VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Deliverance [Final] [1Thousand]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    I rape mommy's

    This game is so fucking hot!!!!
    I usually don't write the review bcuz of notifications and also mainly i just don't find it too good but this game damn...
    I can't stop expressing myself.This is so good the models are very hot wow!!!
    Animations are it's at it's peak this dev nailed it a butter smooth game play with no bugs at all.
    Main reason y i played at first is sharing and this game does the job so well Katherine so beautiful her smile her look during fucking and damn it's all good but wtvr the model maybe my fav and my 1st priority is always Sarah wow!!!! That ass I'm so addicted to it i can just get hard suddenly by seeing her ass i want that ass more yummy!!!!
    I excepted some incest or any other characters relations family but it's not complain So yeah no negatives in this game.
    1thousand pls create more games you are freaking awesome mate !!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    one of those cheap mystery stories that happens to be a super hot adult content game. full of beautiful and fairly different women. characters are very distinct and have some development as well - so good writing, good visual and ui delivery. Need more games like this please
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    At first I wasn't sure, because it seemed like the typical police story where there would always be random and stupid situations, but this game the plot is great.


    -Drawing/3D modeling: 4.3 (They're well made, the FMCs arguably have real proportions that I can believe, and they're well made enough not to bug me for extravagance. Attractive and nothing exaggerated, which at least is what I like the most.)

    -Music/Background sound: 2 (sometimes I listened to background music, sometimes no, I didn't listen to the sound of voices from the FMC, but then why is there the option of volume of voices if there isn't...)

    -Plot: 4.5(I thought it was going to be the typical boring story of a policeman who solves several random cases and manages to have sex with anything that moves. But in this case, the argument seems very well done, I mean, there really is a story to pay attention to and it's not just set or only. Good argument)

    -Animation: 4.5(There are a few details to fix between transitions when focusing on the FMCs, but otherwise nice animations.)

    - 18+ Scenes: 5 (there is a balance between history and +18 scenes, in my opinion it has many scenes that compensate for all the reading you do, it is excellent in this aspect)

    -Gameplay: 3 (Since it's a VN, there's really not much to do in terms of what to do first, yes, it has its parts where you can tell what to do, but nothing extraordinary (from my point of view).)

    -Interface: 5 (well done, nothing out of the ordinary.)

    It's a good game, with an interesting story and not at all boring, the characters are fine, they have their own morals and they can be analyzed in such a way that you can agree with their actions, suddenly one or another character bothers me that I feel that this too much but it doesn't take away or give to the game so it's fine. I highly recommend it if you want to see a detective/Paranormal story with scenes +18

    :lepew: 4/5 :lepew:
    Likes: t727
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has issues. It's far from perfect, but it's complete, has some very beautiful women, and probably the best Waifu you will find in a porn game. Definitely worth a play.

    The Good
    Beautiful renders and lovely ladies. The love interests and the side girls are all gorgeous and well done. Would have liked a bit more variety with the posing and faces, the sexy stripper poses get silly after a while, especially at work, but overall, very well done.
    Animations are pretty solid. Sometimes a bit janky and usually too short, especially in the lewd scenes, though the dev has his BJ animations pretty spot on, so overall a plus.
    Lots of sexy time with the beauties, and full gallery. The lewds, especially with the wife and coworker are plentiful and excellent, though it didn't remember the name I picked for MC in the replay so that was a pretty big bummer. Overall, very fapworthy sexy time.
    Worth playing for Katherine alone. I know it's a porn fantasy, but Kat is just the perfect wife. Great balance of sexy and supportive, almost always smiling and she has a great smile. Bothers me a bit that there is basically a free pass for cheating, as cheating on this beauty should definitely have very negative consequences. Though I'm sure this will greatly appeal to a lot of players.
    Has some decent music, though it could definitely use a bit more variety with the tracks, and for some reason most of the lewd scenes don't have music.

