Deciding to take a crack at things...

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
TLDR: Skip to the last two paragraphs.

After discovering and playing a few... a lot of these adult games I've decided to try and make one of my own. I know, I know, my Bob, spare us. Right. So I'm a new "developer" and I haven't made anything like this before... I don't think levels in LBP count. Haha. Thus me making a game is going to be a challenging task, which is why I'm going with RPG maker as it does a lot of the work for me. A lot, not all, I'm finding I need plugins for some things but I do like a challenge.

Anyway, I've played most of the rpg maker games here and while I like a lot of them, even support a few devs, none really give me that full rpg experience that I want. I know these are basically porn games, half if not more being incest driven, but is it so much to ask for an actual rpg if you're using a rpg engine? The closest, for me, is The Artifact (check that out if you haven't), but even that doesn't quite get there for me.

The game I'm developing will be reminiscent of Chrono Trigger/Cross, you will have a mc that is in a party of 3. There are classes, they matter, there will be a fair amount of equipment, and you will learn skills as you level (I'm pretty sure I'll need a plugin for this). This will be a legitimate classic jrpg style game. That said, sex/porn/tittays/what have you, will also be a main focus, even down to the equipment; so don't feel like the adult aspect is taking a back seat. No, no, you'll be able to fap, or play away, as you please.

To that end I'm probably going to need to recruit or hire an artist that can create sprites, that's just not my skill set, and potentially has the capability or resources to render 3d scenes. I can go out and get stock images myself, morph and animate them myself, but if I'm getting an artist to do sprites it'd be good if they could do both. I mean altering pre made assets isn't exactly rocket science, if an artist can create and animate sprites from nothing, modeling/animating pre made 3d figures should be simple...

Aside from the gameplay and teh sex, the story is most def important and I think I've got the outline for a good one. I don't want to go into too much detail for now but the proof of concept I'm developing now should explain it fairly well. It's a prologue of sorts. So I'd like to ask, how appealing is this to you? I'm going to make the game regardless, but do you like the idea of a heavy jrpg with lots of adult/sex content?

Premise: Shit is getting very bad for the world the MC lives in (so cliche) for whatever reason the MC is chosen/finds out about machinations behinds the scenes and is put on the path to stop it. On this path the MC must fight through horny people, demons, and other fantasy humanoid things... maybe, but def demons(humanoid) fucking lots of sexy ladies, including those in his family, along the way. It just happens, the MC isn't hell bent on (like basically all these other games) banging his mom or sister but, you know, shit happens...

Again, didn't want to go into too much detail but, what do you think? If the combat/story isn't shit and I get a decent artist for the artwork or I somehow create good art myself, would you play/support it? Open to ideas, very early in dev.
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Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
That would be cool if it was chrono trigger style with elements from the show "Supernatural". One of the brothers had a fling with a demon. I'd play that. :D
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Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
That would be cool if it was chrono trigger style with elements from the show "Supernatural". One of the brothers had a fling with a demon. I'd play that. :D
I don't quite remember Supernatural that well, I've seen it but it's been a while. I'll see if I can watch some episodes online for a refresher. I'm pretty sure I can get the Chrono Trigger aspect tho, although I'm thinking about using yanfly's STB battle system, which is more like ffx. Not sure if people would prefer that or straight up atb, but stb would def help with tech combo strat... once I figure that shit out... One step at a time.

Right now I just have one of the begining rooms built and I'm using it to test the combat system, which is obviously going to be super important, unlike how these games usually are. When I get things straightened out a little further I'll upload a ... I'm not sure what to even call it, a combat mockup... to give people an opportunity to try the combat before I develop the game further.

Fun stuff tho.


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Supernatural is about a pair of brothers who team up with an angel, their friend bobby, their mom, or sometimes a demon to defeat the "bad guys" who are anything from leviathans, fate, the devil, god's sister, pagan deities, to vampires and werewolves. The brothers are "hunters" who work to keep humanity safe from the evils they can or cannot see. They are neither good nor bad. They are in the grey area but work for good.

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
Hmm, well this will actually be pretty close to that in concept. As long as I can execute on the game end of things I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have in mind for the story.

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
Was hoping for a bit more input with 60 views... ah well. I don't really like double posting but just to post an update of where the game is at.

