bug at ver 1.12 + that destroys save files is mildly annoying. oh and it freezes your computer, so use task manager to end it. and don't play this on old computers without big RAM, bcs it takes a ridiculous 2000 mb ram to run normally, and 7000 if no cheating massage appears. idk what happens if that happens.
oh and it goes suddenly like a jumpscare, be prepared.
there are only 2 sex scenes (massage 5 and 6), which can only be ideally enjoyed at dom 7, so u have to speedrun it first. and which isn't enough to make up for this bugs.
bcs of this bug, i can only speedrun this game to dom 7 to enjoy it, then if i close the game, to speedrun it again. it takes 1 - 2 hour to speedrun.
oh and the massage oil that makes her look good, in my opinion, does not. it just makes her skin became tanned excluding from neck to head, nipples became dark - pregnant,
the bug / anti-cheat does not exist at lower versions tho.
guide in case u want to speedrun
0. hover your mouse all over the icons like ?, like button, etc. it goes like, ?, anger, embarrassment, excitement, satisfaction.
if you click hand then white spots appear. hover over those to see what kind of progress you'll get.
massage is basically, hold and release, to get the black circle to match the red circle.
1. start at dom 1. empty the fatigue at bottom, and fill satisfaction till it became sleep, but dont completely fill up the sleep bar to get a 60 min massage.
2. start at dom 2. do the same as step 1.
3. start at dom 3. fill up the sleep bar to 100% to get 90 min massage..
4. start at dom 4. alternate between erotic 2 and 1, and if possible, erotic 3 and 1. fill the embarrassment bar 100%. if you're almost there but confused,
first, do ero 1 to reduce anger. then just maybe do ero 2 twice, to make it full, and to make her sleep. do remember to still 0% the fatigued body parts tho.
and then as she is asleep and sleep bar 100%, lick her lots to get excitement to almost full,
and remember to notice whether she sleeps or not. when she sleeps, this things happen:
- satisfaction turns to sleep.
- no progress for ?, anger, and embarassment. these are locked, so they did not regress either.
- as normal, excitement slowly regress.
also, how to make sleep reduces to satisfaction, to awake her?
- at ver 1.12, u can simply click the towel / bra / panty icon several times. but
- at lower versions, u have to lick her precisely. up, then look at the bar, then down, look again.
then complete the massage with 100% sleep bar, 100% embarrassment, and 50%+ excitement. the ? turns to ! and the anger meter probably does not matter.
step 5 = start at dom 5. do the same as step 4.
step 6 = start at dom 6. do the same as step 4.
step 7 = you are free. just figure it out yourself. lick and dicking does not do much anger. just remeber that the anger progress only has 1 bar, not 2 bars. it does not go from green-yellow-red to red bar like the ?-! or satisfaction bar to sleep bar.
and that, in ver 1.04, to sex you have to undress completely + 50%+excitement. no towel, bra, panty.
at ver 1.12, it just click button.
at dom 7, if ! bar is completely filled, no game over. if anger is 100% ed, your massage ends, not game over, still same week, however your massage goes back into 30 min and you need to do massage 3 times again to get dom 7.