing their territory, completing a dungeon, or owning a character.

In the case of Silky specifically, you need to have Archfiend's Castle left with only one "battle" until victory, and you have to lose that battle. A new search option will appear in that territory once that happens.
Cheers, that makes sense. That explains why Megalaus just disappeared after I fought him after a cutscene, must not have fulfilled the requirements.


Jan 14, 2022
Played for 3 day straight for 2nd ending.
Its an amazing work! Feels like Kichikuou Rance, they even "forgot" about about Feliss.