VN - Ren'Py - Defending Lydia Collier [v0.16.2 Hotfix] [White Phantom Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I honestly have no clue as to why this game have so high reviews.

    The story and models areokay but quite outdated. Some of the story doesn't seem to fit or maybe put there to add kinks and maybe not for everyone but hey atleast it's avoidable if you want.

    Putting the "animation" tag here seems almost more of a scam than NFTs.

    If you are looking for a decent or good looking game with animation this is not for you.
    But if you're looking an old looking game with a loooooooong story, humiliation and scat you're in the right place.

    What can I say just poor performance all around even in the few seconds of animations there is an I have no clue why the game files are this big with nothing to show for it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is a bit long and there is alot to read, if you like law stuff you might like this, but i found it a bit drawn out and boring really, it gets a bit more fun very late in game with the girls. so if you can get to that part it does seem to improve.

    MC dosent have the biggest brain, at one point in finds a note about Eve which could have something to do with the murder and first thing MC does it show it to her, it tells her to destroy everyting, what that is who knows but sounds like evidence of some sort, so dident feel like a bright idea to show it.

    Also MC finds a video of Lydia collecting the car after her husbon got kidnapped and MC say its destroys her story and he needs to talk to her about the lies, but he never ask not once....not sure if dev forgot to put it into the game but its just very weird.

    Story 3/5
    Long and boring and alot of law stuf, and MC is a lawyer who tried to play a cop investergating a murder case, he should proberly stick with hes day job.

    Girls 2/5
    I really did find any of them hot, even the youngest girls looks like milfs which dident help, faces also look alot alike on most of them, so i mostly played on just to see how the story went.

    Animation 2/5
    For a animated game there just isent enough animations, most sex scenes are just pictures, atleast in my route with Ellie and her familie, its simply just not good enough with just pictures in animated games.

    Music 3/5
    Average music not really mood setting but alot better then silent.

    Choices 5/5
    You have full controle over who you want to be with or have sex with and it seems to work perfectly.

    I will check it out later once more updates is here, then update my review if its gotten better or worse.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games with one of the best storylines. Multiple endings which are completely different so you must play the game at least 2-3 times to get those endings. The content of the game is great, and most important is the badass storyline it has. Top notch! The sound design and overall environment the scenes are taking place in is also good.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game. It has a lot of content. It has nice graphics and many erotic scenes. It has choices that matter and can be played several times to discover all the stuff. The writing style is good and it feels like coming from a with some life experience. It even has its own built-in internet with political news included.

    So why not 5 stars? Well, I just couldn't get into the story. I tried and I failed. There is some crime story present but it's a rather slow burner. And you can't just skip the boring parts as you have to check your phone or laptop all the time and your fast-forwarding stops there. You play as a lawyer and the game at moments begins to resemble being a real lawyer too much which is not so much fun :) You must answer mails and smses, read and analyse legalese and so on.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! A lot of different choices and outcomes. The characters are amazing and you don’t feel like talking to npcs when you interact with them. A concern I have is that since there are a lot of different branches, some will stay stagnant for a while since the dev will need a lot of time to update them all. However I trust that the dev will keep up the great work!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, I enjoy Lydia Collier very much. The plot is well told and for the most part very captivating. The way secrets are discovered is unique and although the puzzles are easy enough to circumvent, they are still interesting if you decide to solve them on your own. Many characters are likable, have interesting secrets and sometimes even goals that are not related to the MC. Not all of them though.

    The thing that keeps me from awarding five instead of four stars is basically the "lewd instead of storytelling" that is going on for some branches of the plot. Like switching into dating paths just because you want to go out with someone, suddenly it's a date. No other ways to have a good time apart from dating and fucking apparently. Shame since that means you cannot spend any meaningful time with Ellie unless you intend to shake her world. That's oddly creepy for a plot that started out as sophisticated.
    Another thing are the slut and bimbo routes that serve no purpose other than satisfying a particular gaming crowd but they stick out like a sore thumb. In fact, if you switch on one of the perv paths, it does derail the entire character arc. From aspiring cop to airhead in one surgery is sure pornographic but it's not good storytelling.

    It is my humble opinion that those excesses would have been better served in a different game. It feels oddly out of place and dissuades the suspense of the actual plot surrounding Lydia. In fact, these excesses often mean that the main plot is entirely on hold or that life and death scenarios and lewd desires require the same degree of attention from the MC. It really broke my immersion at times.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so very fun. I enjoy so many aspects of this game from the various characters, plots, sub-plots, and the over all main story. I enjoy the freedom to follow the various characters and pick their paths. I also really enjoy the fact that when you pick one path you open up unique things for that path. Makes for great replay value, to which I have done many times. a top 10 game for me.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The trailer and opening graphics are great, and the UI is decent. I was bored to tears with the game content itself, though. I tried to force myself to play through but couldn't get into it. I also thought the sexual content had room for improvement; it seemed to consistently be a short handful of scenes that were over and done with super quickly.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.15.5

    After having tried it earlier and it not really clicking with me I just tried it again and have to say, this is one of the best games on the site.
    The quality of the story and the difference between the routes really stands out.

