Damned Studios- Parasite Black Prologue Launch!

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    First off, thank you for the free game. I do not trust sending money so will do my best to send my thoughts on the game to pay you back for the game.

    First, enjoyed the combat. Now, the combat was not the greatest. It is still a standard turn based combat where you can take all the time you want to decide how to fight. With the attacks being a little limited. Though because this is the first release, I will not be to critical. Just add some monsters/creatures that have different strengths and weaknesses. Would love to fight a golem and physical attacks are no more effective than hitting a rock with a sword.

    What I was really sad to see was that this is not a open world game. Now do not get me wrong, some great games are just fighting and text scrolling/choosing and no physical exploration. Though here, it cheapens the world as you do not get a scale of just how big this world is. (I want to go around and seduce/brainwash all the women into my harem.) All the items you find will not be through the players perception but rather handed to you.

    On to something done incredibly well done, the artwork. Wow. These panels are so full of detail. The dwarf commander charging the evil wizard. These panels are so well done that it really does elevate this game above the rest as most games have that level of artwork focused on nudity. Thankfully, the nudity also has this style of artwork and that is just as gorgeous.

    The story was well executed, I just did not feel the stakes. Without you being able to walk around a destroyed city, the danger these characters face feels surface level.