- Oct 14, 2021
- 626
- 2,808
I've got a script that's supposed to move all assets in a Daz scene into a transferable folder. Instead, the script is cutting off the first and last letter of the scene's file name so the script can't locate the file in order to package the assets.
This is the script:
Here's my error message:
And here's the script code:
This is the script:
You must be registered to see the links
. The issue has already been posted on the script's cgshare link with no response from the developer, and I don't have the coding expertise to know how to fix it.Here's my error message:
And here's the script code:
import os, sys, re, urllib, urlparse, traceback, shutil, gzip
try :import os, tkinter as Tkinter;from Tkinter import *
except :import Tkinter ;from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import askdirectory,askopenfilenames
from functools import partial
import tkMessageBox
def create_path(file_path) :
dir_path = '/'.join(file_path.replace('\\','/').split('/')[:-1])
try :os.makedirs(dir_path)
except :1
# Config file management
def load_config() :
global config; config = {}
try :f=open('config'); config=eval(f.read()); f.close()
except :1
return 1
def save_config() :
global config
f=open('config','w'); f.write(str(config)); f.close()
def get(var_name, var_default_value=None) :
global config
if var_name in config :return config[var_name]
config[var_name] = var_default_value
return var_default_value
def set(var_name, var_value) :
global config
config[var_name] = var_value
# get file content even if it's zipped
def get_file_content(source_file_name) :
def get_compressed_file_content(source_file_name) :
compressed_file = gzip.open(source_file_name, 'rb')
file_content = compressed_file.read()
return file_content
f=open(source_file_name); file_content = f.read(); f.close()
if not '"asset_info"' in file_content and not '"file_version"' in file_content :
try :file_content = get_compressed_file_content(source_file_name)
except :file_content = ''
return file_content
# searches for a relative path into each available Daz lib, including cloud installed products. returns absolute path if found.
def find_absolute_path(relative_path) :
daz_lib_paths = get('daz_lib_paths',[])
if os.path.isfile(relative_path) :return relative_path
for daz_lib_path in daz_lib_paths :
if os.path.isfile(daz_lib_path+'/'+relative_path) :return daz_lib_path+'/'+relative_path
if os.path.isdir(daz_lib_path+'/data/cloud') :
for cloud_id in os.listdir(daz_lib_path+'/data/cloud') :
possible_path = daz_lib_path+'/data/cloud/'+cloud_id+'/'+relative_path
if os.path.isfile(possible_path) :return possible_path
return ''
# recursively scans for each URLs in the file
def get_required_files(parent_file, relative_file_path, already_checked_files={}) :
global treatment_window, treatment_labels, log_content
export_path = get('export_path',os.getcwd().replace('\\','/')+'/exported')
already_checked_files[relative_file_path] = 1
absolute_file_path = find_absolute_path(relative_file_path)
if absolute_file_path!='' :
treatment_labels.append(Label(treatment_window, text=' Reading '+relative_file_path))
log_content+= ' Reading '+relative_file_path+'\n'
treatment_labels[-1].pack(); treatment_window.update()
if not ':/' in relative_file_path :
final_file_path = export_path+'/'+relative_file_path
shutil.copy(absolute_file_path, final_file_path)
file_content = get_file_content(absolute_file_path)
file_content = re.sub('\"asset_info\" : \{[^\}]*\}','',file_content)
for match in re.finditer('\"[^\"]*\"',file_content) :
if '/' in match.group(0) :
if '.' in match.group(0) :
temp = match.group(0)
if '?' in temp or '#' in temp :temp = temp.split('?')[0].split('#')[0]+'"'.replace('""','"')
try :
path = urllib.url2pathname(urlparse.urlparse(temp[2:][:-1]).path)
if not path in already_checked_files :already_checked_files = get_required_files(relative_file_path, path, already_checked_files)
except :1
else :
treatment_labels.append(Label(treatment_window, text='ERROR: Could\'nt find ' +relative_file_path))
log_content+= 'ERROR: Could\'nt find ' +relative_file_path+'\n'
treatment_labels[-1].pack(); treatment_window.update()
return already_checked_files
def remove_lib_path(index_button) :
daz_lib_paths = get('daz_lib_paths',[])
set('daz_lib_paths', daz_lib_paths[:index_button]+ daz_lib_paths[index_button+1:])
def add_lib() :
lib_path = askdirectory(initialdir=get('select_lib_path',''), title='Select a DAZ source library').replace('\\','/')
if lib_path!='' :
set('select_lib_path', lib_path)
if not os.path.isdir(lib_path+'/data') and not os.path.isdir(lib_path+'/runtime') :
tkMessageBox.showinfo("Error", lib_path+' is Not a valid DAZ livrary folder. A valid folder has to contain a "data" and a "runtime" sub-folders.')