    The not so Good
    Story and dialogue need help. Story has very uneven pacing and a lot of stuff doesn't make sense. Dialogue is frequently overused and seems to be missing lines sometimes, unless we are just supposed to be in the dark about what is happening in the conversation. Could benefit greatly from some narration to connect the scenes and more realistic dialogue. I personally enjoyed the detective angle quite a bit, but felt the supernatural elements fell a little flat, would have preferred one or the other for the sake of continuity.
    Lewd scenes desperately need sounds. At least some different music to set them apart from the regular scenes would have been nice.
    Rose character needed more content. This in not just because I love me a sexy redhead. She was the weakest character in terms of backstory and motivation, and her actions on the good or bad path don't make much sense.
    Would have been nice to have the option to make her a proper Love Interest and have an ending for her that didn't leave a bad taste in your mouth.
    MC is a giga-Chad and pretty hard to look at. Unfortunately, you have to see is face way too often. Good or bad path, he is a bit of an arrogant ass. Not sure why his wife loves him so much, but I sure am glad she does.

    Overall, in spite of a rough story and sometimes confusing dialogue it's a very good game with great replay value. Endings are decent and enjoyable with 2 noticeable exceptions, Rose and bad ending. I look forward to more from this Dev, as this is an excellent first effort.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Dont know, iam kinda getting used to the poor requirements a AVN has to fulfil to get ridiculous high ratings... but yeah, this game is far away from a 5 star rating.

    I dont know how i managed it, but i played through the whole thing.

    ill start short and explain a little more later on


    - renders are nice overall, not top notch, but good.
    - choices do matter overall
    - story starts very good and interesting, but.......

    -....... the story gets a complete mess during the game, it gets really ridiculous and impossible to follow through and very confusing, it gets really messy all over the place.

    -characters/personalities, the characters are a mess too, they dont have a real personality at all, their behavior changes so often, its really confusing. Especially all the "cops" are really unbelievable... running in dangerous people and situations all the time, unprepared, with no backup and so on... but are telling themselfs "we need to be a team and prepared", but acting the complete opposite. Sometimes its even unwanted funny how dumb the characters, especially the MC is acting.

    - everything starts to repeat itself, the lewd scenes, the dilaogues, the whole messy plot... at some point everything is only a deja vu. In my opinion the game runs way to long and should have been ended about half of it with a good ending and not this mess.

    i played through the whole thing, cause it has a good start and i was kinda hoping the end would be good too... but it wasnt, wish i would have stopped about half of the game... well... i didnt.

    Advice to the dev, less is sometimes more. Keep stories together, so that they make sense overall and are building up suspense until the ending...

    This one got on a point where everything is just running in circles and during that every suspense is completly lost and in the end you dont even care anymore what happens.

    Give character a personality and let them act that way, all the characters in this game dont have any consitency at all. And no they are not developing or such, they are just acting weird all the time, especially the decetives, most of all the MC.

    The purpose of this game was a "story first" approach i think... and cause of that, its a poor game... cause the story is just a mess, cant give a high rating for this. As i stated some things are good, and even the story has a good start... but when the main part of the game gets this messy, a good rating is of the table.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It tries so hard to be more than a smut game but fails due to the strange dialogue and poor use of the English language. It's not as bad as some other games but because the narration and plot are so important in this mystery story, it just falls flat on it's face.
    If you skip through the convoluted story you do get to see some nice lewd content with decent animations and models.
    I was very fond of the wife and especially the way you can spice up the marriage with some sharing and exhibitionism, here too the way it's set up or built up is just silly but hey, at least we get to see some hot stuff. The rim jobs were also a nice touch.
    The game is completed and there are different ways to get to the end so there is repeatability, but I can't be bothered after picking whatever involves the wife the most. All in all it deserves 4 stars because it has lots of nice smut.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    There is no doubt that the author has a lot of work on this game. And thanks for that. Good storytelling, good graphics, and more. As for the story, I rarely like fantasy in general, this game had an idea that made me like it, but the whole story after the middle of the game got very convoluted and complicated. This is my personal opinion and because of that 4 stars from me.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Because of the woefully poor standards for adult VNs, Deliverance briefly appears to be a diamond in the rough, but as one keeps playing, it becomes clear that it is just another poorly written mess.

    The biggest problem with Deliverance is that it is trying quite hard to be something more than just a raunchy little game. It tries to get us to feel for the main characters and to immerse ourselves in the mystery, but when one actually pays attention to the characters and their motivations or tries to follow the clues they are shallow, convoluted or downright stupid. For example, when the stakes are raised and the team is trying to figure out the bad guy's next moves, the MC goes to the beach with one of the side girls for a day, leaving his wife at home to solve the mystery for him. Cherry on top, his wife doesn't seem to care where he went and the MC doesn't even have to lie about cheating on her in this crucial moment.

