Hm. An RPGM game. How uncommon.
Sarcasm aside, this is competently done. Okay, yes, people complain about the art, but the worst offenders are the game over CGs. The scenes are kind of boring, and they have the worst artwork of anything else in the game. For many, that's a dealbreaker, but I enjoyed the mid-combat artwork more than the game over ones anyways, and those are still good enough to wet my whistle.
The gameplay is very similar to games by LipuCD in that there are mid-fight "peril" effects that can be put on your two heroines, which essentially function to remove most of their fighting capability and put them in sexy bondage situations. They can rescue one another, and there are even some attacks that can still be used, but it's in your best interest to make sure that they are rescued sooner rather than later. Otherwise, they'll enter a "getting fucked" stage that slowly damages them over time.
In addition, many of the attacks in the game can be dodged or negated entirely by virtue of the quick-time dodge events that come with them. The game is made somewhat tricky at first as you learn the rules of those quick-time events; some events have multiple button prompts, some require you to press a button OTHER than the displayed one, and there's even an attack that demands you press nothing at all despite the prompt. It can catch you off guard, especially if you don't make an effort to talk to the girl who explains new enemy patterns near the shop.
But it does play nicely with other aspects of the game, such as the erotic theme of falling into tricks and traps, and you do start to feel that your mistakes have serious consequences. Running into traps on the map and failing those quick-time events mid-fight enough will net you a game over really quickly. This game has a good challenge thanks to that, which is something many RPGM games lack.
The balancing is quite good, too, and I faced one game over at each location in my playthrough until the very last one, with little to no grinding necessary on the normal play through. I suspect the only reason I did fine at the last base is that I went back to collect the strange chest weapons, which are quite significant power upgrades, although they did not remove the challenge from that last base's exploration or even the final boss.
All this having been said, I'll probably play through the Mode: Climax and see what the new attacks of each enemy are like, and then put this down. It's fun, but despite the "getting fucked" stage in mid-combat having sexual penetration in it, there aren't any actual men to fight or have game over scenes with. There's only a couple futas and a hard focus on the bondage and mind-control. I'm fine with it, but not exactly over the moon that they can't get topped at least once by a dude.