VN - Ren'Py - Defending Lydia Collier [v0.17 Beta 1.1] [White Phantom Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Let me start off by saying that when I review something I'm not reviewing a game or a visual novel. I'm reviewing an 'adult' game and 'adult' visual novels.

    I am impressed with the level of detail and extra effort the dev puts into this game, it's just not in the right places. I really don't mind a great story or lots of crunch as long as the 'adult' part of the game is top notch. Unfortunately, it is not in this game.

    The sex scenes are extremely lack luster. Some of them are only 3 different screens with a 'hey lets have sex', 'hey this is awesome', and then 'hey that was awesome', and done. Most of it is not animated. The build up to sex is very minimal. The actual sexual act is boring and barely even portrayed.

    This game is a perfect example as to why I'm not a big fan of 'mystery/mafia/police story' background stories. The dev ends up making the adult part of the game more of an afterthought instead of a focus of at least equal importance.

    The scope of the project looks big and intricate with lots of 'actors'. Unfortunately, I found my self bored many times because too much time passed between 'adult' content and then the 'adult' content once received was not satisfying at all.

    So if you're looking for a rich story with a little bit of 'adult' flavoring then this game might be up your alley. If you are on this website for 'adult' content first, then you may find yourself disappointed with this one. So to sum it up: Good quality content in everything except the 'adult' aspect of the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the idea of a game set in the legal environment. The characters are good and very different one from another, and the renders are very good. I hope that the main storyline becomes more in-depth and I'd like to see more "court-environment". Anyway, a very good game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great visuals and character design with an interesting story with alternative choices throughout it and well-written dialogue.

    The story revolves mainly around MC's profession as a lawyer and a specific big case, alongside having different interactions and events with multiple characters including choosing MC's love interest and having multiple options during intimacy scenes, which are well structured and made.

    Some minor critique I have with the game is that some characters are much better implemented into the story than others and have more events and scenes with them and the phone and laptop interactions are kinda dull at the moment but might be improved in the future updates.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Appreciating your efforts man. Nice looking renders, amazing story, gorgeous girls. Hopefully we will get some longer updates like previous one. They want me to write 200 words, i say 200 words aren't enough to describe what you doing there. But looking forward like i always do.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2120609

    Really liked this one. Fun, quirky dialogues without errors, an eye for detail, nothing rushed. Interesting characters, enough foreshadowing to create some mystery, but not too much. Great pacing and a good use of flashbacks.

    * No sandbox but some phone/laptop content that occasionally requires a bit of clicking here and there
    * Little to no animations but renders are really great
    * No music

    Steph is the best :love: Can't get enough of her
  6. 4.00 star(s)



    The story of the game is really well written and engaging.

    But I have to say I had a hard time finding an attractive woman in the game. Although I love the story, I did not like the models much. It was only Vanessa that caught my attention and looked beautiful. I felt like there was a bit of an orientation towards Stephane in the game, but it really wasn't a model that really interested me. But these are my opinion of course.

    Although the renders are not dazzling but I can say good enough.
    As for animations, there is very little in the game and there is nothing worth talking about.

    The rest is fine and the gameplay is long and not boring.

    I would have liked a little more animation to be added to the game and, if possible, some more improvements to the girls in the game.

    I really liked the game and look forward to future updates.

    And to the producer of the game: You need to update the photos you uploaded for the game, only Ellie is in the images and I think the images you designed much more beautiful are available in your game. The images you upload play a very big role in promoting your game :)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    tl;dr: Detective story with adult elements. Very much worth playing.

    This VN has a certain intimate mood. There is only handful of LI, it is very-story focused. Impressions that accompanied me throughout the game are thrill, excitement, arousement. What game feels like, is that it is a story-driven game in the first place, and lewd game in the second, which in my opinion is a perfect combination. Not much or even non humour whatsoever, but this is expected from the setting of the story.

    Those who seek waifus won't be dissapointed. Girls are very good looking, especially shout-out to stunning beauty and intriguing Stephanie. Apart of the characters, renders are good-quality, low resolution and only few animations, but it is fine with me.

    Fingers crossed for this project.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Had to think twice because of Male Dom tag, don't really mind it but some of the male dom VN i've tried sucks. Good thing about this VN, we get to choose either we want kinky sex or vanilla sex and personally, i appreciate it a lot.

    Pros :
    • The characters, beautiful. Especially Steph :love:
    • The story is great so far, not too complicated and realistic. If the MC decided to be a scumbag and bang all the girls he sees, he could catch an STD :PogChamp:
    • The background is decent
    • Didn't encounter any bugs
    As v0.8.1, i had great time playing it and couldn't wait for more.

    I give this VN 4.5 tbh, because only some scenes are
    animated but hey i gave it 5 stars anyway.

