VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Deliverance [Final] [1Thousand]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a detective story, so it must be story and characters first, there's almost no way around it. And while the game behaves this way, cleavages are a bit ridiculous, tits look weird and sex happens too fast. As an example, if your wife is slutty from the start, it takes more time to connect as a player – easy math. You can't just hope dialog is enough, especially when it sounds like a developer is talking to himself at times. That doesn't make me disconnect, though, so the overall tension is better here than in some other games. However, what makes me disconnect is the prioritization of gobbo sex over story. I truly enjoy the play with curves, character development, choices, so why not use the erotic strength such a software has!
    The underlying music is good, scenery is alright, plot, I mean there's some effort and there's not.

    In the end, when sex scenes arrive, the point is gone.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd give this game 4.5 stars instead of 5 if I could. Here's why:
    • Story: While the writer has put in a lot of effort, it's a bit convoluted, and especially towards the end it starts to drag on. Towards the end I was hitting CTRL to skip scenes more and more.
    • Characters: Characters are good to great. The LIs are generally interesting and attractive, with the wife being by far the hottest of them all, and generally one of the hottest characters on this site. Side characters are also decent and well-rounded in general.
    • Gameplay: Not much to speak of here, it's a VN. Choices do matter so that's good.
    • Graphics: They're great.
    • Animation: The animations are good, not the best here, but not bad either.
    • Sound: Good selection of background music.
    • Lewd: Great content here overall, to match many different tastes. Not every LI will suit everyone's tastes, but everyone should be able to find someone they like. I still reiterate, the wife is one of the hottest.
    Overall a great game and highly recommended, though I didn't enjoy the story as much, which is why it's not a perfect 5 star game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Deliverance (final version) is definitely a game worth playing. It has a pretty long story with some interesting characters and some well laid twists. Characters are well developed even if they do fall for the MC rather easily it is understandable as it is a game in this genre. Sex scenes are pretty well done and many fit well in the narrative, but there are some that do feel a bit like "there's been too many plot scenes we need some sex now so lets do something". Choices do seem to matter in the development of the story, with 8 main different endings with variations according to choices you have been taking all along.

    Character models and general aesthetics are not the best I've seen but are of a very high level. And the game does have plenty of animations, a lot of them not sex-related, which is nice. Sound is limited to some sound effects and music tracks but does its thing. And I've encountered few bugs so good on that side as well.

    So, all in all, a very good game worth your time. 9/10
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is well-made but the story doesn't do it for me. I couldn't really get into it, but it's good for those that can. There's plenty of options, but a nit-pick I have is that it grays out the screen and sort of takes me out of the game for me. Otherwise, the game is well-built
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game and a refference for the Ren'Py style for other developers

    The game present a SF story in which you are imarged chapter by chapter. I like how the developer build initially two stories: the one of the MC and the lore of Katherine, to bring them as one later on. All the moment that the story build intially fade away toward the end where the whole point is defeating the demon. Some of the choises you make impact the story later on. Another strong point for me is that MC is not a moronic boy thinking just how to fuck every chick around him. I actually could care about him, feel his emotions.

    I enjoy the fact that you have 5-6 girls you can interact with, nice bodies and diverse outfits presented during the game. Katherine is awesome, both as MC wife and as a character itself. I had a hard time convincing myself to cheat on her giving the fact that she offer to the MC a lot. It was even harder as you see that she make short remarks when you spend time with other characters. That feeling of guild really made the game more convincing for me.
    Initially at least I tought that Rose arms are a bit too buff, to mainly. Not sure if the developer intended them so or not. In terms of atributes it is difficult to tell much about the girls. Sure Katherine is slutty, Sarah cares a lot about her character, but this is all we can tell about them.

    Animation and renders
    Charles is animated agains the wall. that does not make sense. In one of the ends where MC&Katherine meets Charles&Andrea, Charles has a very small dick which looks to me as a bad render .The short animated moments are cool. also I believe that the music added on the background adds depth to the story.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Sword of Slaanesh

    Solid game, it has a significant amount of replayability to get all of the endings.

