Holy cow, they disfigured her so bad with the new art. I have been the lowest tier supporter for a couple months and didn't keep up closely, and this is super bad news personally.
I don't understand the rationale behind it, people supporting the game must've been okay with how the protagonist looks to support it in first place, right? The protagonist's look is such a vital part to a smut game that changing it would change everything. It's like McDonald's dealing away with the big yellow M due to whimsical shareholders interest to change it into brown cow doo kind of insanity.
She was looking way more beautiful, sexy, and iconic before. What were they thinking? Photorealism doesn't make it automatically better. Now she just looks like some background character in those run of the mill 3D smut. Also, in the new version, the hair and the body just work so much in disharmony with her face, to sink her deeper into the Uncanny Valley.
Big sad, RIP Kira, butchered by votes. Damn, this really sunk my battleship. Literally the darkest timeline.