I've got the combat system about where I want it, I may tweak things here and there but I've got classes and dual tech skills implemented. The weapon system is ready, haven't made but a few weapons tho, and classes are set to use their respective weapons. I'm trying to figure out if I want to give each character a unique element, like in CT, or have dual techs based on classes. Feedback is helpful, if I get none I'm just going to do wtf I want. If the game comes out, people play it and like the renders but don't like the combat, don't say I never gave folk the opportunity to help mold it ;)

Trial version, combat only, coming soon.


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Dual techs would be better. MC can pick 2 trees. The others in the party can have a pair of skills like one is good with bow and traps, another is good with tanking and aoe?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
I guess my only input is that if you want to make an RPG, great. Do that. If you want to make porn, awesome. Do that. But unless you have a really good script written down, don't hybridize them. If your doing an RPG there better be a damn good reason two or more people are fucking. And there better be some buildup to show it.

Playing a normal RPG is kind of a boner killer to start with as your mind is on combat, skills, leveling, etc. I'll admire the sprites for sure, but it will be unfappable. I think a good sexrpg would be possible, it's just that none of the patreon crowd is really interested in breaking that ground. Most really just want to copy success and cash in on as little effort as possible. (exceptions to be sure, but you already know that.)

I think the most important advice I can give you is to ignore everything here for now. Get that demo out, then ask the questions and look for input. Have your own direction and really just make the game you want to play. If others like it then great. Otherwise at least you have something fappable for yourself.

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
Dual techs would be better. MC can pick 2 trees. The others in the party can have a pair of skills like one is good with bow and traps, another is good with tanking and aoe?

I'm going to have dual techs either way, actually have triple techs working so that aspect is almost complete. The only problem with multi actor techs is that only the caster is seen as taking action, so the player could use the same tech, or just act in general, with a member that should've technically used a turn. There is no workaround to this that I've seen. The author of the plugin knows but... life happens. What I think I'm going to do is make the cost of dual/triple techs 2x/3x higher but not so high as to keep the player from using it reasonably.

I've also decided to give techniques based on character not class. Characters of the same class will have similar techniques, but tweaking those skills will allow for different dual/triple techs down the line. Specialization! What I need to figure out, comments appreciated, is if I should allow for the player to swap characters mid battle or not. You'll only have access to 3 for now so I'll think about that as I implement more, and more enemies that are actually a threat. (These won't be able to kill you but have moderate life, good for testing spells.)

I guess my only input is that if you want to make an RPG, great. Do that. If you want to make porn, awesome. Do that. But unless you have a really good script written down, don't hybridize them. If your doing an RPG there better be a damn good reason two or more people are fucking. And there better be some buildup to show it.

Playing a normal RPG is kind of a boner killer to start with as your mind is on combat, skills, leveling, etc. I'll admire the sprites for sure, but it will be unfappable. I think a good sexrpg would be possible, it's just that none of the patreon crowd is really interested in breaking that ground. Most really just want to copy success and cash in on as little effort as possible. (exceptions to be sure, but you already know that.)

I think the most important advice I can give you is to ignore everything here for now. Get that demo out, then ask the questions and look for input. Have your own direction and really just make the game you want to play. If others like it then great. Otherwise at least you have something fappable for yourself.

Well, it's definitely going to be an adult game. No doubt there. My thing is, the main reason why I even tried making a game, I want it to be a good rpg too. Nothing against what's out, awesome stuff, I like it a lot. Just not really cutting it for me on the rpg side tho. My other thing is I don't know how well that's going to be received as no other game like this really takes the rpg part seriously. I do plan on making a great rpg, one that just happens to have sex in it. I think I have a good story, more on that later, I just hope people are receptive to the game.

As far as the boner killer goes. I know... bro... I know, that's why I'm doing everything I can to make the gamas lewd, but still sensible, in a rpg fantasy way, sense. Humorful too, this game will def be full of humor (that you may or may not like) and tittays. Won't be too hard, so don't worry that'll you'll have to do "too" much. If people like it and request a more challenging version, or that I up the challenge for future updates, I can def do that too.

Basic combat demo is almost ready, tweaking the enemies a bit because now you can 1 shot them under the right conditions. You should try it, maybe you'll get an overkill. Probably not tho, char can't hit quite that hard yet :p

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
On this glorious World Otter Day (who knew?) I have finally finished the combat system (for now) and I'm ready for people to try it. Remember, it's just the combat, nothing else. Three different enemies, nothing special about them, all have same stats. Double/triple techs work, after execution all actors involve get a massive agi debuff, which will either cause a party member to have their turn forcefully skipped (as it should be) or they'll be slower for the next turn.

Let me know what you think, if you see any glitches or if you have ideas about the combat system in general. I'll update this post with the mega link when it's ready.