    If I had to criticize something about this game, it would be one thing:

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    Overall, a wonderful game with a refreshing plot.

    Also, this game "NTR" is Netorase (Swinging and lending your wife) for those who care, completely avoidable.

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  7. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, I'm sorry for my English mistakes. The game's story, graphics, animations, everything is perfect. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because the ending was so weak. At least a mini game should be made in which we can see a lot of Kathetine (like a wife and mother fan game).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Some spoilers;

    i agree with alot of other people in the fact that the models are insanely hot and diverse and the sex scenes are fantastic while both routes also add to make replayability that much more tempting. the only place where this game falls short is in its story. It starts off very good and intriguing but then it just devolves into oh no demon bad. The second villain isn't really given enough time to develop and the choice you have to make near the end with who you have to side isn't hard to make because it's pretty clear which ending you're heading towards. even for the hero its pretty easy to just say fuck it at that point because you don't know either of them. And then i was kind of disappointed that it was either rose or nothing in the endings but it made sense story wise but i digress.

    tldr; awesome models and scenes but the story fell flat sadly.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 stars. The good things are beyond just good. The models are hot, characters are diversed and have great depth, the in-game options are impactful and the renders are fucking amazing.
    (spoiler alert)The story started awesome. MC got himself stuck in a clever trap setup by Sondheim, and was haunted by it. The obsession feels real and gritty, and I dare say the introduction of an ancient evil master whose presence can drive people insane is even a bit Lovecraftian, which I adore dearly. But things only got weirder (and worse) from there, started from the trip to the village. And the second villain, well she's just... weird, and it feels like her existence is created out off a rush to deadline. Sondheim turned out to be no more than a brainless meathead, the betrayals are bit shallow, and the ends are kinda painful and predictable at the same time.
    Great one nonetheless though, I just wish they can keep the same dynamics and momentum like they did in the first part of the game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a lot of content, very much replayable. Hero/Villain route, many girls to pick, etc. etc. played it at least 3 times from the beginning to the end. And what caught my curiosity is that unlike other games with a twisted plot, this one is very much clear and does not start to bore you. Super rare gem, for everyone to play for sure. 5/5 clearly
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Deliverance is a little bit of a weird VN to me. It's got gorgeous models, hot sex scenes, and impactful choices. Unfortunately, the story is... well... abysmal, nearly to the point where it's comedic. The game is easily five stars if that weren't the case.

    The good things about Deliverance are excellent. The models are diverse, pretty and have a lot of outfit diversity. The circumstances around the sex scenes are quite hot with a lot of exhibitionism. The choices you make in the game change the story and endings substantially.

    Unfortunately, the story is almost pure nonsense. It's hard to know where to begin breaking it down. It feels like the whole story was written just to string sex scenes together. The decisions made by the characters throughout the story, whether by the heroes or villains, are consistently stupid. For instance, the heroes in the story constantly force confrontations with the villains. Good start, no issue there. Unfortunately, they insist on using brute force even when after it fails several times. Both of the main two villains in the game are shot dozens of times by the main character and assorted mooks to no real effect. Rather than learn from this mistake they... keep doing it? They never seem to realize that maybe learning the weakness of eldritch horrors in order to fight them is better than beating your head into a wall.

    And if the horrors have no weaknesses? Well, your villains are kind of awful. It's frankly no fun when the good guys have no real hope against the bad guy. For this reason, I actually enjoyed the first villain of this story more than the second. At least guns seemed to inconvenience him, even if it took the MC more than five confrontations to make a plan to beat the first baddy. The second villain only lost due to an absurdly convoluted and painfully predictable series of events, so much so that I had difficulty drawing any pleasure from it.

    The characters also lack personality. While the character banter is decent, it's hard to ascribe any sort of personality to them. For example, are the characters particularly smart, cowardly, selfish, greedy, naive, optimistic, quick to anger, focused, any number of adjectives? It's difficult to apply any sort of character strengths or flaws to these characters because they don't really have any.

