RPGM - Completed - Daisy's Revenge [Final] [Serio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    this little gem of a game reignited my love for rpgm. it has quite a vast world for a short game, there were fun quests, missions to finish, lots of sexy situations to unfold with familiar faces from "selena: one hour agent". i have quite enjoyed serio's other mini games but this one takes the cake. i hope he is doing ok, just past the game making thing...otherwise RIP brother, you were one of the greatest at what you were doing.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Quick mini game (40 mins if u're a rusher) with lot of fun, only one quest is a bit boring but all other one are funny and sexy,
    I liked the music
    if you like exhibition and humilliation that's your drug.

    9/10 imo
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    Short, fun puzzle game with great art. Some of the puzzles were a bit obtuse, (like having to lay out the pumpkins and never knowing how many you had), but nothing a little trial and error couldn't solve. Funny story and dialogue. I really enjoyed it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Actual game content is really short, lacks direction/quest information, pointlessly sprawling map with prolonged fetch quests, and requires some heavy proof-reading to fix spelling mistakes and other errors.

    The images are pretty solid, probably as good as this sort of static 3D art can be. It is unfortunate that there are only four scene sets, but I imagine this was a really quick seasonal game. I also appreciate the ENF genre receiving some loving attention, as games of that nature are a bit uncommon. However, this game could be (and probably should have been) condensed. The way it is most likely did not help people's view of RPGM games.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent, short little game. The renders look really good, but the dialog needs some proof reading. Game is an RPG maker entry, but there's no leveling or grinding. I will say however that it would help if the game was a little more helpful at certain points. Perhaps a little more direction on where your objects are or even just an acknowledgement that you've found the right ghost to help would be useful.