VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Deliverance [Final] [1Thousand]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good story, flawed by a sometimes difficult translation.
    Graphically the game is very well done, with only a few small issues related to the renders.
    The Dev offers both an NTR/sharing and Vanilla route, each of which has its own content. Though I cannot comment on if this is a 1-to-1 equal with regards to renders.

    My main complaints with the game are two things; (which are smaller things anyway).
    1) There are several plot points that are not left unresolved (the ultimate fate of the police partner 'Charles' being an example of such). While these issues may be addressed in a sequel (the ending of the game was also a bit of a cliffhanger), as a player I can only review/judge on what is before me.

    2) Some of the decisions regarding sex scenes were a little questionable. The massive and repetitive focus in Anal is a bit annoying for people who are not particularly into that fetish. With Sarah (the blonde policewoman) this eventually gets to the point that vaginal sex ceases to even be a real option for the player. Despite the reasons given in-game the 'anal play' is massively overdone. A second and similar issue (though to a much lesser extent) is the fact that (at least on my playthrough). The Mc had to allow his wife (arguably the primary LI) to engage in a lesbian threesome before the MC was even given the option of potentially joining in. To sum up, this point, while the sex scenes were fairly diverse (in terms of who they were with) the sexual options 'within' those scenes were somewhat limited.

    Overall, I did enjoy the game. I think it is definitely flawed and could probably have used some more polish. Regardless of that, if you have several hours free and want to play a decent police'ish, supernatural'ish story, Deliverance is a title I would consider.


    - I like to disclose if and how much I have donated to a title, as for some that can impact the validity of a review. As such I will say that I have not $upported the game or Dev with €uro's.
    Reason? I will not $upport projects that devote resources to producing Sharing/NTR content, even if such content is optional/avoidable.

    Additional note; I have only played the 'hero/teammates' path thus far. I may play the control path at a later date, but it is a longer title and I am not sure doing so would change the story in any significant way.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is almost 5 stars and it's pretty easy to see why. Most of the people who loved this game are probably the ones who get aggravated when a game takes an update or two to throw a bunch of sex scenes at you because this game doesn't disappoint in that department.

    I'm not gonna dive too deep into the story of this game. It's actually a good story or has potential to be if it didn't give itself away to throw all this meaningless sex at you. It's kinda like the dev is aware that his audience wants to see sex and a lot of it so they have catered the game to cater to them and it makes the story suffer. You'll be having serious conversations and serious set ups to the plot and instead of letting that linger or up the stakes the characters will stop all of that to get their rocks of "just because"

    The game does it's art well. The renders are more for the people who love their women to have nice bodies as most of the women have either nice assets in one category or another. Personality wise I mean they're ehhh. The wife is kinda like whatever she doesn't really mind what you do, doesn't mind you're surrounded by women all the time or that you could possibly be carrying on affairs, she could really careless, lowering the stakes on those decisions. The police girl, she shows SOME character but not a lot. The rest as well, they're gonna come across as fuck dolls more than actual characters to be honest.

    The rest of the characters, they feel pretty empty as well. They're there to serve some kinda purpose to the MC but that's about it. None of them particularly stand out. Even the main antagonist which they try very hard to build up and give you a reason to want to go after this guy, is only kind of meh. The stills in this game with the women while they're talking are funny, in an annoying sort of way. While standing having a conversation the women will start posing in front of you like they're doing a model show or something. Or the wife's famous pose like she's a pretend airplane. I give the credit to the dev for not just wanting still shots all the time but, ehh not sure this is the way this needed to go.

    All in all the game is okay. I honestly feel like it's too watered down with sex scenes for me to take seriously. Every time I try to invest in the plot it'll throw one or two more meaningless sex scenes my way and take my mind off the plot. The game also jumps around very suddenly too. One minute you'll be having sex with your wife the next you'll be at the office or police station, then you'll be cornering a prostitute, then you'll be waking up the next day trying to figure out what next to do.

