Unity - Deals with Witch [v1.0] [Seven Tsumi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Feels kinda slow at like since the beginning, mostly of the time there is no indicator about what to do more than the rectangle at the top right and is not very intuitive, an scene here and there but nothing relevant.

    I liked that it was like vampire survivors but character is slow and doesn't kill anything any faster than 3 seconds
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential, but needs to improve on a lot of things.
    I won't talk about the AI art (i'm not a fan, but it's not terrible here). It's the system itself that lacks in different departments.

    Combat gameplay is kinda boring and tedious. It takes too long to complete a level, and you have to repeat the same ones over and over again every time you have to leave the village (but every time you need to defeat more and more monsters, which have basically no variety). EXP orbs (or whatever they're called) drops are unreliable so you'll most likely upgrade your skills at a snail's pace, and the game doesn't even tell you how a skill is upgraded before chosing it (not to mention you have to remember which skills are in which slots, because the game sure as hell doesn't help you with that).
    Hitboxes are a mystery. Sometimes it looks like you should have gotten an EXP orb or dodged an enemy, but the opposite happens. And dashing is barely controllable.
    And then the worst: you'd think that skills that target monsters (not AOE) would either go for the nearest one or stick to a specific rule, since there is no manual aiming... and you'd be wrong. Skills aim seemingly at random, and half the time they'll switch from a target to another before the current one is dead or just shoot at nothing (and i mean literally at nothing... you'll see projectiles go where there's no enemies SO OFTEN....)