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
Mega Link :

Let me know what you think. I think all the files were uploaded properly so it should work, I'll make zip files for future updates. Again, this is just a look at the combat system. Thanks for giving the game(combat) a try, leave feedback :)

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
I don't know why, but I can't edit the post to update the link. The old link didn't work, I uploaded the game again as a zip.


Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
No comments about the combat? So sad, so sad.

Seriously tho, update. It's important!

So I went out and acquired Daz, off the seven seas... then I realized it was free at port so I dumped me booty and went legit. Jokes (not really). Anyway, after playing around with Daz I realize, 1| I have absolutely no idea what the fuck I'm doing and 2| It came with basically no fucking assets... Sooooo I get on the website and 15 mins later I've spent $45 on "free" software; they got me. Sad part is I still don't have all I need so I'll be spending another $50 or so in the near future on hair and clothes... Expensive ass virtual barbies. All good tho, I'm not even mad, investment.

But here's where "you" come in. Right now there isn't much to the game (try the combat) so there isn't much for you to do to influence the game. However, I need to get 1 more body, I have 2, to put in the game. If you care, hop over to the Daz site and pick a bri... model, post a link/tell which one and I might get that one. If it's not one of the $100+ bundles that is, be reasonable here. I'm looking at tutorials now, figuring out this Daz business, but more importantly, where in the hell am I going to get assets for "anatomically correct" models? Do I have to sculpt some D and pum pum myself? I really doubt I'll find that on the Daz site... I didn't see it at least. I didn't really look either tho. An answer to this question is needed posthaste.

Equally so, it's going to take me a while to get a grasp on Daz, longer still to really get comfy with it. I don't want to put shit renders in the game, however, I also don't want potential players to have to wait for me to learn Daz. That being the case I've thought of a potential solution, but I don't know if it's legal or if people would be receptive to it. I might not be able to do what I need in Daz for now, but my Skyrim, more or less, is a sex engine. A really, really good looking sex engine. Like a damn near photorealistic sex engine, with physics. So, if I were to play director in Skyrim to make my scenes(which is totally possible) is Bethesda going to hit me with a suit, or more likely a warning to stop? I'm not selling anything, even if the game is a success it'll always be free. If I got a patreon, just to give people the opportunity to support me for whatever reason, what's my legal heat look like? I mean I know people who make money reviewing mods so... (not hating btw) If I'm good legally, would people mind those scenes until I learn Daz? As far as aesthetics go, I'm positive they'd look just as good.

Need those answers posthaste, I mean I'd like to know what you think about the combat but... the future direction of the game awaits.


Aug 5, 2016
As far as artists go you may want to look on the lemmasoft forums. They have a section for paid work (just make sure you specify that you project is NSFW).
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Aug 15, 2016
No comments about the combat? So sad, so sad.

Seriously tho, update. It's important!

So I went out and acquired Daz, off the seven seas... then I realized it was free at port so I dumped me booty and went legit. Jokes (not really). Anyway, after playing around with Daz I realize, 1| I have absolutely no idea what the fuck I'm doing and 2| It came with basically no fucking assets... Sooooo I get on the website and 15 mins later I've spent $45 on "free" software; they got me. Sad part is I still don't have all I need so I'll be spending another $50 or so in the near future on hair and clothes... Expensive ass virtual barbies. All good tho, I'm not even mad, investment.

But here's where "you" come in. Right now there isn't much to the game (try the combat) so there isn't much for you to do to influence the game. However, I need to get 1 more body, I have 2, to put in the game. If you care, hop over to the Daz site and pick a bri... model, post a link/tell which one and I might get that one. If it's not one of the $100+ bundles that is, be reasonable here. I'm looking at tutorials now, figuring out this Daz business, but more importantly, where in the hell am I going to get assets for "anatomically correct" models? Do I have to sculpt some D and pum pum myself? I really doubt I'll find that on the Daz site... I didn't see it at least. I didn't really look either tho. An answer to this question is needed posthaste.

Equally so, it's going to take me a while to get a grasp on Daz, longer still to really get comfy with it. I don't want to put shit renders in the game, however, I also don't want potential players to have to wait for me to learn Daz. That being the case I've thought of a potential solution, but I don't know if it's legal or if people would be receptive to it. I might not be able to do what I need in Daz for now, but my Skyrim, more or less, is a sex engine. A really, really good looking sex engine. Like a damn near photorealistic sex engine, with physics. So, if I were to play director in Skyrim to make my scenes(which is totally possible) is Bethesda going to hit me with a suit, or more likely a warning to stop? I'm not selling anything, even if the game is a success it'll always be free. If I got a patreon, just to give people the opportunity to support me for whatever reason, what's my legal heat look like? I mean I know people who make money reviewing mods so... (not hating btw) If I'm good legally, would people mind those scenes until I learn Daz? As far as aesthetics go, I'm positive they'd look just as good.