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I may be suspicious to speak, as I only finished version 0.6.0 today, but I liked it, the VN is very good, its only flaw is being a bit monotonous and distant from the initial proposal of the story at the end of this version ... Anyway, I will see what was added in version 0.8.1 and give a new rewiew here.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Gotta confess. It was one of the projects I've checked for quick fap. Guilty. Just stormed through gallery. And I wanna say....that last scene with Stephanie. I didn't know I could like when things going rough..and choking. Damn, felt incredibly hot. Super hot. Gonna try this after final release.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually only write reviews for games I feel are excellent yet not appreciated enough. This game has terrific renders, meaningful choices, hot women (that secretary tho) all while seemingly just starting. Best of all, the game actually has a unique and engaging story that isn't your typical guy moves in with mom and sister story repeat. Only critique is animations could be better. Definitely give it a try.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is 100% worth a try. The models look great, and there is a good variety of women. The story itself is original and exciting. The realist approach strengthens the story and character development. It also makes you feel that your decisions really matter on multiple occasions. Everything is quite believable and gives players a good variety of kinks. Based on the number of reviews and the length of the thread, this game is, without a doubt, one of the most underappreciated games on F95. I have personally supported the developer on Patreon, and I will urge you to do the same if you enjoy the game as much as I do.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    New review:
    I've grown to like the game. The only thing I still don't really care for is that team selection thing to investigate possible suspects. Story does get interesting as you progress., if you ignore some things that might be a bit too far into the movie fantasy.
    I am only going after Ellie so I have no idea what the stories are like for the others.

    Old review:
    The lawyer is definitely aiming to be disbarred. Story is so distractingly bad that it's hard to pay attention to anything. Renders are pretty good and that's the only reason there is a star.
    Plot seems to be decent though, just the way the story is done is really bad.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game worth a try. Hot woman and good sex much like the other game by this dev SOM. Only real problem is slow releases. Story so far is ok nothing spectacular but it feels relatively early on so we'll see.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v0.6.1:
    -Actually interested in the story. YMMV of course, but that's extremely rare for me even with some of the usual games people think have interesting stories. I'm not going to worry too much if it's not the most realistic depiction of attorney procedure.
    -Very good models. Beautiful while still being realistic and not too similar to each other or other games (there's only so much diversity you can expect with daz stuff but this game is well within reason)
    -Really only did the Stephanie path. Very nice to have a relatively normal, grownup relationship that is also kinky in the bedroom.
    -Like many others, I am hoping for more opportunities with Ellie in the future.
  16. U
    5.00 star(s)


    From what has been released so far (0.6.1), while we're not in the true meat of the story so far, the writing and setup of the plot has been excellent and believable. The MC isn't some Mary Sue that has women coming on to him all the time like he's got Purple Man's powers. This is also one of the best quality games that I have played in a long time. The characters look fantastic, and are all different in appearance and body type (none of the freebie DAZ models that you see in so many games). I'm genuinely excited to see where this one goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    the choices really work in the game .
    the art of the game is also very good, because of that it is a very good game, and it is worth playing several times
    maybe if you put a little more ntr content, or bdsm would be even better
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game unironically has a good and interesting story. The visuals range from decent to great and there's a lot to enjoy. I look forward to further updates. Lydia's portrait during dialogue seems to have a swollen face which is a little off putting. I know she's been crying so if that's intentional no other complaints currently
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    That's a nice game we have here, with lovely ladies and a more interesting story than 90% of the games on this site. I'm really looking forward to finding out wtf happened to him.
    Many different choices and paths, all of them with different flavours. I love the variety of choices we get. It's amazing.

    Art is good. Not the best you'll see but nothing looks off either.
    All girls are particularly tasty in their own ways. Different ages, different body types, different personalities.

    Apart from the lack of music (which is a minor complaint) and animations (which is OK with me in more modest devs; I prefer still renders to crappy loop animations) I'll have to make two objections:
    - So far (v.0.6), Steph gets disproportionately more attention than any other girl. Not only the last update was heavily focussed on her scenes, but the one before that did too. Her scenes are longer and by far more satisfying. For example, I get things have to move more slowly with Vanessa, but why was there nothing but oral sex with Lydia if you chose her? That's ridiculous, she's forward and naughty. She invited you into her room just suck your cock?
    - Spelling and punctuation. I mean, writing is extraordinarily good, the story advances at a good pace and the language sounds really natural and well-chosen. But that spelling and punctuation... I'm not a native speaker and still it sometimes hurts my eyes. There are mistakes everywhere.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Well there is something going on with the game. The story and setup is quite intriguing, the characters are realistic. However it is kind of average on a lot of aspects, mainly on the technical ones which prevent me to rate it higher.

    What I liked is the fact that your relations can go really different according to your choices, maybe even the main story might change according to your choices. Without a walkthrough you will be pretty blind of this aspect as the choices you missed does not appear.

    For me the possible repeatibility of the game is something which lacks a lot in most VN games, but not here. Good job on that

    The chara design of characters is not very attractive, but it adds to the realistic vibe that this game is trying to go. I understand the choice (if it is on purpose), but for a Porn Game it is a bit disapointing.

    The story while being mysterious and quite well written (with some typos though) is not transcending. The background atmosphere with explanation of court/law process and such was pretty interesting, I did not skip those parts. I don't know how exact those were, but you can learn some stuff, which is always nice.

    Regarding sex's a meh.
    No music is always a let down in my opinion but it's a very subjective point.

    ---- Characters personalities : :) :) :) :)
    ---- Renders/Graphisms : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    ---- Story/Writing : :) :) :) :)
    ---- Background/Atmosphere : :) :) :) :)
    ---- Animations : (n)(n)
    ---- Sex scenes : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    ---- Gameplay : (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    ---- Contents/Updates : :) :) :) :)

    === Conclusion ===

    Normally with that quantities of smileys, I should rate it 3 stars, but I will go with 4 stars considering the little dev structure and because somehow I liked the approach, the daylife, and the choice impact of the game.
    Now with cuter girls, better animations and sex scenes, a bit more work on the interface, some music, a bit more pace on the story, it could lead to a great game