For newbs like me with few days experimenting with Daz (not even a week) and with 112 assets what I felt trying to start rendering few things in order to understand how Daz works, was a feeling of nightmare. All the mess in asset folder surely didn't show me that in Daz they doing any serious job. That wasn't a well structure folder that was a complete mess. As I understand you are organizing the whole structure by your self and your articles are helping because many will loose hours trying to find their assets to set up a scene and make 1 render. Thanks a lot for your effort.
Thanks for giving me a prompt to update this, it's been a while and i've been using a 50/50 mine and default file structure for a while and i've got some feedback for people looking to try a user made file structure. To begin with i should say i'm currently using self sorted structures for all scenes, props, architecture, rooms and things that go in the rooms, basically if it isn't clothes, characters, poses or morphs i'm self sorting. Why is that, two reasons, it's very easy to classify props and scenes compared to character skins and morphs, an outdoor scene is an outdoor scene, easy, a curvy hispanic looking character morph is defined by both the out of the box skintone
and it's morph and generally i don't want to split those up, so how do you file that character, other than by it's generation which Daz generally gets right and when it doesn't it's a typo that is fixable easily.
Now i can say that i've sorted all buildings, scenes and such that i own together in one folder i'm calling "environments" it is significantly easier to work with them, no more "architexture" BS, i've sorted first by setting, fantasy and historic, contemporary, sci-fi and finally landscape, the later is because ultimately an uninhabited landscape is viable for any context or setting i can squeeze it into. Contemporary is further split into interior, exterior and other for those strange ones that are have fully usable inner and outer areas or are for whatever reason outliers, i then split interiors by room types, bedrooms, bathrooms ect. and in the case of open plan living spaces i suffix the folder with "w/bed or wo/bed" to denote if they are viable as bedrooms without having to load the scene.
Yes this took time but once you have a format to go with every other manual install becomes a simple if slightly longer procedure of letting data and runtime do there thing and i really mean leave them the F alone or stuff won't and then filing the rest as i see fit, far better than scrabbling through large badly organised 3rd party file structures.
In time i think i'll get a unified structure for everything in daz, i'm treating people as "figures" now so inside figures there is a folder for non-human figures like the few sci-fi and fantasy models i own, the dragon, the giant and the mindflayer all go in here along with the low res fox i got at some point, then it's humans and goes on to the default daz structure mostly so far.
The most recent experiment i've done is wardrobe, i've gone with an overfolder for all wearables, then split by generation, by gender of wearer (but not for certain things, some are sexless or usable by both, and have a separate folder "general" in my case) then i 'll break down by type, so footwear for example is listed under Wardrobe\G3\Male\!Footwear!\productfoldername
Note that i use !footwear! to make that folder always appear at the top of both the internal daz directory and the windows file explorer, this way i can have non sorted and folders always below the main folders that i sort other folders into, also it means that if i happen to have an odd one like the "get well soon" set that contains bandages rather than convention clothes but functions like clothes, it can remain in the G3 folder without getting in the way of other things and will always appear lower in the directory than a "!" folder. These "!" folders are personal choice, i've got !footwear! in both G3/M and G3/F but have a separate !underwear! folder for the women, just because i don't have the number of products to warrant a separate folder for men's underwear, instead underwear and swimwear are grouped for men in my structure, no it's not perfect but it is more practical than a large number of very picky "!" folders.
my next group to split is hair props, can't sort by gender in many cases i'll find something that works, probably by type, curly, wavy, straight or w/e, i'll get there in time and try to keep this up to date, on the whole i advise people to get a handle on things before it gets out of hand, it's easier to file something away once rather than have to do what i'm doing and refile it later, yes many product providers offer subpar organisation in their products and while i love the product if you can't find it you won;t use it, which sucks when they can cost quite a lot. I would prefer that DAZ would enforce a more orderly structure if the product dev wants to sell on the daz market place, i would understand if renderosity and renderotica where less well ordered but often they aren't. Daz product devs needs to agree on a structure and bloody stick to it.