Need those answers posthaste, I mean I'd like to know what you think about the combat but... the future direction of the game awaits.
Genitals from Daz only come with the 'pro' packs, which makes them very expensive.

There is an entire shop devoted to adult Daz/Poser goods: . Probably of immediate interest to you, an alternative to the female genitals: . There's also a number of male gentials too.

If you're just starting out with Daz and learning you only really need the G3F/G3M morph bundles (and maybe one one male and female high quality skin, although I would get a merchant resource if you have any skill with 2D software). There's plenty of free stuff out there. Look on Daz, Renderosity, ShareCG & Renderotica sites for the free sections.

When you do buy stuff from Daz be aware that they discount massively during their frequent sales. Maybe less so now than in the past but paying full price for anything is silly when it'll show up in a sale at some point.
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Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
Genitals from Daz only come with the 'pro' packs, which makes them very expensive.

There is an entire shop devoted to adult Daz/Poser goods: . Probably of immediate interest to you, an alternative to the female genitals: . There's also a number of male gentials too.

If you're just starting out with Daz and learning you only really need the G3F/G3M morph bundles (and maybe one one male and female high quality skin, although I would get a merchant resource if you have any skill with 2D software). There's plenty of free stuff out there. Look on Daz, Renderosity, ShareCG & Renderotica sites for the free sections.

When you do buy stuff from Daz be aware that they discount massively during their frequent sales. Maybe less so now than in the past but paying full price for anything is silly when it'll show up in a sale at some point.
Thanks for the input and links. Do you know if those that link will work with any gen 3 or is it Victoria 7 specific, as I think it is. I only bought stuff on sale, except for the gen3 body morphs... which I feel like should've came with the damn program and I'm regretting after seeing some of the morphs at that site...

Have any thought on me using Skyrim as an engine for animations for start?


Aug 15, 2016
Thanks for the input and links. Do you know if those that link will work with any gen 3 or is it Victoria 7 specific, as I think it is. I only bought stuff on sale, except for the gen3 body morphs... which I feel like should've came with the damn program and I'm regretting after seeing some of the morphs at that site...

Have any thought on me using Skyrim as an engine for animations for start?
The geometry will work with any G3F figure. Matching the textures is more difficult, there are updates for all the major Daz characters for a few dollars more. If you need to know if a specific character's textures will work you can ask the author, he's very helpful and there's a support topic for his product on the renderotica forum.

Daz have to make money somehow; it's ridiculous the amount of stuff you get for free. I paid hundreds of dollars for it all some years ago and still thought it was a good deal. I wouldn't spend any more money on it until you're sure you know what want though, it's really not necessary to get some basic renders.

I have no idea about using Skyrim sorry. I know Honey Select has been used to make at least a couple of games, and the graphics ended up not bad.
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Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
Ah, I see. Thanks again for all the input. At most I'm going to get some eyes, maybe that last body if people chime in.

Hmm, well I'm not worried about the quality so much as I am Bethesda and legal action. I'll probably just test it out, unless somebody warns me otherwise, while I work with Daz. At the least I'll have some 3d examples of what I expect to make in Daz, at most I'll have means to make some early scenes.


Aug 15, 2016
Ah, I see. Thanks again for all the input. At most I'm going to get some eyes, maybe that last body if people chime in.

Hmm, well I'm not worried about the quality so much as I am Bethesda and legal action. I'll probably just test it out, unless somebody warns me otherwise, while I work with Daz. At the least I'll have some 3d examples of what I expect to make in Daz, at most I'll have means to make some early scenes.
I didn't say anything about the legal position because I'm not a lawyer or have experience with this. From a layman's pov it seems pretty obvious; the images are Bethesda's copyright and distributing them is not allowed (you wouldn't fall under the fair use exemption). Whether they actually care enough to do something about it is another matter. I suspect you would know better than me where the people modding the game hang out (LoversLab?), you might be able to get an answer there as to whether anyone ever gets hassled.

Best of luck with the game, I'll take a look when I get some free time.
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Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
Indeed, I was getting around to asking over there. Wanted to get permission from mod authors there as well.