    The dev has put in some effort which keeps it from being a 2 star, but no way can I give this a 4 star. If you like your games with more porn than plot but with an okay/good plot, this will be good for you. IF you like story and earned sex scenes that mean something in the grand scheme of things, then this will probably be a miss.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3594300

    The story picks up slow & continues to build towards the main event without distracting you with side quest mumbo jumbo & all the build up is worth meeting the Red haired devil.
    The game play is nothing but a choice based VN where your actions decides whether you‘re evil or good. A little more focus on evidence collection or puzzle solving while in free roam would have improved the gameplay experience since it is a detective game after all.
    The render quality is awesome & the effort to the details are always a welcome move. The characters are amazing and look naturals.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Good character models
    The start is good, history starts well, make you wanna continue playing
    the problem is there's no real gameplay, is just clicking away type of game so when the story start getting good you're already bored, don't care and continue clicking away anyway
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok first off, everyone who complains that this is another NTR game are just virgins still living with their parents who don't know anything about a real relationship. If you wanted something real try finding someone in real life rather than coming to diss on a game that has put hundreds and hundreds of hours of work on it. You give it a bad review because what you don't like the side content in it.


    There's only one a few games on f95zone with such door writing and genuine emotions. The Renders are done soo well and I've kept the game in my storage all the way from chapter 1 to now. You keep wanting to come back to the gallery to see some of the scenes.

    There's actual death and remorse and revenge on this game. It's serious and if this was not a VN it would have been a big title with lots of action and lots of side quests. The dev certainly deserves a lot of praise. I'm super glad the game is trending, just shows that even if you hate a game for a litte bit of sharing it'll still be good because the plot the scenes and Everything else about the game is jist outstanding
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game I have ever played. I like NTR. Especially this is not a coward, but an open ntr. And the heroine is very good-looking, seeing her promiscuity really makes the dick very hard.I want to find similar games, but this one is the best.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first game I've played where your wife is unambiguously best girl. It's like it's impossible to dislike Katherine.

    Apart from that, the game looks great, the dev makes consistent updates, it's definitely worth playing, but I still remember this as being the first game where you'll actually prefer to stick with your wife.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is a multiple choice VN with a karma rating and you decide to behave like a good guy or an "evil dude"

    It's about detectives, amazing setting for a game of this nature
    Art looks gorgeous

    Karma system is bollocks, you become evil if you meet someone for coffee? If you go out with someone?
    To be the good guy you have to focus 100% on the wife and ignore all other content
    Most of the things that make you evil in game are not crimes, but simply not being loyal to the wife
    The wife behaves like a very adventurous woman, which indicates she would likely support the guy's affairs
    You need several playthroughs to see all content and likely will need a walkthrough
    More than half of the game is going on dates instead of working on the case, they should not simply separate them.

    The game has great potential but should focus on the detective parts, maybe with some extra side missions cases instead of a single core mission. The karma system would improve the game if it was scrapped altogether. They should make the story believable and get rid of any subnatural stuff.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A real discovery with this game.
    Good reners, good scenes, good animation and good script..
    and of course the female characters make me lose my mind. hehehe.
    In terms of genre the game shows a bit of everything and that's quite interesting for me. I loved it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good graphics, interesting story line, some dialogues were a bit "awkward", but in wider perspective it doesn't matter. Really enjoyable to play, a lot of decisions that actually feel like they matter.
    Cant wait for future updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm playing this game since early updates and I realized NOW I didn't rate this game earlier. Shame on me...

    I can give 5 star for this game blindly. So much content, well written story, good animations and perfect h-scenes.

    But I think the game deserves Harem Path. It's very suitable for this game and it wouldn't bother the player at all. Three of the girls are perfect and they're friendly each other. Hell, we even had threesome with every main girl. So it'd be very, very good to have Harem Path.

    Play it. You wont regret it. If you didn't like the game, come find me :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game ever, hands down.
    Pros :
    1- The story is awesome, better than most non-adult games made in famous studios. It's Engaging & well written .
    2- Renders are done beautifully, models are great, although some of them can be seen in other games, some are unique.
    3- The choices matter ! Most choices are meaningful and have huge impact which means you are in control.
    4- There are a lot of kinks in the game & fortunately most of them are optional, including NTR, Swinging, Feet, Cuckolding & ...
    5- There is a great amount of content & the game is being updated regularly

    Cons :
    Maybe this is not a con, however personally when a game has different branches & when you need to choose which girl you spend time with, I feel like I'm missing content. I love that you can choose, but I'd rather choose which scene to see first rather than which scene to see.
    In conclusion, among all the games I have played (believe me I have played a lot) this one is my favorite. You'll enjoy it, trust me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm addicted to this game the graphics , women and story are full package each update is like christmas for me

