Alright well - I've tried to be patient for a few months now.
This update was originally slated for the end of September, didn't happen. It was pushed to the week of 10/7, didn't happen. It was pushed to 10/12, didn't happen. It was pushed generically to "sometime" later that same week, didn't happen. It was pushed to the week of 10/21, didn't happen. Finally, it was pushed to 10/31 at the absolute latest, and... well... here we are.
Each time it was pushed, the Patreon update stated - "this is the week of release". Not "this might be the week of release", but literally "this is the week of release". For the most recent update, Mulan said the update would release on the 30th or 31st of October and very directly stated that he would NOT delay the game again. And... well... here we are. I know it's still technically the 31st in some parts of the world but if we're being realistic... yeah.
To make matters worse, he has been almost completely MIA on Discord for a little while now so we can't even ask him what exactly is going on. Maybe it's too much to ask for him to hop into his own Discord for 30 seconds and let his paying patrons know why yet another update has fallen behind schedule. We get complete silence instead.
To make it clear - I don't have a problem with the fact that their workload is high or with the associated delays they're working through as they figure everything out. I do have a problem with the fact that they repeatedly set deadlines which they cannot meet and repeatedly kill the hype which they themselves build up. I also have a problem with the general lack of communication - in his last Patreon update, Mulan stated that he's scared of checking both his Discord and his Patreon and has gone off the grid for that reason... while I sort of understand what he's feeling, this is a blatantly self-defeating cycle and it shows a degree of disregard for his paying customers, which is frustrating to say the least.
At this point, while I'm still hopeful for the game, I've mostly lost faith in anything Mulan says.