Greetings gentlemen! If recall correctly, it's been a little over 6 months since I last had something for you guys. Mr. Dearonnus seems entirely focused on the RPG that he's making meaning the CG sets have been actually quite low, but he has done more work since last we met and I have collected it here for your perusal.
2022 January- December
This one isn't broken up like the last ones were because this one is a bit more sparse than them, but on the brighter side it seems that Mr. Dearonnus is almost ready to release the first playable alpha for his game! I eagerly look forward to whatever it is he may have in store for us, but am managing my expectations so I don't get weird about it if its not exactly what I want.
Anyway, please let me know if theres anything wrong with the supplied folder, you believe I have missed something or, you want me to break the folders up after all.