If I may ask, does that choice matter much anymore? Will the game check to see if the player specifically turned her into a bimbo, slut, or went custom, or will it just check the player's stats? It sounded like this check would be what locks events behind separating paths, but 4.7 seems to allow the player to freely change hair and drink infinite dumb bitch juice, so the system doesn't seem nearly as rigid as did before (where every up to date player had the exact same stats if they made the same decisions).
Bimbo and Slut are pretty similar in their nature, the choice was there in the first place because some people didn’t want Kira to dumb down.
So we separated Bimbo from Slut and created two pretty similar routes.
Then people started asking for various combinations, like “normal Kira with pink hair”, or “dumb Kira without giant lips”.
Our layered art and versatile text allows that - so that is what we did, all combinations are possible.
Before 0.4.5
Bimbo/Slut choice references dialogues. It’s kind of like a choice of what fetish you want to see - choosing Bimbo will result in it being referenced more in text and art.
After 0.4.5
We kept our original choice-based concept and added an automated “status check” to allow more combinations, if Kira has below 0 Int and above 50 Lust - she’s automatically a Bimbo Slut. With just 50 Lust - she’s a Slut.
This way we have more options as devs, we can reference both your current state to change dialogues (how npc’s see you) and we can reference your choice to show you more fake looking girls.
How exactly we will use it is still unclear, but we now have more options which is always a good thing. That said, the main difference between those routes - is your personal taste.