    - Nice art and pretty girls.
    - Cute exploration of wife sharing.

    - Confusing and sometimes downright silly plot.
    - Characters totally lack internal consistency or motivations.
    - Amoral MC doesn't seem to have any conflict about constantly cheating on his wife, whom he superficially seems to love and care about. I played the path where he is supposed to be the good guy...
    - None of the side girls seem to care when they find out he is married or have any conflict about it.
    - MCs face is right in the uncanny valley.
    - Moral choices are weak and you just end up being railroaded.

    TL;DR If you are looking for an interesting and engaging story with compelling characters and relationships, look elsewhere. If you are looking for dumb porn, save yourself several hours and go to Pornhub.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: I played the Katherine solo route where the MC stays faithful throughout the game to his wife and my review is for that path, other paths may vary a lot and may offer very different content and thus the experience may be different for other players who choose different paths.

    Deliverance is a story focused game about a demon who wants to take over the world and the MC who is slowly pulled into this conflict and eventually fights the demon with the help of his loved one and friends.

    I did not care too much for the supernatural story, since it's not my favorite genre, but the presentation is really good and the writing is on a top level (for VNs), so even if supernatural stories my not be your favorite genre, Deliverance still offers a good story at least and a good experience. It will keep you interested throughout the game.

    But I would have preferred it if Deliverance was more about the serial killer and solving cases and not about the "demon wants to rule over the world" scenario which completely takes over eventually (once the early serial killer plot thread is resolved), but that is down to taste of course. If you like supernatural stories Deliverance will certainly deliver.

    The music in the game is good too and I would recommend you play it with music enabled.

    The female characters are all pretty and offer various body types and hair colors. All the females look like actual human beings, you will not find any exaggerated proportions here. The MC also looks ok, but sadly he suffers from a mild case of horse appendage.
    Maybe the devs do that for animation purposes, but it feels a bit off in a game where the females look more or less realistic. It's not as bad as in various other games though. It will not completely take you out of the story here, it's just a bit ridiculous and not over the top ridiculous. The MC's face is not hidden in the game, a choice I usually prefer, it makes choosing camera angles for interactions with other characters a lot more versatile and better.

    You can choose from various love interests in the game, but you start out the game with the wife of the MC: Katherine. Katherine is pretty, fun, smart, sweet, loving and a bit naughty in a sweet way. I saw no reason for the MC to ever leave her (really, she's anything a normal person would ever want) or to even cheat on her, thus she was my sole love interest in my playthrough.

    The other potential love interests also look pretty, but I can only say anything about them as the MC's normal friends. And each character is pretty unique with her own personality. The characters all have some depth and are not just objects meant to conquer.

    The game has both animated sex scenes and various animated story moments. The animations are fluid and look good, the sex scenes are nothing you haven't seen before, but they are good and do the job.

    You will not get punished with a lack of content on the Katherine solo path, there usually are 2 or even more encounters in each chapter and it's also quite varied, at least when we talk about settings, since Katherine loves doing "it" in various places throughout the game, public park, her office, near strangers in alleys etc, you get the idea. Katherine's (sweet and fun) naughty side comes into play here. And thus not all interactions with her are in a bedroom or at home.

    The game also has sharing and lesbian options for Katherine. On the sharing path men and women can have sex with her without the MC. If that's what you really want you can have it here. You can completely avoid sharing early in the game with a dialogue choice however, which is what I did. And even if sharing is enabled early on you can still opt out of sharing scenes later and avoid it.

    The lesbian content is a bit awkward when you are on a faithful solo path for Katherine since it happens later in the story and while you can avoid it altogether the beginning of the scene is still triggered and you can clearly see where it will go, unless the MC tells Katherine to focus on her task.

