HTML - Deep in Hollywood Inc. [v0.18] [Ulysses Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Excellent use of real porn images, a potentially interesting story of an undercover cop working for the mob and nice game design are the highlights here, but the game is dragged down by lack of content and absolutely abysmal English (a fatal flaw for an HTML game). Also the stats gatekeeping that blocks access to story choices is particularly obnoxious.

    Not worth playing until the content at least doubles and the dev finds a proofreader for the script.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Was eager to try this because of the high rating but I am quite surprised its received so well. Here are my main issues-
    • Quite grindy gameplay loop from early on.
    • Very sparse on content. We are on v0.18 and our character still hardly does anything.
    • You have to make specific choices early on to get the most content which is already low
    For pros, the main character is quite charming. I assume that is the main reason for the high ratings. I probably wont be playing this unless we get a whole bunch more content
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Senor Smut

    This game is a study in contrasts. On the one hand, it breaks no new ground -- it's a real porn HTML with corruption mechanics. In essence, it's not different in kind from a thousand other games.

    On the other hand, everything it does, it does superbly. It's sexy as hell and funny as a good night at the comedy club, it's got terrific characterization expertly drawn very quickly after you meet each character, it's got enough of a story to keep you interested, and it makes me look forward to every single update.

    4 stars only because of the relatively slow updates. It feels like the amount of content here should have been produced more quickly. it's not an egregious thing, and for all I know the dev has a million other things going on and can only get to this in odd moments. The content that exists is 5-star content, but then quantity is a quality all its own.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    An encouraging start.
    A lot of very sexy and imaginative things, very well chosen pictures, in it's current state the game is nicely structured (you don't get the feeling that it isn't going anywhere) and I wish it remains that way with the addition of more content.
    The only thing I don't understand is, in this type of game, why would you make the scenes less fun and interesting if the player doesn't have enough stats ? In a game with repeatable events where you have to grind stats it makes sense because it gives the player an incentive to play, but why do it in a game where the events are unique ? the only thing it does is to frustrate the player, and add work for the dev.
    But anyway, great start !
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Blood-Red Circus

    A good and interesting game in which there is a plot, nice design, variability (something really depends on the player’s choice, and not like in a typical VN). The biggest (and only) disadvantage is the need to develop this or that characteristic as much as possible. If you missed a small event to level up your depravity, replay the entire game again, since you won’t see any more scenes. I hope this approach will be slightly improved.
    I wish the author success and all the best.)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best HTML - real porn games on the web!

    It's uniquely themed.
    The story is funny and the choices are fun to select from.
    Girls are hot. props to the dev for spending time selecting good material.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    After seeing this one a couple of times, I decided to give it a try and I am glad I did. Probably the score would be a 4.5 as there are a couple things I would like to see improved, but it was still a very good game and a very enjoyable experience.

    I really like FMC games, and this one has the usual tropes of the corruption ones, but also some original elements to it. I really like how the paper doll is done, the pictures have a lot of consistency between them. I liked the H scenes as well, they were well chosen and I liked that I had mostly a choice of what to do.

    Here is where I would improve a small thing. I do not like when points are a barrier to do something, and in this game for some scenes, you need to have unlocked some points, and some are a bit hidden.

    How would I prefer it? well, I would like if you could do what you wanted, and instead the points just changed how people saw you/interacted with you or, alternatively, they opened additional things to do.

    For example, and as a minor spoiler, at one point you are in a bar, you need to convince a thug to come with you, and he asks you to dance and then to lift your tshirt, by this point you have already lifted it a couple of times in other situations, but the game asks you to have certain amount of points in exhibitionism and submissive before you can do it here. Why? not doing it has an impact on getting the thug out, the whole purpose of you being here, and your character has already done this without issue, so why not here?

    I would prefer if this decision was not blocked behind points but, instead, you do it if you choose to, and then, if you have enough points in exhibitionism + submissive, maybe invite him to cop a feel? maybe have him degrade you and you accepting it? variations in scene/dialogue, but not blocking content.

    Other than that, the game is a bit on the short side, but what is there is good and fun.

