Ok, then you're not using it as a dforce hair at all I guess?
This is what I do when using dforce hair:
1. Never ever use "simulate". If you got more than one dforce object in the scene it'll be super effing slow.
2. You can freeze objects so they don't simulate. Parameters->simulation->freeze object.
3. Before you simulate, make sure that the items in their un-simulated state does not intersect with anything else being simulated (no matter if its a dforce or static object). Things will explode.
4. So simulation of a hair lets say: Select the character the hair is on. Ctrl+click on the hair. Now the char + hair is selected. Right click on the simulation tab and click on SIMULATE SELECTED. It will now simulate only the hair+the character, meaning that it will not pass through the character. If you want it to drape over the sofa for example, you need to include the sofa in the selected objects (and make sure the hair does not intersect with sofa at the start of the simulation).
5. You can select the hair in the scene tab, then right click simulation tab and select dforce->clear selected objects. This will remove any previous simulation on the hair, so you can see where it starts from.
6. In the simulation tab: Simulation->start bones from memorized pose. Turn this OFF. Later you might want to memorize poses etc, but in the beginning this will mess you up.
7. If you also want to blow the hair you can add a dforce wind node. Create->new dforce wind node.
Ok, shit I'm just rambling here. I don't even know if you want to simulate your hair or not. This might all be useless to you in your current situation.