Despite the odd arrangment of its title, which reads rather like a mistranslated Chinese-to-English soap opera concerning rural America, Daily Lives of My Countryside is anything but odd. Mimicking the stylings of cult-classic Harvest Moon, and its more contemporary darling, Stardew Valley, Daily Lives appears to aspire toward a place in the farming/life simulator genre with genuine erotic content intertwined; having played through the entirety of the content presently available, I've never before been so keen on milking, plowing and planting some seed as I am right now.
Character art is superb, stylized yet with ample detail to inform the player of relationships (such as mother and daughter) while also serving to adequately differentiate between the cast. Excellent sprites are also employed, neatly representing the characters more lavishly drawn dialogue-images. Erotic scenes are also prolific, ranging from the merely provocative to explicit, all in the same soft, beautifully handdrawn style. Most endearingly, however, is the artist's commitment to creating animations for events other developers would dismiss. Simple peeping sequences feature multiple animated scenes; mundane activities, such as milking the cows, are brought to life by the fluid visuals.
Some care, however, should be given to addressing the script; the author is clearly unfamiliar with English grammar and has committed a few glaring mistakes.
"(sign)" when they meant "(sigh)"
"Daisy is in her confusion" as opposed to "Daisy feels confused"
The primary shortcoming of Daily Lives, a lack of content, is an entirely excusable flaw given the present release version. The grindy progression, lack of guidance and limited interaction opportunities will likely be addressed as development continues.
GRAPHICS ----------------------------------------- 10 / 10
+ Crisp, clean pixel art that is highly reminiscent of classic farming/life simulators.
+ Consistent style, even across unique areas; tilesets flow together without noticeable seams.
+ Gorgeous, soft yet stylized character art. Lines are clearly defined, colors organic and alluring.
+ Animations are fluid, handdrawn and cleanly looped. Animated events are surprisingly frequent.
+ Character designs are alluring, with beautiful curves and a variety of bodytypes.
DIALOGUE ----------------------------------------- 4 / 10
- Choppy and inconsistent writing with some obvious grammatical errors.
- Terse discourse, where present at all.
- Characters lack much by way of personality or development.
GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------- 4 / 10
+/- Content, at present, is severely lacking and genuine interactions are limited.
INNOVATION ------------------------------------- 6 / 10
+ Farming and life simulator elements are promising, "Stardew Valley with Sex" is a phenomenal concept. Activities in this regard are clearly already in development, with skills such as Milking.
SCORE ==================== 24 / 40
Daily Lives of My Countryside features some of the most brilliant handdrawn art of any title in recent years, with animations that display a genuine dedication to the craft and are featured in places most would disdain. Keep an eye on its progress and, if possible, support the developer.