    And all this is just the tip of the iceberg. Honestly, it should be rather telling that I still gave this game four stars. Everything Deliverance does that ISN'T the story is so good that I couldn't really stand to go lower. All in all, Deliverance is a great porn game, but it's not a very good VN.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking... amazing!

    Game had me hooked. Completed multiple routes and want more! Great story, top tier protagonist, sexy women & hot af sex scenes.

    Can't wait till the next game. Fucking... Amaaaazing!!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    • This game by all means was quite enjoyable, and plus its completed made it even better to keep on exploring all the options and paths! still haven't unlocked all the scenes yet! It has a good cast of females, to whom you can interact with not to much and not to little.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I found the story a bit interesting, but quite classical for the whole plot. Sex scenes were average, and that was what pushed me to only put 3 stars because the girls were quite diverse, but they were always doing "normal stuff" in loop, and i would have wanted more options.

    I found the music okay but with a lack of variety/pacing regardin scenes.

    All in all, it's a solid 3 stars game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Deliverance - final

    Deliverance is an interesting and well-plotted thriller with supernatural elements and even some philosophical questions. Several hours of gameplay, up to 8 different endings, choices that actually matter (you can be good, evil and everything in between), lots of sex scenes (with a replay gallery) and animations (both lewd and non-lewd), good musical ambientation, a totally optional sharing path with MC's wife (playing the cheating routes with the alternative LI just breaks my heart, as Kat is the most loving wife I've ever seen in those games and their marriage feels mature and rock solid, even in the sharing route)... all done in about 2 years, including a revamp at halfway point that didn't mean stopping regular updates while improving and extending the scenes from the first half.

    It has its flaws, yeah: sometimes the dialogue is not smooth and some scene transitions are a bit abrupt; some poses and shots are weird and the worldbuilding and timelapses can be a little confusing at times. But the overall result it's just sooo good and satisfying that the rating can't really drop to 4 stars. One of the best completed games you can find, totally worth it.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    this review not final will be updated
    subjects stars10details
    Story 8-the story started in a good way
    when i go deeper i got more interested
    when i play adult game with such story
    i can only say pravo
    gameplay-0just read and click no gameplay at all
    voices -0no voices sex scenes need more moaning atlease
    decisions-5there are some decisions but not that important
    art/render 6the art and render are decent
    music-5guitar music which so relaxing and fit the theme
    music gets tensing when there is a dark moments wow
    animations 7animations looks elastic and livable in a good style
    -animations so nice to a degree the ass twirking while fucked
    -spanking animations are bullshit(-1)
    -when iam fan of spanking and see bad animations
    i get mad the spanking is soo gentle to a boring degree
    females-the wife : skinny boring not sexy at least for me
    -police woman : sexy -big ass attractive
    -restaurant woman: has a nice legs
    MC8finally i play as adult protagonist no kid or teen
    but the personality will need to be controlled by me
    ِADDOns -perfect camera angel when showing the ass while in act
    -but some things need to be adjusted like ..
    when he push the girl to the wall
    require more pics to make the people know what is happening or at least explain it with images
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    So, overall the game is good. Great looking characters, interesting story and incredibly good animations. But the games biggest flaw is with your girlfriend Katherine.

    She is a slut. Now some people might not care about this, but I do. I am not a fan of NTR. It is often hamfisted without consideration for what it means for the personalities of the characters. In deliverance, I dont think its hamfisted as much it is simply written by someone who thinks Katherine is a slut.

    The choice of "sharing" comes in a bar where katherine suggests "spicing things up" you saying fine to the spicing things up will enable the sharing path. Katherine is the one that suggests it. She is the one suggesting sex with other men, not you.

    This means katherine is a slut who wants to have sex with other men. And if you say fine do whatever you wish she will end up doing so.

    "B-b-b-but its optional!" it is indeed. But her suggesting it isnt. the fact she is willing to do it, hell the fact shes willing to suggest it isnt optional. That happens with every playthrough. In every playthrough katherine will ask you if shes allowed to have sex with other men. Why??

