I played through the entirety of Town of Passions already and I agree, that game handles a similar concept much more... I don't know if I want to say "elegantly", but the player character is indeed a decent-ish guy in that. Haven't tried Zombies Retreat or Alvein, will have to take a look at those... though I also have a backlog of wanting to get up-to-date with
Renyuu: Ascension, and at some point I really need to pull myself together and play the rest of
Monster Girl Quest: Paradox...
and I need to catch up on writing
In the Box, which I neglected while working on the analysis...
Eh, I'll add them to the list and get to it eventually.
Doing something sexually motivated isn't a problem in itself,
especially in a porn game. If thinking like that is the worst he does I can easily accept that.
Ah. Well, it's going to be a hard pass for me on that one. Good to know, though.
I agree! Both of those games are pretty good! I can also recommend
Life With a Slave - Teaching Feeling, though it's a bit of a different genre than the the rest.