
May 15, 2021
Masturbation addiction refers to excessive or compulsive masturbation. While it's not a diagnosable mental health condition, it can have a significant impact on daily functioning for those whose sexual behavior is out of control.

What Is Masturbation Addiction?
Masturbation itself is not a harmful activity and may be enjoyed by those in a relationship or those using it to compensate for a lack of sex with a partner.

However, for some people, the tendency to masturbate can grow to be excessive or compulsive, to the point that the behavior feels to have gotten out of control. In this case, the behavior is sometimes referred to as masturbation addiction.
Masturbation falls under the larger umbrella category of . This category includes types of addictive or compulsive behaviors such as sex addiction, masturbation addiction, or porn addiction.

Sexual addiction is also sometimes referred to as compulsive sexual behavior.

While engaging in masturbation regularly does not necessarily mean that you have a problem, any of the following could signify that it's time to reach out for help:

  • Masturbation takes up a lot of your time
  • Your personal or work life is suffering because of masturbation
  • You choose masturbation over in-person activities (e.g., going home instead of staying at a party, choosing to be alone instead of with a partner)
  • You find yourself engaging in masturbation in public or in places where you would rather not (e.g., a public restroom)
  • You're masturbating when you don't feel like it or when you're not aroused
  • You masturbate to cope with negative emotions
  • You find yourself feeling guilty or upset during or after masturbating
  • You find yourself thinking about it often

Identifying Masturbation Addiction
Since masturbation is not a diagnosable mental disorder in the , there are no set criteria to determine whether it is a problem for you.

However, a doctor or therapist could ask questions to identify whether it is a problem for which you might need to receive treatment.

Press Play for Advice On Dealing With Porn Addiction
Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of , featuring actor/tv host Terry Crews, shares how to navigate shame, trauma, and recover from porn addiction. Click below to listen now.

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What are the causes of masturbation addiction? Below are some potential causes of feeling the need to excessively or compulsively masturbate:

  • Underlying or that you manage by using masturbation to lift your mood, relax, or reduce stress
  • An inclination toward addiction because of your neurobiology (e.g., one study showed that people with compulsive sexual behavior showed greater connections between certain brain structures similar to those involved in drug reward circuits1)
  • Emotional pain caused by life circumstances that you seek to push away by focusing on addictive sexual behaviors

A person who engages in masturbation too frequently or compulsively may feel:

  • Lower sexual satisfaction
  • Reduced self-esteem
  • Their masturbation habits interfere with other areas of life such as personal relationships or work

If you find yourself with a masturbation problem that you can't seem to solve on your own, it may be necessary to seek professional help from your doctor, a counselor, or a sex therapist.

may help you to determine the underlying cause of your masturbation addiction, which will allow you to develop strategies to reduce the behavior.

For example, if you are dealing with past trauma, your therapist could help you process the trauma and help you find better coping skills for managing emotional pain.

In addition, if you are using masturbation as a way to cope with life stress, a therapist could help you with that as well.

It's important to recognize that you may need weeks or months to work through underlying problems, even though on the surface the behavior may seem simple and straightforward.

While there is no medication for masturbation addiction, if you are diagnosed with another mental disorder such as major depression or , medication could help to reduce your compulsive behaviors.

If you are unable to seek out therapy at this time, below are some suggestions to help get your behavior under control:

Engage in Activities You Enjoy
Taking time to participate in other activities can help shift your focus from masturbation to other fulfilling behaviors. Some activities to try include:

  • Yoga
  • Running
  • Meditation

Join a Support Group
Finding others who are dealing with the same issue as you can be very comforting and validating. For example, you can join or an online forum to meet other people can relate to your struggles.

Consider Reducing Any Stigmas You Feel About Masturbation
Do you perceive masturbation to be shameful or immoral and feel that you must keep it a secret? It may help to examine any religious, cultural, or spiritual influences on your perception of the behavior.