    And after this im supposed to go on as if she didnt just ask me to have sex with other men? Nope not happening. I want to break up with her, but you cant. There is no way out of the katherine relationship, the only choice is to cheat on her, which is something that never is revealed btw so there are no rammifications to it. There is no romance really just sex with a bunch of women.

    Its average, none of the characters are likable. Daliah is cute and likable, but shes barely in the game and when the choice is between her and pearl, you pick pearl every time.

    What a shame.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Guy Axworthy

    Great game, no questions asked I abandoned it at some point in the past and picked it back up now (glad I managed to go through all of it instead of waiting for chapters to be released, the suspense would have ended me).

    Now that it's complete, anyone who's playing AVNs should definitely try this one out!

    Mad respect 1thousand I'm looking forward to your next project !!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of VNs through the years and I have to say, that I normally don't give 5-stars to anything.
    Deliverance is an exception.
    1) Great renders.
    2)A soundtrack that doesn't make me want to stick an ice pick in my ears, which changes depending on the scene and it fits the scenario you're in, (for a change).
    3) A decent story with a few plot twists to keep you guessing.
    4) A protagonist that you don't particularly feel like bitch slapping for how blatantly moronic he is, and one you can follow easily and actually care about!
    5) Beautifully crafted characters that feel like you're watching a movie or television series.
    6) Animations are smooth and believable.
    7) Dialogue that actually makes sense. While there are smatterings of grammatical errors, they don't jump off the screen at you, (for example, saying Charles's when Charles' is more suitable. When two people are talking, it actually feels like two different people talking, (personality wise), and conversations flow like they do in real life.

    Overall, very well crafted and executed.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Deliverance is a beautiful and well-written VN. It start out as a detectiveroman where you take the role of a detective doing detective stuff (IK who wouldve thought); but it gradually flows into a sci-fi about religions and demons/goddesses. There is a big cast which makes the world painted by the dev feel alive and engaging. There aren't many love interest but that's not a bad thing as it allows you to explore these characters further and get more invested by doing so. The love interest there are, are hot, wild, kinky and so are all the girls on the side btw.

    There's multiple routes which lends longevity to the game, and makes u feel in control of your own destiny whilst doing so. You can be a good guy that saves everyone, a bad guy that can corrupt everyone, hell you can even take out the big (HOT) baddy and become the big baddy yourself! Multiple fetishes are to be had: anal, threesomes, cheating, corrupting, NTR (WHICH IS OPTIONAL, ty dev), pregnancy (not much and at the end), ...

    What I like the most about this game is, is that it caters to both the fappers and the readers; and does it flawlessly! The story/dialogues are enganging/exciting (readers) and you dont have to wait long before the first sex scenes arrives (fappers). And the great thing about it is: the one doesnt cancel the other one out! By now you should have played some games where the story tries to take itself seriously and all of a sudden throws a shit load of pussies your way without any real or valid explanation. For example: "oh such a huge dong, i must have him!" 10 seconds later another woman goes: "that's a big dick, why am i getting wet all of a sudden?" (like seriously :rolleyes:) Rest assured this does not happen here! Even the threesomes feel natural and hot!

    You could write several pages why this VN is one of the best on this site but in reality you dont need to. The reason for that is quite simple: I cant think of anything bad in this game and I'm a guy who's quite critical. The only thing I can think of is that the animations could be a bit better, that's not to say they are bad to begin with!

    Some other pro's I haven't mentionned yet:
    - Excellent music;
    - 8 endings
    - You can seduce the big hot baddy (my fav ending);
    - Dev finished this game pretty fast, I dunno exactly how long it took or how much time was between each upload, but the uploads where frequent enough, and each upload had good amount of content;
    - ...

    I rate this VN 9.5/10 or 5 stars, it's rare for me to give such a high rating to anything, so take that as you will. Definitely recommend playing this.

    Dev, I'll be looking out for more of your work and will make a donation for this one! Hope to see more of your work soon!