In the most recent post, I said, in short, I don't know anything about you, your life situation, or the difficulties in making the game. I then said I'm not qualified to have an opinion on how fast you ought to be releasing it.
In the post before that, I took issue with a previous poster's logic, specifically the part I quoted. I only talked about that issue in that post. This had nothing to do with you or the game in any way. It was about what they said. Honestly, I probably shouldn't have made that post, since it was off of the thread topic. I don't post much, so I didn't really think about it.
In a post a week or two ago, I posted a bug report. I mention that because these three posts are everything I've said in this thread, to my knowledge.
However, I'll be happy to tell you my opinion about the game: I think it's a labor of love, that you care a great deal about releasing quality content. I could make some negative comments, but they'd be something like a 1%-2% problems as compared to the 98-99% enjoyment.
Again, I don't have an opinion on your speed. I don't have enough information to give one. Hell, I forgot to mention, I don't even know how often you update. I just check back on the game every now and then to see what's new.
I will say this, though. If people are complaining about the speed of your releases, no matter how negative their comment, it means they love your game and want to see more of it.