i've downloaded the 4.11 beta and i want try the denoizer option. but at what iteration i've to set it to start? for 550 iteration start at 8 (as default) , 250 (half of iterations) or 499 (for last kick) ???
The way the post Denoiser works is that it takes the in-progress rendering and passes that to the Denoiser, which then displays it. The rendering then continues modifying the in-progress rendering. So if you Denoise an image that had N iterations, you will get the same result, whether or not you have Denoised images with fewer iterations earlier in the render.
i've downloaded the 4.11 beta and i want try the denoizer option. but at what iteration i've to set it to start? for 550 iteration start at 8 (as default) , 250 (half of iterations) or 499 (for last kick) ???
This is one of the chief limitations of the current denoiser implementation. There have been many requests over on the Daz side to be able to have the denoiser kick in after a certain percentage of convergence, rather than after a fixed number of iterations, and you don't know in advance how many iterations an image will take to converge.
Right now, it seems most useful if you're intending to have the image stop after a certain number of iterations, rather than after a percentage of convergence, which is how a lot of us currently work.
I would suggest to keep rendering a little more after using denoiser as it makes the render look more clean than it would when you do it at the last moment
What i mean is that if you want to do 500 iterations, use denoiser at 399 and let 100 iterations run after the denoiser to get a crisp looking render
The number of iterations as much as i have seen depends mostly on the lightning and the size of your render, so after you have decided the number of iterations you think is satisfactory for your render just put denoiser 100 - 200 iterations below your iteration limit
This is one of the chief limitations of the current denoiser implementation. There have been many requests over on the Daz side to be able to have the denoiser kick in after a certain percentage of convergence, rather than after a fixed number of iterations, and you don't know in advance how many iterations an image will take to converge.
I've been using the AI denoiser since the first 4.11 beta build released and did a quick and dirty performance-benchmark on a GTX 1070 a while ago. Note that enabling the AI denoiser requires more VRAM!
I measured the time for a fixed amount of iterations between:
kicking in the AI denoiser at the first iteration
kicking in the AI denoiser at the last iteration
The theory is that (2) should be faster since the GPU spends less time with the AI denoising. The scene was set up to render in only a couple of minutes. Just a character in a pinup pose, no background.
I don't have the result-numbers anymore. But (2) was only slightly faster, within margin of error. This needs to be tested on a more complex scene with a longer rendering time, so don't quote me on that.
I find it not practical to kick in the AI denoiser late because:
the performance impact seems to be minimal
kicking in the AI denoiser early allows me to see how good the light is, saves time while creating a scene
while rendering I cannot predict the point when the image-quality is good enough and I like to stop the renders manually, yes there is the quality-target option but I never use it because many times I'm busy with other things (RenPy scripts) ... so why stop rendering at this point when I could achieve better quality and stop the rendering manually later when I'm done with whatever I'm doing.
my personal conclusion for now, until DAZ Studio has better options:
I'm kinda triggered by reading about such low iteration numbers. 500 iterations is GARBAGE image quality NO MATTER WHAT. Even for a very simple scene with direct light this is borderline quality.
Sorry if it seemed that i am saying to use 500 iterations
Since, @Cohibozz took the example of 500 iterations i tried to explain according to that example that you should put denoiser at 399
Sorry if i triggered you but i wasn't telling him to use 500 iterations, it was an example
Actually, my ideal configuration would be the option to "render until you've converged to X%, then stop rendering, run the denoiser, and THEN decide that you're done."
Caveat: I'm not using the beta, so maybe that's already possible. But certainly "turn on after N iterations" seems to only be useful if you're rendering to a window and watching it. Almost all of my rendering is done in batch mode overnight.
I'm kinda triggered by reading about such low iteration numbers. 500 iterations is GARBAGE image quality NO MATTER WHAT. Even for a very simple scene with direct light this is borderline quality. It is happening ... the AI denoisers will spawn a new wave of low quality CG-renders ... but instead of being grainy, they will now be blurry/smeared or will have certain patterns that look weird. *ugh*
Am I the only one here who internally explodes by reading this? (yes, some kind of OCD confirmed :FeelsBadMan
Almost true ... I would not be so categorical about the number of iterations. But it's true that in general 500 it's not good ^^
But for my part I think I will never use denoiser, I tested when they took it out and I didn't like it (or understand..). Maybe it's better now I don't know. I don't really see the point. But maybe I'm too bad to understand (which would not be new ...) ^^
If someone can explain to me, it might be interesting.
Almost true ... I would not be so categorical about the number of iterations. But it's true that in general 500 it's not good ^^
But for my part I think I will never use denoiser, I tested when they took it out and I didn't like it (or understand..). Maybe it's better now I don't know. I don't really see the point. But maybe I'm too bad to understand (which would not be new ...) ^^
If someone can explain to me, it might be interesting.
I use the de-noiser in my images, I set it to 500 and it speeds up the render times quite a bit. I use two GTX 1070's and my rtender times average about an hour and a half.