Daily lives of my contryside


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
You don't need to be here that long to understand that those rules are a literal coin flip (congratz you been here two extra years clown) on here and even more so with some of the games i can look up right now that. Get off your pretend high horse you look mighty pathetic because you add nothing of value
Ok let's see if pictures work where words have failed....


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No one holds the game in the first picture to the same standard as the game in the last picture. Now after looking at these 4 examples if you can't figure out why some games get banned and others don't, then the fault lies squarely on your shoulders and any opinion you might share WILL do more harm than good.

I am not changing my opinion on that sorry buddy no one is expecting a deep check of all the content that is pretty silly to even think but its a fairly common strawman for some of you when someone seems to bring up this stuff or take a ribbing at the team tho because i am clearly talking about the stuff stuff you honestly have to be blind to not see by looking at the banner alone lol.
You are using strawman incorrectly, as has been pointed out (what now feels like countless times) before is that the non standard by which games are judged is NOT set up by the staff / mods, it was set up by those who deem some of this content illegal. It's easy for you, who has no responsibilities here to sit and judge with your half informed opinions when the staff and mods accept the responsibility to protect this site and the community.

Also again the one i was talking about you are fucking adult women and the only one not completely in line that again falls under the discretion idea.
Two things here, first, READ the rules.... Second, what part of private forums are you struggling with? You seem to be under the impression that these forums exist to cater to yours and others whims and somehow are answerable to you and others....
These are private forums, it's their site, their rules. This is NOT a new or foreign concept and yet you and some others seem to have a really hard time grasping it....

Trying to attack me in such a way with that last bit honestly just shows how pathetic you are and can't handle actual conversation so don't bother responding if its just going to be that ok saves me time enjoy that horse tho.
You didn't come here to have a conversation, you posted a reply criticizing a decision, then compared a 3d game to a 2d game and lied about it not having loli. Your follow up reply showed a clear lack of common sense and understanding and ended with an insult.

If you can't find it here, look for it somewhere else. If you don't like the rules, no one is forcing you to use these forums.
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Reactions: anne O'nymous


Active Member
Jul 25, 2023
I am not changing my opinion on that sorry buddy no one is expecting a deep check of all the content that is pretty silly to even think but its a fairly common strawman for some of you when someone seems to bring up this stuff or take a ribbing at the team tho because i am clearly talking about the stuff stuff you honestly have to be blind to not see by looking at the banner alone lol.
If you see a game that violates the rules, you can report the thread with that as a reason. The mods usually are pretty swift with responding to reports, I don't think any of my reports went for longer than 12 hours before they were acted on.


New Member
Dec 6, 2019
so basically if game developers wants to stop people from leaking there game there should just add extreme loli content in there game, fair game i guess


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
so basically if game developers wants to stop people from leaking there game there should just add extreme loli content in there game, fair game i guess
If they don't want to be on Patreon and Co, sure.