
Feb 19, 2018
We all know the story about Freshmulan and planning, but we have to be honest, there is a lot of improvement in graphic and story (you can like or not but it's another problem). The thing we can discuss is the balance in each update between new content (dialog, H-scene) and technical improvement (tatoo, grope system, etc.).

Patreon is not Steam, you pay to help a developer in his project whatever it is. If you want change the project help the dev with more money or sent him smart comment into Patreon.

I know the story "I will not give a buck and download free, I want update each week with more content, I can pay 1000 € / $ / ... if you do that..." Don't be a child and be honest at least with you about that.

Anyway I hope a release soon like any of you BUT I know to much pressure on some dev (some people are more affected than others when you're hard with their work they take it to personally) can cause drama or bad decision making.

So I try to keep my fucking mouth shutdown when I'm about to say something not positive or not useful. (I said I try ;) )

Be cool, use your time on another drug, don't think to much about it. An stay in touch.
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Jul 24, 2017
We all know the story about Freshmulan and planning, but we have to be honest, there is a lot of improvement in graphic and story (you can like or not but it's another problem). The thing we can discuss is the balance in each update between new content (dialog, H-scene) and technical improvement (tatoo, grope system, etc.).
He started rebuilding his game at January2019, right after second mosfilm update. Almost two years already, and we still dont have fully upgraded content.

Patreon is not Steam, you pay to help a developer in his project whatever it is. If you want change the project help the dev with more money or sent him smart comment into Patreon.
To be called developer you need to develop. And in general Patreon is fraud-supportive, since no penalties for frauds even exists. I personally no longer want to help Mulan in any way, i wish to see this game abandoned, so my earler hope for a good game will stop disturbing my mind.

I know the story "I will not give a buck and download free, I want update each week with more content, I can pay 1000 € / $ / ... if you do that..." Don't be a child and be honest at least with you about that.
I quit donating any money on patreon years ago, since donations level never correlates with development speed, quality and probability of game being finished.

Anyway I hope a release soon like any of you BUT I know to much pressure on some dev (some people are more affected than others when you're hard with their work they take it to personally) can cause drama or bad decision making.
Yeah, because waiting and support had brought us to this marvelous ton of content, such fruitful two years of development.


Apr 23, 2018
dude I got you point in someway, cus I used to be his patron like a year back or so for like a few months. But you want this good game to be abandoned? that's bit extreme, isn't it? If you don't like what you see here, just stop coming to this thread, you won't be bothered if you don't see shit. right?
After all, we are getting things for free here, complains on some level are fine I guess, but this is just bit out of the line.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Patreon is not Steam, you pay to help a developer in his project whatever it is. If you want change the project help the dev with more money or sent him smart comment into Patreon.
This is why Patreon use the term "reward": because our isn't an actual payment, but a reward for the work was did by the developer until that moment; at least this is how I interpret the term reward.

To be called developer you need to develop. And in general Patreon is fraud-supportive, since no penalties for frauds even exists.
This is why I think how Patreon works is wrong: if we don't have any guarantee about a project, why should we pay a monthly support? It think it would be better if it allowed one-time payments and in fact this is how I use Patreon: when I decide to support someone, first I pay the amount I decided to pay, then I revoke my support in order to avoid any future payment; until I don't decide the project is worthy for a further support.
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Jul 24, 2017
But you want this good game to be abandoned?
It is already abandoned, even if mulan himself belives its not. He no longer have inspiration to create a game, all he is doing is prolonging development to have almost passive patreon income.


Jul 24, 2017
It is pretty weird the game started off real strong then getting updates to it became an absolute shitshow.
Its not weird. Solo/small team devs cant do prolonged development due to loosing inspiration. Or they are frouds, who makes solid demo+good advertised patreon then go into work simulation mod for years.


Jun 19, 2018
It is pretty weird the game started off real strong then getting updates to it became an absolute shitshow.
Yea, at the beginning the game was getting frequent updates(about 1 per 2 months) with good amount of content. Then came multiple art reworks which took a lot of time but game looks better imo.
Then Mulan got obsessed over the idea of having hundred customization options for everything: clothes, tits, butt, tattoos, piercings etc. This slowed down development speed significantly, basically 2 updates per year which we have currently.
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Feb 19, 2018
Then Mulan got obsessed over the idea of having hundred customization options for everything: clothes, tits, butt, tattoos, piercings etc. This slowed down development speed significantly, basically 2 updates per year which we have currently.
I hardly follow you on this. But i'm not raging anymore about. For me the thing is a dev should not do a game for himself but for the gamers. And what gamers wants, more story and interresting story, surprising story, kinky and hard scenes. Some wants Kira with biggest boob possible some not this is a very interresting features. Some wants a smart Kira some others a Bimbo.

