Ooof. The jank is strong with this one.
This game has some gameplay elements that are genuinely exciting. It's tagged sandbox and it truly feels like a sandbox because the quests you're given are very open-ended. The guard tells you to investigate some stuff, you go do it, and then you can blatantly lie about your findings, still get the reward, and as a consequence the next day the threat is or isn't put down by reinforcements. And in turn, NPCs will lie to you, sometimes cheating you of your reward.
The artistic direction is also good, it sells the tone very convincingly. However, implementation is a hit and miss. Some animations, especially walking animations, are very stiff.
That said, the game is a completely unplayable jankfest. Saves don't transfer even between minor game version changes. And worse, for me the whole save system outright fails past some progression point, any sufficiently advanced save just does not load. At all. Coupled with somewhat frequent crashes and game-breaking bugs, I was simply unable to meaningfully progress past day one.
I want to recommend this game, but I absolutely can not, given its current state. Maybe come back in two years, and hope the jank is patched out.