    It feels completely out of character for Katherine on the love/solo/faithful path, in my opinion, and I think this could have been handled similar to the sharing option, by completely avoiding it through a dialogue choice earlier in the game.
    The scene between Katherine and the other woman (another potential LI) is completely unneeded unless you explicitly want her to have lesbian sex (without the MC), so a dialogue flag that avoids this scene altogether would have been the wiser choice. It does nothing but serve as a trigger for the lesbian sex. The inclusion feels very off.
    What's even worse is that shortly after a similar scene plays that is meant to trigger the threesome scene, which once again feels completely out of character and should never have been included and made entirely avoidable through a dialogue choice.
    But it's a minor nitpick since technically speaking you can have both the MC and Katherine entirely faithful to each other throughout the game. It's just that the scenes that would eventually trigger the lesbian/threesome content feel entirely wrong and out of character if you are on the faithful solo path and even disabled the sharing option early in the game.

    One thing I didn't like at all is the forced anal sex on the Katherine route, I cannot say if the other love interests have similar forced scenes. I can't understand why developers make these things unavoidable, even more so here because after the first 2 or 3 forced scenes the other scenes almost always (with one exception!) DO have choices for everything and allow you to avoid it altogether.
    These things should always be entirely optional and never ever be the default, opt in is ok, not being able to opt out is one of the cardinal sins of so many VNs, it's unfortunate that Deliverance drops the ball here a bit.

    It's nothing major, you usually don't even see anything really in the forced anal sex scenes since the camera angle chosen could also easily be used for normal vaginal doggystyle penetration, which makes it even more puzzling why the few scenes are mandatory to begin with. I would assume that people who enjoy anal sex may not find the included scenes with Katherine all that exciting even, since you don't really see anything. So why include it in the first place and make it mandatory? That was a very odd choice.

    Apart from that Deliverance offers plenty of choice, you can be the hero, you can be a villain, you can get 8 different endings, I got the Katherine solo ending of course which was quite romantic and gives you all the resolution you want. So you do get a proper conclusion and a happily ever after with her. The ending is also not rushed.

    There are also endings of course for the other love interests, but I never saw them and I probably won't replay the game to see those scenes, since the other love interests do not interest me as romantic partners for the MC.

    So if you are into story focused VNs with top production values and a good number of sex scenes even on a solo path then Deliverance is absolutely worth playing. It's a top tier VN that is several levels above most other VNs concerning story, dialogue, character depth and presentation.
    Deliverance also allows you to have a wholesome solo romance that doesn't punish you with a lack of content for doing so, which is always very welcome. But you can also go for a more corrupted or evil route and cheat on your wife with various other females, or share Katherine with other men and women (with the option to eventually separate from your wife) if that is more to your liking.

    In many ways Deliverance is a 5 star VN, but forced kinks (anal) and the somewhat over the top demon wants to rule the world story in the second half make it a 4 star game for me. But Deliverance is mostly a 5 star experience and one of the rare completed VN and thus absolutely worth playing.

    Only if you usually use the CTRL key to skip to the animations or prefer more varied kinks then Deliverance is probably not your thing, since the focus here is not the sex and what there is is mostly vanilla and wholesome with a few exceptions here and there, more so on the evil path.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    not bad but not great either, feels like this was supposed to be a VN with no sexual content, where he just put random sex, the dialog is focused only in the story (that is slow), the sexual content is awful, mc cheats in 10 minutes of game withouth remorse besides beeing married, wants to share? yes/no, threesome? yes/no, with no reasons behind.
    also you have to play with walkthrough and even then you play following one girl/path because you are afraid of losing her at the end
    worth playing but woudn't replay it
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    it is one of the best games I have ever played. it is very rich in story. the artwork and design were fantastic the animations were awesome, and the multiple endings were all on point. really loved the game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    On the plus side: the story is complete and contains some interesting mystery and supernatural elements, and, depending on your choices, offers 8 different endings. It has decent graphics and animations, and lots of sex scenes.
    On the minus side: the focus is more on the sex than the story. The latter is fairly random, doesn’t always make a lot of sense, and is conveyed via dialog that is often uninspired.
    On the whole it seemed a fairly competent offering that kept me entertained for a few evenings.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    i love all the part of the content in this game, especially in sharing/swinging content with really hot wife . this game have a so much option , if you dont like sharing/ swinging you can choose the other. iam really waiting for the next game like this , iam love it
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a detective story, so it must be story and characters first, there's almost no way around it. And while the game behaves this way, cleavages are a bit ridiculous, tits look weird and sex happens too fast. As an example, if your wife is slutty from the start, it takes more time to connect as a player – easy math. You can't just hope dialog is enough, especially when it sounds like a developer is talking to himself at times. That doesn't make me disconnect, though, so the overall tension is better here than in some other games. However, what makes me disconnect is the prioritization of gobbo sex over story. I truly enjoy the play with curves, character development, choices, so why not use the erotic strength such a software has!
    The underlying music is good, scenery is alright, plot, I mean there's some effort and there's not.