For me things is clear, more repetable events, from kinky to hard events, a story progression as far as possible. Forget too complext things cause we all know the story

'Hey comrade I will do a new feature Kira will be able to chose her watch

Don't worry I will need te rewrite all the code and redo all pictures for each watch combination but it's ok'

Few weeks later

'Hey... I'm dumb we broke something and I need more time...
Do you prefer an imediate update with only 2 scenes full of bug or wait another week... month ?'

Just kiding bro no offense but with time you get experience. :)

Anyway FreshMulan if you read this, I like you, I support you on Patreon, keep things up and work hard.
Keep things simple :

Evaluate gamers interrest vs time to developp
Plan your work by step to finish day by day instead of weeks by weeks
Intermediate update (like 1 per 2 month) can help you structure your timeplan because a goal keep you motivated.
If you need more money propose new plan on patreon and take into consideration some sugestions users gave you (like 3% of all shit we wrote to you are good to keep ;) )

... Are we still in the main subject of this thread ? ;)
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Cucky 27

Jun 8, 2020
The game was supposed to be released on August 2nd or 3rd week right:rolleyes: loved the game and the bimbo content but doesn't seem we gonna get any new updates this month as well
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Jan 9, 2020
I only gave money for two patreons one of them got banned (his name is ZXC) great dude and very hard working, but he got banned for very strange reasons. (also I do recommend everyone who love transformation/latex/tentacles to check out his work)
And the second one is Mulan, I was just looking right now and the last update was on 4th of june, now we are on 14th of september, so he got 3 months of patronage money for nothing. His only saving grace would be if the next update would actually feel like 3 months of work, but I super highly doubt that. I just dont understand, lets take Anduo for example (team behind Third Crisis) they are like 2-3 people and they still manage to launch every month an update which is actually satisfying. At this point I believe Mulan is either a super douch and just taking advantage because many people (including me) absolutely love the whole premise of the game, the art and all that or he is just YandereDev 2.0 and he is to ego maniac to realize that he needs help with this project, because he has a responsability to the 880 patreons (at the time of writing this) to deliver what he is promising, for short, shit like this is why a lot of people have trust issues with creators on patreon, they see shit like this being pulled of and that make people less likely to invest in creators that actually are capable to deliver the product in a decent amount of time.


Jan 4, 2018
The game was supposed to be released on August 2nd or 3rd week right:rolleyes: loved the game and the bimbo content but doesn't seem we gonna get any new updates this month as well
Just like always. In holidays of 2019 they delayed release in 4 months.


May 16, 2020
Haha, that was a good idea. Okay, so just opening index.html won't work, since the game needs to be served off of a server. File paths will be are relative to server, not absolute, which is why you see that failed to load message. Which is probably why web versions of this game, and many other games today, don't work properly.

Okay, so long story short. On Mac, you should have python installed by default. So start up a simple HTTP server in the www folder, and you should be good to go.

1. Download game and extract .rar file.
2. Go into the www folder.
3. Open terminal in folder (or, skip step 2, and you can start terminal and cd into the www folder).
4. Check Python version. run "python --version" (without the quotes)

5.a. For python version 2.x.x, run the following command in terminal in the www folder, (without the quotes again)
"python -m SimpleHTTPServer"

5.b. For python version 3.x.x, run the following command in terminal in the www folder, (without the quotes again)
"python3 -m http.server"

6. Open web browser and go to localhost:8000 and you should be able to play.

Tested on Linux, don't see why it shouldn't work on Mac (or Windows, if python is installed) either.


[P.S.: If you want to read up about this ]
Thanks for the tip. Problem with this game is that the developer was not consistent with capitalization and there are quite some errors, due to the fact that Linux and Unix generally use case-sensitive file systems, so there are quite some files that are not found, because some letters are uppercase or lowercase when they shouldn't be.

Edit: A workaround I used was to copy the game to an old SD card I had lying around, which had a FAT32 filesystem and running the server from there.

Edit2: Loading a save does not work. Saving does, but on the menu, the "continue" button is grayed out and loading from the save menu fails with the failure sound. Doesn't show any window or anything saying what could have gone wrong.
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