To add to this, your plans for this project are basically to bite off Way more than you can chew. You're in the middle of learning how to create the foundation while bringing in at least 11 other people who are 'building' their work
on top of that foundation. If you go forward with this, it sounds like a hard lesson that ends in frustration and disappointment.
There are good reasons why most works posted here aren't voiced, and most that are, are from professional studios: it's a whole other level of complexity to add to a project. They usually have three or four voiced characters, I'd say five at the very most. I'm only aware of one project that's approaching 10, and it's nowhere near finished after years of development.
I honestly think that if you were to insist on going forward as is on the story, your best bet would be to use the HTML format instead of RenPy, thus ditching voiced characters and the essential need for a VFX artist. You
would need to lean more heavily on text and "a picture is worth a thousand words", but really, if a game isn't able to exist on a text story alone like the one you want to convey, how are pictures going to make it better in the first place? Pictures can't replace a story.