I guess it's kind of meta for Dandon to draw at least one or two (or more) throw-away OC and going 50-60% of her power output (maybe 70-80% max) in her drawing lately since she draws many variants and all that.
I appreciated it nonetheless.
Yeah, it's kinda her modus operandi now.
Do 3/4 characters fully rendered, mainly taken either from polls or Dandon's personal prefererences (videogames/anime/comics), throw in two not fully rendered ladies (either a disposable OC or a more famous character) and, as the croupier in a casino would say, les jeux sons faits.
Usually she focuses with more frequency on games or anime she really likes (she loved Hades and has painted Megaera, Nyx and Aphrodite) or OCS who really were appreciated by her patreon audience (Neema, Rose and Bubble as of late).
She often listens to her patrons, but sometimes our suggestions really don't match what she wants to draw... I for one really pushed the idea of a Persona 5 artwork, and we know that P5 is a gold mine for nice ladies...