    The biggest downside is probably the art, most of the models are very attractive but it feels a bit dated compared to a lot of other games. The animations are also few and far between with most scenes only consisting of stills.

    But this is a VN that goes up in quality with every release and as such I highly recommend this one.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, with good scenes and amazing plot. 10/10 would play again.
    Only thing i missed was the ability to use the phone whenever. Otherwise the plot sucked me in. I was so invested and can't wait for the new update.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Ren'PY game ever made. Was looking forward for the next release!
    I'll be more detailed once the "complete" final version is released. For now I'll just say that I recommended it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Been following this game for quite some time and would give this 6 stars if I could. There is so much depth in this game, and so much content that the developer keeps on adding.

    The plot is cohesive and convincing, as well as unique in how the developer implements the protagonist's law career into the plot. The protagonist's interactions with other characters and the decisions they make are also well thought out and appreciated.

    The cast character design is hot as fuck, and further enhanced with each person's unique backgrounds, intentions, potential routes and kinks. CG and sex scenes take advantage of this and are well made and sexy as heck. There are a wide variety paths diverging and intertwining the player can take, in both romancing different characters, as well as the main story (e.g., which team you choose, etc).

    There are many small details as well, such as the implementation of the computer, betting and the social/communication media platforms in the game.

    Overall, a really well made h game that I can see has had a lot of thought put into it. I applaud White Phantom Games and wish them well in this and future projects!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. A bit complex at times, but does well what it is trying to do. The characters are well-fleshed out and all routes you take go into a great deal of detail. Any girl route you pick will not only be well written but has a different style of life story that plays into the whole scenario.

    And Steph is crazy.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an extraordinarily good game. The writing is well done, the characters are hot and well rounded. I don't hate anyone as a partner or choice and they are all relatively believable within the constraints of a sex game. The sex is very good, as are the game elements.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really interesting premise, great breadth of choices and some fun mechanics.
    Really enjoying multiple playthroughs to explore the whole story from the different viewpoints.
    The phone apps could possibly be used a bit more, but that's a very minor criticism, as the sheer volume of differences between the paths and love interests is a lot more than expected. I can only imagine the time taken by the dev to fill out all the paths in this sort of meaningful way.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Downloaded this a while ago, haven't played it until this weekend, and I have to say it's an AMAZING GAME!
    Awesome, interesting story, with well-written dialogues and believable interactions. I love how the game combines mystery, drama, murder, and sexual content.
    To be honest, I came for the good-looking female characters in hopes of an averagly good story-just to be able to play it through, but in the end I got hooked on the story. Gorgeous characters are always a plus, so this game is top notch when it comes to that. There are different paths that really work well, the music is amazing, just everything in this game deserves 5 stars.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, just wow.

    I am impressed with how the story and dialogues are written.
    Definitely one of the best done games of this type I have played.
    The different paths really make a difference, even if you're not interested in a girl it's still worth checking out her story and her ramifications.
    While Steph is the most interesting girl in terms of fun, her bimbo path really disappointed me.

    In my opinion the author should do something about the repeat missions, with 12 saves it gets boring.

    Sum up;

    Graphically top tier
    Story very good
    Models refined
    Girls diverse and well written
    Writing and dialogues top
    Music very fitting

    One of the games you just have to play.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely Top Tier Storytelling. This game goes to lengths when it comes to its worldbuilding, plot and solid characters. Enough to make you realize that its not the run of the mill random quick fix adult game, but an actual mystery thriller which keeps you on the edge of your seats, and completely immerses you in its plot.
    The Character wrting is done excellently, the art is pretty, and Writing is pretty Good as well. The Protagnist is one I can get behind and how the story progresses i.e. the Pace is what really made me admire the effort put into this game. Sure the Sex scenes could use more polish, but beside that, this is one hell of an adventure.
    All characters feel distinct, the world feels REAL and The story flows so naturally as if we're watching it real time. Kudos to the devs and I can't wait to what they bring next. Excellent Effort.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I have more than one reason to give five stars. First of all, nearly all girls are fiting my taste, looking excellent. Second, the different ways of entering into relationships with the different women result in a high level of replayability. And last but not least, the name giving main story is very exiting. Looking foreward for the updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    For me the writing is some of the best I've experienced for AN's. Loads of variety makes it possible and even enjoyable to do multiple playthroughs. I like the escalation options too that open if as you get more comfortable with your chosen.