This is amazing!! Would love to see a crossover game like this
Well, I'm not currently interested in doing a crossover game. Games are too much work, plus these renders each take some time to generate on my machine, so it'd be slow going on my end. But, I am working on a short crossover/parody story of sorts (comic style) involving a Squienis named Squeenie. I'll share a link here when I have a few more renders for this posted up in my projects thread.
D's and Tracy's assets are in the relevant Art Assets thread if anyone wants to take a stab at an actual crossover game...
Edit: As for the crossover fanfic I'm working on...
I have the thankless task of needing to cast D's dad. Well, Dee's dad, as the '3D actress who plays D' is being used in my crossover fanfic. Dee's backstory is a bit different, blah blah...
We deliberately never get to see D's father's face in DMD (not that I've ever noticed), so I'm casting Brayden Bareback, 3D Porn Star, whom has been hired to fill the role in my fanfic. He's gonna get it on with each of these ladies, as will two other lucky fathers and one lucky brother!
So it's fanfic art, which is sorta kinda fan art...
Hopefully people will find this fanfic momentarily entertaining while we all wait on the next DMD update...
Disclaimer: This is for an unofficial fanfic, but then most of the renders in this thread are also unofficial!