I noticed a while back (within the last 6 months or so) that the preggo variations in Dandon's collection had even more stuff than usual in beautifully organized folders. For example, there was a Camie folder with the usual "Pubes" and "Wallpaper" folders, but it also had a folder labled "Eyes Front" (meaning here eyes were facing the viewer) with a Pubes variation in the Pubes folder. The same was true for Tharja's folder: There was an extra folder labled "Explicit" which showed her getting fucked. For that variant alone there were 21 pictures. Mera's folder included a "Mr. Tentacle" variation. You get the idea. And all of this was just for the preggo variants of Dandon's art. For the life of me, I don't remember where exactly I found the collection with all the added variants. It might have been through this forum, but again I don't remember 100%. Has anyone else noticed this or know what I'm talking about? EDIT: Never mind, I found the links with all the variants. Post #2807 on page 141.