Others - Delinquent Massage [v1.0.4] [Warumiyo]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Potentially good game held down by game breaking bugs and no explenation or even hints how to actually play it.

    Also no sex for oyu if you don't reach dom level 7 before 11 week because the game just freezes then when you try to initiate massage
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of v1.0.4

    tl;dr Fun game that's too grind heavy and has some serious bugs.

    The premise of the game is simple: You're massaging a girl to raise 5 separate stats. Different body parts and conditions raise stats differently. Raising the stat to the appropriate levels effectively levels you up. You'll very likely experience softlocks, save wipes, and general glitches along the way.

    Once you know what you're doing, manipulating the stats is easy to do. There is a great deal of nuance involved, but even without it you can scrape by to the ending that you want.

    If the bugs are cleaned up, it's definitely a worthwhile game to try out. Until then, it can be really frustrating to suddenly hit a softlock.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun for one play, but some other users have already pointed out the same flaws that I think kept this game from being good. The game is buggy, and I had to restart a few times in the short time I played it… but this I can forgive as long as it doesn't happen too often. What really keeps this game from being good are

    + the pointless and asinine mini games that you need to complete every time you choose where to massage
    + the fact that the game moves at an unbelievably slow pace, and auto saves

    If the devs fixed these two issues then this would be 5 stars. Remove all the mini games and speed up the entire game please. This is so close to being great!

    I also know that you earn unlimited days when you get to the highest dominance rating by week 10, but I wish there was unique content to go along with the post-game. More positions and responses would improve it immensely. Hopefully this game will improve more with updates!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    1.0.3. Good visuals, hits my fetishes (feet, sleep sex), the others would be soft non-con / corruption and a dominant female.

    The controls are confusing as hell, here's a break down:

    The first bar doesn't matter.

    The second one only matters when it's compeltely full - it's a game over. It locks when she falls asleep.

    You need to fill the third one to progress your dominance over her (and the story). Like the second one, it locks once she falls asleep. You need to wake her up using your tongue or whatever, then as soon as she's awake - massage her in a spot that increases the third bar. Remember that you don't want to fill the second bar too fast.

    Fourth is orgasm, I'm not sure if it matters beyond her orgasm animation.

    Fifth is her sleeping bar - how close she is to falling asleep or how deeply she is sleeping.

    The things I hated the most are constant non-skippable stupid mini games when you try using your dick and lack of a sandbox mode without any "annoyance" or time limits.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    1.0.3 review:

    The game is easier than 1.0.1, but still as confusing.

    The art is good.
    The main part of the gameplay not so much.

    You have to select an area of the body, and play a press the button minigame. The longer you press, the more pressure you will put, the goal being to reach the red area.

    Other than that, absolutely nothing is explained in the game.

    You have 5 icons to manage.

    The first one is "?/!" is awareness and you shouldn't increase it.
    The second seems to be annoyance, same thing, don't increase it.
    The third one is embarrassment, it seems to bugged at the moment, as it doesn't increase when it should.
    The fourth is pleasure.
    The fifth is satisfaction.

    Obviously, you should try to increase the last two.


    No idea.

    Each parts of the body has those stats, but they don't change as they should.

    I have no idea if it's due to a bug or my poor understanding of the game mechanics.

    Finally, there is the dominance stat.

    On the right of the screen is a scale that shows the power relationship between the MC and the girl.
    The first 4 stages of dominance are simple to increase, just please her and reduce her fatigue on every body areas.

    You can then ask her to disrobe, and your actions raise less awareness.

    After that you need to conduct special kinds of massages, from what I read on the forum, to reach Dom5, you need to make her fully embarrassed. But since I can't raise her embarrassment, I can't verify this.

    For now, I don't know if the game is bugged or has just poorly explained mechanics, but it makes one scratch their head to understand what needs to be done to progress.

    So even though I like the premise, I can't recommend it.

    I like the concept and the art, but lack of clarity locks it to 3 stars for now.

    Also, be aware that annoying her too much will lead to a game over, and there are no checkpoints, you'll have to start from scratch.

    The only way i found to raise her embarrassment always lead to a high level of annoyance followed by a game over so far.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting and graphically arousing game, if you exclude the lack of respect to the player's time and effort, and the bugs(from visual to softlocks)
    Game doesn't teach you anything, text can't be skipped or looked over again.
    If you reach a game over, even you quit fast enough, ALL your progress is gone. Back to the abysmally slow game
    If you reach Level 4, oh my God, who thought of that? Very specific requirement and hard too.
    If only the game was a bit more fast paced and with actually relationship development; not this "halt, you need to level up by doing very specific X things".
    The context or the immersion of putting your banana through her armpits, melons and feet are really hot but that's all l can say.
    l just used a save to progress though, thank the people who do that.
    Otherwise, it is just waste of time and you should value your time in games and everywhere else.
    Of course, playing this game can seem a waste of time if you look it differently.
    The point is though, you shouldn't waste the player's time with pointless grind, slow progress and obtuse problem solving. And bugs that stop player's progress.

    Overall, only "fun" for first playthrough, once you realize the grind, it is not fun. Best to use a save and please, have a skip text button.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Update decreased the grind but it's deadass unplayable after week 10, hope the dev irons out the glitches because they got a good game in the making, but the glitches are brutal and lowkey pissing me off.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Great premise. Good art. Definitely has potential.
    But I can't recommend in the current state. The massage minigame, which is basically the entire game, is designed to annoy and waste your time with unskipabble cutscenes.

    Hard pass until the dev gets it right, but give it a go if you don't mind throwing away your time.

    Update: Gave it 3 starts now since the 1.0.3 really improves the pacing with the new difficulty, but the game still has game breaking bugs that will make you lose all your progress, and considering this game is really grindy, that is very annoying.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Game plays pretty good, but on current version you can't go very far. It's worth the play, but it would be better to wait for next versions, since you can't really buy anything now and the difficulty is jacked up.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The timing on the main bit of the game requires literal pixel perfect accuracy for it to register as you properly "massaging" her, if you are even a bit off of it, it will not count towards your progress.