Be Present in Your Personal Relationships
Try to make the effort to go on dates or plan outings with your significant other or family members and friends. This can help to ease the urges you have to be alone to engage in masturbation. This will also help to strengthen your connections with loved ones and build a sense of belonging.

Identify Your Triggers
Do you notice that being bored or being alone leads you to engage in masturbation? Do you attempt to relieve stress with masturbation? If so, you can try to find other activities that alleviate boredom, loneliness, or stress. This way, when you feel these emotions, you'll have other coping skills to rely on instead.

Additionally, it may help to limit or eliminate sexual triggers such as pornography and any sexual devices you may have in your home.

A Word From Verywell
If you are struggling with masturbation addiction, know that you are not alone. There are others who are dealing with this kind of addiction too and will be able to understand and validate your experiences.

If you are unable to alleviate your urges to masturbate and you are finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on work and your personal relationships, a trained mental health professional will be able to work with you to help identify your triggers and provide you with healthy coping skills.
based post, unironically


Sep 4, 2019
Why should i give a fuck about lying bastard like mulan?
Because, we dont know... you are human. Should have been natural, but...

Seriously what did the guy do to you, for you to have this amount of hostility? You want an update for this game so much that you wish its creator to live in constant fear of dyring, or worse yet, die?
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Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
Because, we dont know... you are human. Should have been natural, but...

Seriously what did the guy do to you, for you to have this amount of hostility? You want an update for this game so much that you wish its creator to live in constant fear of dyring, or worse yet, die?
What kind of innateness are you talking about?!
The guy spoke out harshly and that 's it !
Or do you want to say people don't have the right to express their opinion.

The author in recent years has only done what he did not do !
So people say that the author is no longer trustworthy , so the author has been doing nothing but new excuses in recent years !

Or do you think that when the author can't even regularly tell normal news about the work done without any excuses
(Oh, we're doing a new update - IT's NOT NEWS !!!)
is this normal?!

And the long absence of updates for the game is this normal in your opinion?!

No news, No updates --
And in your opinion, do you think the author should be praised?!
Dec 14, 2021
What kind of innateness are you talking about?!
The guy spoke out harshly and that 's it !
Or do you want to say people don't have the right to express their opinion.

The author in recent years has only done what he did not do !
So people say that the author is no longer trustworthy , so the author has been doing nothing but new excuses in recent years !

Or do you think that when the author can't even regularly tell normal news about the work done without any excuses
(Oh, we're doing a new update - IT's NOT NEWS !!!)
is this normal?!

And the long absence of updates for the game is this normal in your opinion?!

No news, No updates --
And in your opinion, do you think the author should be praised?!

I think what [B]impossibleis7[/B] is meaning is why the amount of pure hatred on this board?

I believe that a creator/author should be providing truthful updated information to their fanbase or more specifically the areas that actual funding is provided (I.E. Patreon) and not drop off the face of the earth for long periods of time without warning.

I understand the anger towards Mulan but I this this has blown out of hand, Every time I see a new post it's people complaining about the situation or attacking someone who had something good to say.

I was introduced to this game a couple of months ago (May) and was expecting this board to be like usual boards where if a player needs help in the game they can get the answers here. That is not the case for this board. This board is focused on updates, the creator's status and defunding propaganda. I am just as disappointed in this board as I am in Mulan's lack of communication/game updates. (Yes, I understand the contradictions in my own statements).


Apr 21, 2020
Masturbation addiction refers to excessive or compulsive masturbation. While it's not a diagnosable mental health condition, it can have a significant impact on daily functioning for those whose sexual behavior is out of control.

What Is Masturbation Addiction?
Masturbation itself is not a harmful activity and may be enjoyed by those in a relationship or those using it to compensate for a lack of sex with a partner.

However, for some people, the tendency to masturbate can grow to be excessive or compulsive, to the point that the behavior feels to have gotten out of control. In this case, the behavior is sometimes referred to as masturbation addiction.
Masturbation falls under the larger umbrella category of . This category includes types of addictive or compulsive behaviors such as sex addiction, masturbation addiction, or porn addiction.

Sexual addiction is also sometimes referred to as compulsive sexual behavior.

While engaging in masturbation regularly does not necessarily mean that you have a problem, any of the following could signify that it's time to reach out for help:

  • Masturbation takes up a lot of your time
  • Your personal or work life is suffering because of masturbation
  • You choose masturbation over in-person activities (e.g., going home instead of staying at a party, choosing to be alone instead of with a partner)
  • You find yourself engaging in masturbation in public or in places where you would rather not (e.g., a public restroom)
  • You're masturbating when you don't feel like it or when you're not aroused
  • You masturbate to cope with negative emotions
  • You find yourself feeling guilty or upset during or after masturbating
  • You find yourself thinking about it often

Identifying Masturbation Addiction
Since masturbation is not a diagnosable mental disorder in the , there are no set criteria to determine whether it is a problem for you.

However, a doctor or therapist could ask questions to identify whether it is a problem for which you might need to receive treatment.

Press Play for Advice On Dealing With Porn Addiction
Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of , featuring actor/tv host Terry Crews, shares how to navigate shame, trauma, and recover from porn addiction. Click below to listen now.

Follow Now: / /

What are the causes of masturbation addiction? Below are some potential causes of feeling the need to excessively or compulsively masturbate:

  • Underlying or that you manage by using masturbation to lift your mood, relax, or reduce stress
  • An inclination toward addiction because of your neurobiology (e.g., one study showed that people with compulsive sexual behavior showed greater connections between certain brain structures similar to those involved in drug reward circuits1)
  • Emotional pain caused by life circumstances that you seek to push away by focusing on addictive sexual behaviors

A person who engages in masturbation too frequently or compulsively may feel:

  • Lower sexual satisfaction
  • Reduced self-esteem
  • Their masturbation habits interfere with other areas of life such as personal relationships or work

If you find yourself with a masturbation problem that you can't seem to solve on your own, it may be necessary to seek professional help from your doctor, a counselor, or a sex therapist.

may help you to determine the underlying cause of your masturbation addiction, which will allow you to develop strategies to reduce the behavior.

For example, if you are dealing with past trauma, your therapist could help you process the trauma and help you find better coping skills for managing emotional pain.

In addition, if you are using masturbation as a way to cope with life stress, a therapist could help you with that as well.

It's important to recognize that you may need weeks or months to work through underlying problems, even though on the surface the behavior may seem simple and straightforward.

While there is no medication for masturbation addiction, if you are diagnosed with another mental disorder such as major depression or , medication could help to reduce your compulsive behaviors.

If you are unable to seek out therapy at this time, below are some suggestions to help get your behavior under control:

Engage in Activities You Enjoy
Taking time to participate in other activities can help shift your focus from masturbation to other fulfilling behaviors. Some activities to try include:

  • Yoga
  • Running
  • Meditation

Join a Support Group
Finding others who are dealing with the same issue as you can be very comforting and validating. For example, you can join or an online forum to meet other people can relate to your struggles.

Consider Reducing Any Stigmas You Feel About Masturbation
Do you perceive masturbation to be shameful or immoral and feel that you must keep it a secret? It may help to examine any religious, cultural, or spiritual influences on your perception of the behavior.

Be Present in Your Personal Relationships
Try to make the effort to go on dates or plan outings with your significant other or family members and friends. This can help to ease the urges you have to be alone to engage in masturbation. This will also help to strengthen your connections with loved ones and build a sense of belonging.

Identify Your Triggers
Do you notice that being bored or being alone leads you to engage in masturbation? Do you attempt to relieve stress with masturbation? If so, you can try to find other activities that alleviate boredom, loneliness, or stress. This way, when you feel these emotions, you'll have other coping skills to rely on instead.

Additionally, it may help to limit or eliminate sexual triggers such as pornography and any sexual devices you may have in your home.

