The art work is great as before, and we all hope you can finish this master piece. I think we can find a way to push forward. Money? Script? Or something else, maybe you can share it and we would love to help.
Here’s a full picture.
Text: I’m all good in the script department, I love writing and I love reading your reactions to my silly jokes. On top of that, I was recently offered some help from a professional writer of another H-game and I already have some H-text for the farm thanks to him.
He is effectively the next person to join our team - I plan to hire him as a writer for our H-events and completely focus on my jokes and artworks.
Half of non-erotic content for the farm is already written by me, and it mostly consists of jokes
Art: Due to the fact that our game has physical changes, it will be impossible for me to commission a “complete” event. So I plan on hiring another artist to draw events, and becoming an editor myself (I’ll be responsible for bigger breasts, expressions, tattoos etc.)
A single scene, in a similar art style and with a permission to edit it, will cost from 400 to 1000$ based on how complex it is.
It’s cheaper for me to draw everything myself, that is why I taught myself how to draw, and I am still learning.
Code: The code department is covered, I give Moana 50% of what we earn, because she is not just a “hired gun”, she’s my friend and a co-creator. Both of us are not greedy and we have no problem sharing our income with other people.
That said we still need to find a way to fix our crashes issue and RAM eating issue. One of the solutions we have, is to port the game to the web, which we will explore in the coming months.
Money overall: We do not earn enough to afford basic human needs, the game currently brings no profit to us, of course every dollar helps, but we’re doing it purely out of passion right now.
For me, personally, I need to earn 3000$ a month to afford a living, and I mean just living, since, due to unfortunate personal circumstances, I am effectively feeding 4 people for over a year now.
I do not expect this game to turn into a profit for me in the coming years, I will continue doing it out of passion and spending what income it may bring on hiring extra help.