    I am looking forward to the next updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story line and dialogues, continue the flow. please don't make it to grind. will be helpful to reconsider the options selected earlier, or to have a variable editor. Looking forward to it, hope the future updates can be released in patches rather than downloading the whole content again
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has made a huge leap in content and quality with this release and I strongly recommend playing it for fun. You could also tweak with the usual tools some depravity points or others to see more scenes already now.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid

    Really solid! Writing flows well and is decently funny. I like how the various choices you can make have proper bearing on future choices, but it seems as though some paths offer more content than others at the moment, and there aren't too many different paths for a given event at the moment. It's also fairly short at the moment, but you can spend a good amount of time replaying to see all the paths.
    Great start and interested to see where it ends up.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It's good! Sounds like there were some contentious choices the developer made for the game that have since been changed. At this point, it's just a good HTML game. Good writing, sexy choices. Seems there are actually some branching choices, hoping that continues and that it's not completely linear.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So far so good. If you're into Twine/Sugarcube corruption games, you'll enjoy this one. It's short so far though. I like quick time events and various paths leading to different developments. Overall quality of the game is promising too. Will definitely revisit this game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    Good looking game with a fun premise, but the execution of the design is deeply flawed.
    1. The game uses QTE. You have to quickly scan the paragraph on the page to see if you can see which option is about to disappear, and then click on it before it goes away (after maybe 4 seconds). This is terribly irritating, especially as you don't know the significance of the event you missed (it might just be eye candy, but it might be an important clue). QTE should either be eliminated or restricted to the eye candy, so players can ignore it.
    2. Choices are gated by the player's stats. Generally, you can only gain stat points by meeting the gate of a decision, so one wrong move early in the game means that you will never meet any gates and so never see a lot of the material.
    On the plus side, there is no grind and, by cheating at the start, the player can avoid the trap of never meeting any stat requirements. Once the stats are cheated up, the game plays quite well.

    I'd advise waiting to play this if you unwilling to cheat. The dev is new to this, and will surely fix some of the irritating features. If you are willing to cheat, then play on and enjoy.

    Edit: this review and rating was for the 0.12a version of the game and both are subject to revision as the game is further developed.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    The Stream

    Rating v0.12:
    This is the second release, I believe. It's a cool game: good mechanics, good images and yes, dum but in a self-aware kind of way. Perhaps if there wasn't the anti-cheat system, people would be less frustrated (now it means that you actually need to play the game, OMG). I hope the updates carry on coming!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.10: This is a solid start and definitely worth checking.

    It's a fun corruption game, with parody elements, female protagonist, HTML, real porn. Images are good and well chosen, not throw in like in other HTML games, and there are Timed Events (within a choose-your-adventure style) that are quite fun actually, especially for those like me used to click too fast (the timed events work both ways, sometimes they disappear quickly, other times after a while).

    It doesn't reinvent the genre and there isn't that much content in this first release, so probably it's more 4 than 5 stars but it's got potential and it's worth the encouragement. Hopefully I won't have to edit this review with future updates!

    All in all, a great addition for a game that I'll be following.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = funny porn game. Story revolves around a dumb female cop and some mafia. A lot of nudity and exhibitionism.

    Story: 5/5
    + You follow a blonde female cop newbie. She starts as traffic patrol. She giving fines and arresting people. It is "choose your own adventure" so you can try to be a "good and serious" cop or be a "dumb blondie".
    + When you go for "dumb blondie cop" the game will be super funny. Imagine arresting a wrong person during traffic accident and then getting yelled at by your boss... I laughed so hard.
    + At later part you get introduced to some maffia boss and you go "undercover". While undercover the cop will get slowly corrupted by depravity around. Good start. We will see how will the story goes on.

    Art and Sex stuff: 4/5
    + Game contains real life Images, GIFs and short videos. They pretty good.
    + Main heroine is hot.
    + So far the game revolves around nudity, exhibitionism and some masturbation events.
    - There is no sex yet.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    + Game is typical "choose your own adventure" game. You read text and and then you make some choices. Outcomes of the choices are very different.
    + Apart from typical choices there are also some QTE (Quick Time Events). There will appear a choice on the screen and you can click on it, but if you are not fast enough the moment will pass and you can no longer do that action. I liked the QTE.
    + You can also go for New Game+ , because some events will unlock only on 2nd playthrough (or if you cheat).
    - The game is still a bit early in development. I think it has around 40 minutes of content.

    To sum it up:
    I really enjoyed this game. I laughed at some silly situations.
    Although the game is still early in development I am definitely giving it 5/5 due to potential.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    v0.10 Review. Game gets off to a good start as a ditzy girl who become a police officer. You go out on the street and have two different crimes you deal with. They are fun and allow you to be stupid and mess with the victims/criminals.

    However after the first day you end up with the cliche of going under cover and my eyes almost rolled out of my head. You go into meet the mob and that's where this version ends.

    I hope that they go back to funny crimes and being a dumb cop rather then just being corrupted by a gang like all other cop games.

    Images are real pictures and video. Game play is choose your own adventure style. Every so often it says people like you more or less but what that will do is unknown.

    If it stuck with the funny cop moments I would have rated this a 4 and even looked into funding it. But with it's current trajectory I've lost interest.