A Word From Verywell
If you are struggling with masturbation addiction, know that you are not alone. There are others who are dealing with this kind of addiction too and will be able to understand and validate your experiences.

If you are unable to alleviate your urges to masturbate and you are finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on work and your personal relationships, a trained mental health professional will be able to work with you to help identify your triggers and provide you with healthy coping skills.
where do you people get the free time?


Sep 4, 2019
Answer honestly. Do you think it 's normal how the author has treated his sponsors and fans in recent years ? (Oh, it's a couple of dollars a month) haha

And now imagine you come to some store and pay money for a normal tavar, and after a while the same tavar from the same seller becomes not of high quality, and then the store employee begins to treat his customers like shit like: (Eat don't complain earlier liked)
And now think at least as you said
(Oh, it's a couple of dollars a month) you worked as a person, earned money and do you want to pay for it, no, not like that
do you have to pay when there is no respect for the client?!

When there is no product + no respect for their consumers,
it is natural that people express their dissatisfaction, this is normal and it should be !!! And it 's not surprising that some people stop paying for something that starts to disappoint them !

If a person pays , then you need to show at least the slightest respect to your sponsors !

It's bad when a person pays and they give him instead of a creature ( :poop: :poop::poop::poop::poop:)
And also saying praise and hold me!
That's so bad !!!
You can't pay when you are treated like a musar!

Here , too , the author has not made normal updates in recent years , there was no continuation of the plot of the game !!!

A long absence of news about the game (There is no normal news, these are their excuses or oh, we are trying and doing an update !!!
I'm talking about Normal news, this is what they did, what they will do and other details and such news should be at least several times in a couple of months!!! ) LONG ABSENCE OF UPDATES TO THE GAME WITH THE PLOT !!!

2 minutes of the game IS NOT AN UPDATE!!!
And of the 2 minutes of the game, this is where only improvements are!!!
For such updates to pay or praise it will be an insult to normal developers !!!
It is better to hold beginners or proven authors!!!And not someone who only does what he thinks up excuses instead of results !!!
Since you quoted my messge, are you saying that you wish him and his people death and fear as well, like the other guy? Is that what you are saying? Take your own example. At the end you wish the store employee death?

You guys are acting like the guy is Hitler.

I am a patreon of his, unsubscribed because of the all the drama, but re-subscribed with the war because hopefully even the $5 I give him, helps him in someway in this life threatening situation.

Am I dissapointed with the guy's lies, broken promises, etc, etc? Absolutely. Do I wish any harm on him? Absolutely not.

Now do I feel treated fairly? I dont know. I think many people have repeated this many times over the year in the same thread, but I'll have a go at this.

So I'll take one of my other patron situations . I monthly donate around 50 USD to a couple of animal rescue orgs/people, one even on Patreon. I donate the same amount on Share the Meal app as well. Now, Share the Meal thing is more orgnaized obviously, it even shows where my money went to etc. Some of the animal rescue orgs send me mails about rescues but not regularly. But regardless of the situation, I dont expect anyone to go full time about it (they most likely are volunteers themselves), any progress is good, and I would like to help in the manner I can. Would I like all these animal shelters to be like Share the Meal program? Absolutely, and imo they would benefit a lot in doing so as well. But they are what they are, and they do what they can. Hopefully this will help you see the situation in a different light.

Now what we have with anyone you support on patreon is the same situation. When I initially played Defenestration, I liked it. I wanted the guy to keep working on this project, so I started supporting him. Doing a monthly donation. The thing is I am not paying for Defenestration, not for a product, I am donating the guy, so that hopefully he can focus on his project. There are creators I support who deliver on time pretty consistently and there are others, who earn way more than Mulan while taking forever, perhaps even longer than Mulan. There are patrons like me, there are those who are paying for the product and there those who only subscribe when the update drops and cancels right after.