return 0
daz_lib_paths = get('daz_lib_paths',[])
if not lib_path in daz_lib_paths :
def center_window(res_x, res_y, parent=None) :
if parent==None :parent=window
w, h = window.winfo_screenwidth(), window.winfo_screenheight()
x, y = w/2 - res_x/2, h/2 - res_y/2
parent.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % ((res_x,res_y) + (x, y)))
def remove_old_labels(max_label_display_count=23) :
global treatment_window, treatment_labels
while len(treatment_labels)>max_label_display_count :
treatment_labels = treatment_labels[1:]
# refreshes sources library buttons
lib_buttons = []
def generate_lib_buttons() :
global lib_buttons
daz_lib_paths = get('daz_lib_paths',[])
res_x, res_y = window_width, (8+len(daz_lib_paths))*25
center_window(res_x, res_y)
for i in lib_buttons :i.destroy()
lib_buttons = []
for lib_path in daz_lib_paths :
lib_buttons.append(Tkinter.Button(window, text=lib_path, fg="blue", command = partial(remove_lib_path, len(lib_buttons)), width=button_width))
# Runs the scene export
def export_scene() :
global treatment_window, treatment_labels, log_content
daz_lib_paths = get('daz_lib_paths',[])
export_path = get('export_path')
treatment_labels, log_content = [], ''
if daz_lib_paths==[] :tkMessageBox.showinfo("Error", "Please, add Daz Source librairies by clicking the \"ADD SOURCE\" button. You can add several libs if needed. You can then remove a source lib by clicking it."); return 0
source_scene_paths = askopenfilenames(initialdir=get('select_scene_path',''), filetypes=[("DUF Files",".duf")], title='Select a DAZ scene file to export').replace('.duf.png','.duf').replace('.png','.duf').replace('\\','/')
if source_scene_paths!='' :
source_scene_paths = source_scene_paths[1:][:-1].split('} {')
treatment_window = Toplevel(window); center_window(window_width, 500, treatment_window); treatment_window.update()
for source_scene_path in source_scene_paths :
set('select_scene_path', source_scene_path)
required_files = {source_scene_path:1}
already_checked_files = get_required_files("scene", source_scene_path, {})
final_scene_path = export_path+'/'+source_scene_path.split('/')[-1]
shutil.copy(source_scene_path, final_scene_path)
if os.path.isfile(source_scene_path+'.png') :shutil.copy(source_scene_path+'.png', final_scene_path+'.png')
tkMessageBox.showinfo("Success", 'Scene successfully exported to '+export_path)
def set_destination_path() :
export_path = askdirectory(initialdir=get('export_path',''), title='Select a destination folder').replace('\\','/')
if export_path!='' :
set('export_path', export_path)
def label(txt='') :Label( window, text=txt).pack();
try :
button_width, window_width = 70, 700
load_config(); window = Tk(); window.winfo_toplevel().title('Daz 3D Scene extractor V2'); window.withdraw()
window.update(); window.deiconify()
export_path = get('export_path', os.getcwd().replace('\\','/')+'/exported')
export_button = Tkinter.Button(window, text='Export a scene', command = export_scene, width=button_width); export_button.pack()
Label( window, text="Destination", fg="gray42").pack();
destpath_button = Tkinter.Button(window, text=export_path, fg="blue", command = set_destination_path, width=button_width); destpath_button.pack()
add_lib_button = Tkinter.Button(window, text='ADD SOURCE LIB', command = add_lib, width=button_width); add_lib_button.pack()
except :print (traceback.format_exc())