    In the end, when sex scenes arrive, the point is gone.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd give this game 4.5 stars instead of 5 if I could. Here's why:
    • Story: While the writer has put in a lot of effort, it's a bit convoluted, and especially towards the end it starts to drag on. Towards the end I was hitting CTRL to skip scenes more and more.
    • Characters: Characters are good to great. The LIs are generally interesting and attractive, with the wife being by far the hottest of them all, and generally one of the hottest characters on this site. Side characters are also decent and well-rounded in general.
    • Gameplay: Not much to speak of here, it's a VN. Choices do matter so that's good.
    • Graphics: They're great.
    • Animation: The animations are good, not the best here, but not bad either.
    • Sound: Good selection of background music.
    • Lewd: Great content here overall, to match many different tastes. Not every LI will suit everyone's tastes, but everyone should be able to find someone they like. I still reiterate, the wife is one of the hottest.
    Overall a great game and highly recommended, though I didn't enjoy the story as much, which is why it's not a perfect 5 star game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Deliverance (final version) is definitely a game worth playing. It has a pretty long story with some interesting characters and some well laid twists. Characters are well developed even if they do fall for the MC rather easily it is understandable as it is a game in this genre. Sex scenes are pretty well done and many fit well in the narrative, but there are some that do feel a bit like "there's been too many plot scenes we need some sex now so lets do something". Choices do seem to matter in the development of the story, with 8 main different endings with variations according to choices you have been taking all along.

    Character models and general aesthetics are not the best I've seen but are of a very high level. And the game does have plenty of animations, a lot of them not sex-related, which is nice. Sound is limited to some sound effects and music tracks but does its thing. And I've encountered few bugs so good on that side as well.

    So, all in all, a very good game worth your time. 9/10
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is well-made but the story doesn't do it for me. I couldn't really get into it, but it's good for those that can. There's plenty of options, but a nit-pick I have is that it grays out the screen and sort of takes me out of the game for me. Otherwise, the game is well-built
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game and a refference for the Ren'Py style for other developers

    The game present a SF story in which you are imarged chapter by chapter. I like how the developer build initially two stories: the one of the MC and the lore of Katherine, to bring them as one later on. All the moment that the story build intially fade away toward the end where the whole point is defeating the demon. Some of the choises you make impact the story later on. Another strong point for me is that MC is not a moronic boy thinking just how to fuck every chick around him. I actually could care about him, feel his emotions.

    I enjoy the fact that you have 5-6 girls you can interact with, nice bodies and diverse outfits presented during the game. Katherine is awesome, both as MC wife and as a character itself. I had a hard time convincing myself to cheat on her giving the fact that she offer to the MC a lot. It was even harder as you see that she make short remarks when you spend time with other characters. That feeling of guild really made the game more convincing for me.
    Initially at least I tought that Rose arms are a bit too buff, to mainly. Not sure if the developer intended them so or not. In terms of atributes it is difficult to tell much about the girls. Sure Katherine is slutty, Sarah cares a lot about her character, but this is all we can tell about them.

    Animation and renders
    Charles is animated agains the wall. that does not make sense. In one of the ends where MC&Katherine meets Charles&Andrea, Charles has a very small dick which looks to me as a bad render .The short animated moments are cool. also I believe that the music added on the background adds depth to the story.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Sword of Slaanesh

    Solid game, it has a significant amount of replayability to get all of the endings.

    If I had to criticize something about this game, it would be one thing:

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    Overall, a wonderful game with a refreshing plot.

    Also, this game "NTR" is Netorase (Swinging and lending your wife) for those who care, completely avoidable.

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  20. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, I'm sorry for my English mistakes. The game's story, graphics, animations, everything is perfect. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because the ending was so weak. At least a mini game should be made in which we can see a lot of Kathetine (like a wife and mother fan game).