Daz Lighting tips


Jun 30, 2019
Hi everyone, before start English is not my native language. sorry if there is a typo. so im try to improve my renders quality almost 1 year on daz
and i learned something very important. Light is the key everything.
im not a master of lighting or daz but im try to show someting for new users. Before start im not gonna show all lights how to use in this thread,
i ll show distance light spot light and hdri. for this i use indoor outdoor and potrait scenes to you understand.
Lets start with the potrait and spot lights.

lets setup our scene. im gonna turn off the dome but lots of users using light presets for potrait if you want use you can check daz store about light presets.
this is our scene without lights.
before add light you have the know if you wanted a detailed portrait make sure light not too bright and add some shadow in it.
we create two spot light right and left one of them is the create light the other create the shadow.
everytime i use spotlight, i set the light geometry point to rectangle. its create better and more soft light.
i select left one to make our light here the settings.
as you can see we have a shadow but too dark we have to use the other spotlight.
other spotlight setting are the nearly same but little dark.
and result like this its easy because its potrait with two light you can set this scene with direct spotligt front of your model or can split two side and if you want
more good result you can add spotlight behind the model and make more good results like this.

when i make potraits i use hdri + spotlight but you have to try yourself.

lets dive in to indoor lighting.
lots of users using the environment to light indoor like lamp candles neonbar etc. im gonna use spotlight for that.
here our scene
we need light for everything and for that we gonna add spotlight to the top.
after adding spotlight to the top secene have light.
it is simple but useful for everyone.
make sure your spread angel 180 and beam exponent 1 and light geometry are rectangle.
if you wanted sunlight to light your scene dont use hdri or sun sky dome specially dont use sun sky never.
add distance light for scene. and here it is. spot light + distance light much better.
here distance light setting
you can play with the temperature for like sunset or sinrise scene
only change is the set temperature 3500 to 1500
some of you wondering what if we add model in to the secene lets try.
its not a good lighting we can get better result just a change light power.
of course its not perfect you have to add spotlight to your model to look more good but environment look more good and give us the starter light.
the last one outdoor lighting we gonna use hdri distance and spotlight.
this is our scene.
i use sunset hdri and rotating a little for good lookin we have to add distance light.
after adding distance light much better so lets add spotlight.
after the spotlight much better but dont forget for better result you have to post edit your render and make some adjustment with tone mapping.
here result after post edit.
thank you if you read all over i know there is no magic trick or improve lighting so much just a basic stuff but this is for new users to understand the lighting is simple.