So do the patrons feel fairly treated? I dont know, I can only speak for myself. I feel pretty annoyed when he cancells an update right after he annonces it. Much much more annoyed when he goes silent, months at a time. I think you guys all share the same sentiments right? But the only things I expect for the amount I donate/gift are some progress updates preferrably regularly, and I guess that it. Unless I put the update here myself, I download the update just like you guys from f95.

So please dont justify your anger because of me.

What kind of innateness are you talking about?!
The guy spoke out harshly and that 's it !
Or do you want to say people don't have the right to express their opinion.
So are you telling me that I dont have the right to express my opinion?

I dont know whether you have lived under any wartime situations. I have. You dont wish it on a person.

And why the fuck are you angry with me for, lol?


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Since you quoted my messge, are you saying that you wish him and his people death and fear as well, like the other guy? Is that what you are saying? Take your own example. At the end you wish the store employee death?

You guys are acting like the guy is Hitler.

I am a patreon of his, unsubscribed because of the all the drama, but re-subscribed with the war because hopefully even the $5 I give him, helps him in someway in this life threatening situation.

Am I dissapointed with the guy's lies, broken promises, etc, etc? Absolutely. Do I wish any harm on him? Absolutely not.

Now do I feel treated fairly? I dont know. I think many people have repeated this many times over the year in the same thread, but I'll have a go at this.

So I'll take one of my other patron situations . I monthly donate around 50 USD to a couple of animal rescue orgs/people, one even on Patreon. I donate the same amount on Share the Meal app as well. Now, Share the Meal thing is more orgnaized obviously, it even shows where my money went to etc. Some of the animal rescue orgs send me mails about rescues but not regularly. But regardless of the situation, I dont expect anyone to go full time about it (they most likely are volunteers themselves), any progress is good, and I would like to help in the manner I can. Would I like all these animal shelters to be like Share the Meal program? Absolutely, and imo they would benefit a lot in doing so as well. But they are what they are, and they do what they can. Hopefully this will help you see the situation in a different light.

Now what we have with anyone you support on patreon is the same situation. When I initially played Defenestration, I liked it. I wanted the guy to keep working on this project, so I started supporting him. Doing a monthly donation. The thing is I am not paying for Defenestration, not for a product, I am donating the guy, so that hopefully he can focus on his project. There are creators I support who deliver on time pretty consistently and there are others, who earn way more than Mulan while taking forever, perhaps even longer than Mulan. There are patrons like me, there are those who are paying for the product and there those who only subscribe when the update drops and cancels right after.

So do the patrons feel fairly treated? I dont know, I can only speak for myself. I feel pretty annoyed when he cancells an update right after he annonces it. Much much more annoyed when he goes silent, months at a time. I think you guys all share the same sentiments right? But the only things I expect for the amount I donate/gift are some progress updates preferrably regularly, and I guess that it. Unless I put the update here myself, I download the update just like you guys from f95.

So please dont justify your anger because of me.

So are you telling me that I dont have the right to express my opinion?

I dont know whether you have lived under any wartime situations. I have. You dont wish it on a person.

And why the fuck are you angry with me for, lol?
31 year ago people like Mulan made foundation for this war. They weren't evil in a way people think about "Hitler" (to be fair Hitler never was evil in simple comical way people like to believe) But they put their own wealth above people who gave them power and money. To put it simply, they were president level frauds. The only difference is that Mulan is a pebble next to mountain.


Jul 21, 2021
Based on what FavenXXX replyed to my statement, about giving advices. . .

ya can clearly see "I've gotten to the point where I require additional support, CREATIVE and/or financial, any FEEDBACK would be appreciated.". . . But i don't want any adivce, ideas from players. . . what is sharing ideas about the possible ways, creation ingame content if not creative way of support, and feedback?

"The game is FREE and we are not SELLING anything. . ." but, based on lack of new versions of the game and updates, or info, even little piece of info about the game or current situtation they are now, we can see he probably want people to pay him for the game, not voluntarily, and how he/she treating his/her supporters. . . then why don't post it on Steam? or maybe it's sounds a little harsh, but ya can't say it doesn't look like that. . .


Source: FreshMulan Patreon Page/ imo, it's inaccurate. . .
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: FavenXXX


Aug 25, 2020
31 year ago people like Mulan made foundation for this war. They weren't evil in a way people think about "Hitler" (to be fair Hitler never was evil in simple comical way people like to believe) But they put their own wealth above people who gave them power and money. To put it simply, they were president level frauds. The only difference is that Mulan is a pebble next to mountain.
Mmmm, sovkоdrocher moment
Last edited:


Oct 14, 2019
I think what [B]impossibleis7[/B] is meaning is why the amount of pure hatred on this board?

I believe that a creator/author should be providing truthful updated information to their fanbase or more specifically the areas that actual funding is provided (I.E. Patreon) and not drop off the face of the earth for long periods of time without warning.

I understand the anger towards Mulan but I this this has blown out of hand, Every time I see a new post it's people complaining about the situation or attacking someone who had something good to say.

I was introduced to this game a couple of months ago (May) and was expecting this board to be like usual boards where if a player needs help in the game they can get the answers here. That is not the case for this board. This board is focused on updates, the creator's status and defunding propaganda. I am just as disappointed in this board as I am in Mulan's lack of communication/game updates. (Yes, I understand the contradictions in my own statements).
Really ? I usually see Mulan's white knights attacking anyone that dare criticize the game than the other way around. Ignoring actual criticism with "you didn't pay for it so your opinion is not valid and you must support the author".
Dec 14, 2021
Really ? I usually see Mulan's white knights attacking anyone that dare criticize the game than the other way around. Ignoring actual criticism with "you didn't pay for it so your opinion is not valid and you must support the author".
Recent posts seem to be back and fourth at this point. Either way I'm very dissatisfied with this board. I will keep an eye on the game's status some other way.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
I think what [B]impossibleis7[/B] is meaning is why the amount of pure hatred on this board?

I believe that a creator/author should be providing truthful updated information to their fanbase or more specifically the areas that actual funding is provided (I.E. Patreon) and not drop off the face of the earth for long periods of time without warning.

I understand the anger towards Mulan but I this this has blown out of hand, Every time I see a new post it's people complaining about the situation or attacking someone who had something good to say.

I was introduced to this game a couple of months ago (May) and was expecting this board to be like usual boards where if a player needs help in the game they can get the answers here. That is not the case for this board. This board is focused on updates, the creator's status and defunding propaganda. I am just as disappointed in this board as I am in Mulan's lack of communication/game updates. (Yes, I understand the contradictions in my own statements).
This man answered and said everything to the point and spoke out perfectly! :)
Since you quoted my messge, are you saying that you wish him and his people death and fear as well, like the other guy? Is that what you are saying? Take your own example. At the end you wish the store employee death?

You guys are acting like the guy is Hitler.

I am a patreon of his, unsubscribed because of the all the drama, but re-subscribed with the war because hopefully even the $5 I give him, helps him in someway in this life threatening situation.

Am I dissapointed with the guy's lies, broken promises, etc, etc? Absolutely. Do I wish any harm on him? Absolutely not.

Now do I feel treated fairly? I dont know. I think many people have repeated this many times over the year in the same thread, but I'll have a go at this.

So I'll take one of my other patron situations . I monthly donate around 50 USD to a couple of animal rescue orgs/people, one even on Patreon. I donate the same amount on Share the Meal app as well. Now, Share the Meal thing is more orgnaized obviously, it even shows where my money went to etc. Some of the animal rescue orgs send me mails about rescues but not regularly. But regardless of the situation, I dont expect anyone to go full time about it (they most likely are volunteers themselves), any progress is good, and I would like to help in the manner I can. Would I like all these animal shelters to be like Share the Meal program? Absolutely, and imo they would benefit a lot in doing so as well. But they are what they are, and they do what they can. Hopefully this will help you see the situation in a different light.

Now what we have with anyone you support on patreon is the same situation. When I initially played Defenestration, I liked it. I wanted the guy to keep working on this project, so I started supporting him. Doing a monthly donation. The thing is I am not paying for Defenestration, not for a product, I am donating the guy, so that hopefully he can focus on his project. There are creators I support who deliver on time pretty consistently and there are others, who earn way more than Mulan while taking forever, perhaps even longer than Mulan. There are patrons like me, there are those who are paying for the product and there those who only subscribe when the update drops and cancels right after.

So do the patrons feel fairly treated? I dont know, I can only speak for myself. I feel pretty annoyed when he cancells an update right after he annonces it. Much much more annoyed when he goes silent, months at a time. I think you guys all share the same sentiments right? But the only things I expect for the amount I donate/gift are some progress updates preferrably regularly, and I guess that it. Unless I put the update here myself, I download the update just like you guys from f95.

So please dont justify your anger because of me.

So are you telling me that I dont have the right to express my opinion?

I dont know whether you have lived under any wartime situations. I have. You dont wish it on a person.

And why the fuck are you angry with me for, lol?
This person also expressed an opinion , but did not understand what was being said to him and went to the insults of the interlocutor ! :(
He began to accuse the interlocutor slandering the interlocutor ! With such expressions ↓ What kind of aggression is this towards people ? Do you wish harm to those who disagree with your opinion ?

Since you quoted my message, are you saying that you wish him and his people death and fear as well, like the other guy? Is that what you are saying? Take your own example. At the end you wish the store employee death?

You guys are acting like the guy is Hitler.
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Are you feeling all right?
If it 's okay, then tell me where did I say a bad word ? ( Answer: THERE'S NOTHING THERE THAT YOU SAID!)

Tell me where in my words I wished at least someone something bad ? (Answer: Not here, not in my other comments, I didn't say anything bad to anyone and didn't want to! )

Why would I do that ? That 's right , why are we all people and should remain so !!!

Why are you slandering your interlocutors ? NOT GOOD !

For those who have not read what I have written (Briefly what I said: I said that if you are treated as a buyer without respect, a person should be able to spance the seller when the seller does not respect the client. That 's it! )

The author shows no respect (For a long time there is no news without whining and FOR a VERY LONG TIME THERE is NO UPDATE of the GAME + Rescheduling the update for an unknown period!) THESE PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN WITH THE AUTHOR FOR YEARS !!!

So are you telling me that I don't have the right to express my opinion?

And why the fuck are you angry with me for, lol?
I didn 't tell you that you can 't express your opinion !!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???


If you haven 't read even the very beginning of what is written about , then why are you speaking out aggressively ???

You said that one person spoke out aggressively.

I just answered you in a detailed explanation
that he just spoke out sharply because the author has not been credible in recent years !!!
And you started hitting on me and started slandering me !!! NOT GOOD !!!

And why the fuck are you angry with me for, lol?
The most important thing ! Have I ever said that I'm angry or hate ???

I just made a detailed comment without insults and even more so without aggression !!!

But you started throwing yourself at me and accusing me of different things. eh:(

What are you mad at lol.
That's what I have to say! :)


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
Really ? I usually see Mulan's white knights attacking anyone that dare criticize the game than the other way around. Ignoring actual criticism with "you didn't pay for it so your opinion is not valid and you must support the author".
Yes, there are such defenders here if you don't praise the game constantly, always every day, then (Oh, you can't speak out like that, you can only praise, but you can't do everything else!) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
And if you don't pay every day then (Oh you don't pay your opinion shouldn't be!) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Jul 21, 2021
btw, someone who played v0.4.9.3a, can ya continue the game after the "Prison Break" quest? cause i have
"Failed to load img/pictures/MQ_13_Poster.png" cause there isn't one in pictures folder Sadge, do ya have the same problem?

btw, anyone knows what's the Virable for Breasts and Ass sizes?
  • Thinking Face
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