    Its clear no real pixel its beatiful to play no grind in transsition between pictures the videos are perfect implented

    Top notch the best in the game the wife, the police woman or the daisy dinner woman all three are pretty hot

    Sharing (optinal) :
    Its so hot the MC is cheating but allow it for her too if you want it really spices up things I would recommand everyone to try it
    Likes: Payne
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Just played v. Chapter XIII Fixed.
    Enjoyable art and character design. The characters are visually striking and distinct, with differing facial structures and body types (somewhat). Location and set visuals are average. As far as character poses... I found it odd that one of the characters seemed to be miming an airplane, or perhaps a bird(?). But it was even more annoying to see an inordinately high frequency of the same pose throughout various scenes in the game. Story and gameplay seemed promising, but ultimately fell short of the expectations it set up. I felt replayability could have been higher if not for the fact that by the time I got through it once, I couldn't bring myself to suffer the narrative and dialogue again just to play other paths/branches. I do like that choices really affect the narrative though, sometimes only mildly and other times quite drastically. As mentioned before, the story seemed interesting, particularly the world-building, but the narrative lacked overall finesse. The flow of dialogue was at times stilted and I didn't enjoy the somewhat repetitive exposition in some scenes. It's not even a language/translation issue. It just never really lets you remain well and truly immersed in the world of the game, shoving you out every now and then when the characters exchange words. That's why I say that despite being curious about replaying the game's differing paths, I don't feel sufficiently drawn in by the writing to be invested enough to revisit the narrative. One and done for me.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I am updating my review after playing the completed version of Deliverance. First and foremost, this is one of the best games that you can get from this site. The story, characters and renders are very well made. The player's choices really makes a difference on how the story goes. The fetishes and kinks are all optional. Definitely a must try if you haven't played it yet. 5 stars! Hoping for a new game from this developer but this is certainly a tough act to follow.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best adult game I've ever played. I don't understand why more people don't talk about this masterpiece. The story is mature, serious and the choices matter. It doesn't have to be completely realistic if it is attractive and interesting. Unlike most other games that have repetitive, boring and absurd stories for no reason.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good game.
    Do you care more about how things happen and turn out, instead of if? If yes, the choices in the game are for you. There aren't many "paths". There choices you make don't affect what happens, but how it happens and I really like this.
    Do you have no problem with supernatural plot going completely bonkers? If yes - you will like the game.
    Do you like constant sex (or the option for sex)? If yes, you will like the game.
    Quality is good. The writing is... well, compared to other games on that site - solid, even if it's nothing special. The characters are well written if not exceptional. The story has enough twists and turns to not be completely predictable. The render quality is good and so are the animations, even if I didn't see the purpose of about a third of them.

    The bad parts? Sex is badly integrated in the story a lot of the time. There doesn't seem to be a harem route (yet you can fuck around a lot) and the story is using one too many cliches, imo.

    Good, solid game with ~7-8 hours of content in it. Double that if you care to explore both paths. Try it.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    I was not too impressed. The art is OK to good, but somehow the characters and stories increasingly failed to interest me. Weird imbalance between a somewhat short and meager "epic/supernatural" main story (which kind of promises a lot but does not seem to deliver any content) and kind of unmotivated, drawn out, and bland sex scenes. Choices seem to be restricted to "do you want to fuck the character in front of you or not" which seems only lead to another sex scene, or not, but does not feel as if there were any other effect.

    So maybe this gets turned around and the story picks up and becomes interesting, and the choices turn out to have been meaningful in some clever and deep way or whatever, but what is currently here is a bit disappointing.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has probably the most attractive spouse I have seen. Imo the best looking of all the women, and open to kinks. At least till the point I played, the MC can get away with sleeping with all women involved without repercussions, but have a feeling it will play out towards the end. Esp. because the spouse has been practically faithful the whole game (except for when the mc encouraged her not to be so).

    So, attractive women, good quality sex renders, and unique-ish + compelling story. I generally don't enjoy male protag games so much, but this one has been awesome so far. Hope there is more lesbian content at some point. Best of luck :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best. Generous. Plentiful of scenes, situation, temptations... Excellent. Great story and unforgettable female characters. Awesome renders. The best wifw, but attention... It's impossibile dont't cheat the wife :cool: