VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Deliverance [Final] [1Thousand]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely sexy game. The various love interests are super hot, and have personalities and depth. There are also so many possible scenes with great rendering and variety. The story is a little wild but I do enjoy it, and I like the little interludes where you get to play detective.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Still relatively early in my playthrough but it is overall still a good game. Interesting and realistic story line with a very clean interface. There are plenty of sexual options available to choose from. The writing is also above average

    If there are several things to point out, the first aspect would be the model(s), namely Catherine. There's a frame or two in the beginning of the game where her eyes become extremely large and creeped me out a bit. Her facial structure is also a bit skeletal but I guess it's just drawing from the base model that I've seen around the site. Sarah's face is a bit skeletal as well, maybe even more so. There are also several frames with a random NPC being completely 2D which I think should at least be mentioned. Finally, in one of the sex scenes with Katherine in the alley, only two parts of the frame were moving: MC's lower body and her ass literally just being pushed up. Kinda took away from the scene for me with just how mechanical it looked

    None of these are enough to keep me from playing. These are just the things that I feel can be easily modified. Still a solid game

    EDIT: Progressing further, the animations have vastly improved, almost up to City of Broken Dreamers level, and the plot continues to be incredibly interesting and enticing. Completely surprised at how the overall quality improved this much in such a short span
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excuse me for being a little bit honest here, but -WOW-, just W.O.WWW! What the, pardon my language, HECK did i just play?! I am not 100% finished with ch. X, but i can honestly admit that i am thoroughly enjoying this game! Let me try to elaborate -why- this game struck me as much as it did and does, without spoiling too much:
    - Realistic models! The models chosen for this game are so....real. Not in terms of the 3d or so, but their personalities -and- their looks! Sarah.... probably one of the hottest and most well-made renders i have come across them many 3-400+ games i have played! And Kath.... her personality really strikes me as someone dear and meaningful to me. I seriously had to raise my eyes a lot whenever she does the "happy adventurous flying"-pose! Love her character! The resemblance is uncanny, despite they look different (Kath and this woman i know). but even the looks struck me of a person i knew. And Sarah... her face... her visible undies... her teases.... she's just too lustrous, teasy, adventurous and intriguing. Difficult to not trigger her events, for sure. I also gotta give a shoutout to our villain and how he's designed. Very curious about what he plots and so on. And Andrea... so forward, appealing and playful. And then there's Rose. As a villager living in the city (while also being a native), her backstory and how she is connected to her entire family tree is kinda how i feel things. Ohh, and i also gotta hand it to you for choosing nice outfits for the girls! I wish the guys too would've had changes to their outfits, but i guess they're not as noticeable as the girls' outfits.. ;)
    - How you managed to fill this much content into a roughly 2GB package -with- animations, is beyond my understanding! I love the content that's packed into this game. Contains a little bit of everything i find appealing and intriguing, so well done with that. Whenever i look for a game, i love it when the content is not just "clicking and viewing". I love that i am given different choices here and there. I also always measure a game by its content. Like, when i check a game, i first check how big in terms of MB/GB the game is. So, when i d/l this game, i wasn't expecting it to be filled with this much content -and- with some animations too! LOVED that neat surprise, yes.
    - I love the fact that you have added intense music and other fitting tunes to certain locations, just to blend in with the excitement of the scene at hand. I also love the fact that you've avoided to use voices, especially for sex scenes. Gets too cheesy and cringy to hear the typical voices you hear across many other games. Plus there as well.
    - I also gotta hand it to this game for keeping me stuck playing the game. It's too...exciting, intriguing, appealing and interesting for me to just play it a little bit and that's it. If it's not for the hot scenes, it's the development of the story. Making me curious what they'll plan on next and such. Kinda like being a part of a thriller movie this, it feels like. I like that kind of excitement, for sure.

    Ok, i realize this is all too fanboy-talk from me about this game, but i cannot help the fact that i really, really enjoy this game as much as i do. Normally, i am more fond of RPGMs, but this went directly to my all-time top 3 list, absolutely. Definitely worthy of a patreon-signup from me this, yes. I wish i would've written some negative things about this game, but it gets swallowed whole by the sheer amount of good things i reckon about this game. Sorry for that, people who are into critics. Well, one quick thing i -can- say... Those who are into fake/big boobs, like myself, will not find that in this game. Well, a little bit, but not much. If you're into asses, well, that's a different story. ;) This is definitely a game i highly recommend, and believe me, i have tried quite a few of these type of games, and so far, i reckon this is one of -the- best out there, along with BaDIK, DMD, Deluca etc.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on Ch. 10:

    First of so do I want to say that this game does swinging right! This game has both the looks and story to deserve the 5 star rating. Super nice models, all though I wish we could have had some with smaller boobs too, but eh. Sex scenes are hot and have a lot of good animations. Story is very interesting and different. Good amount of choices that actually give you different outcomes. Oh and about the swinging, it is TOTALLY optional for those that don't like that type of content, but I highly recommend checking it out at least, since the scenes are really good.

    All in all a really good game!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought Deliverance was fantastic. The characters are gorgeous, the renders are creative and varied, the story is unique and mysterious, there are a number of different choices and paths, and the music isn't half bad either. And the, I'm a little surprised this game hasn't gotten more attention.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant game!

    When the author makes you care for the characters he wrote, you know he is doing something very right there.

    The renders and animations in the first couple of chapters are not that great but improves greatly later on in the game.

    That story is great - i could definitely see it being adapted to any other form of media and being successful due to how good the story is and how well the charaters are written - it's hard no to get engaged with the story.

    After is finished, sell it to netflix mate (maybe some comic publisher? it looks like something right up boom!'s alley)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a quality game. Especially the renders and the girls are all perfect I found so detailed the faces and other parts too. Animations are ok not so good not so bad. Detective story is exciting theres a superpower thing too so not an average detective story. Choices seems really matters.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The overall plot is a slow burn, kinda meandering and mysterious. This would be okay if each individual episode or subplot had interesting stuff going on while it teases us, which it didn't. The plot writing takes a large relative percent of gametime, the character writing is much weaker than most other highly rated VNs. The sex is not the best, the writers wasn't able to hit the heights of eroticism in this one. The faces/expressions/animations look kinda awkward too, though the graphics overall are good. The UI is missing the "skip transitions" option which made it really annoying to read. This would be a 2/5 if not for the fact that it's a good implementation of the "VN" concept without shitty grind or commutes as found in other VNs, so +1 for that.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Ass Man

    Don't know why all the high ratings on this game, i've already tried to play it 3 times and couldn't play for longer than 30 min. The thing that most annoys me in this game are the transitions to every render, it aint direct, instantanious, it takes some time, in some ways it smooth but for me is just annoying, the other fact is the MC, my god he looks horrible, it seems that he uses blue lens, what makes he look weird, like a vampire, second it's his facial expression, often you see him making some weird non-human facial expressions, what brings you direct to the uncanny valley. The dialogues isn't really good either, it's very vague and seems kinda of rushed, the several amount of sex scenes it's a turn down for me, i mean, i know i am playing a erotic game, but it's different when u play a game with good story with sexual content in it, when it develops naturally and doesn't seem rushed, then playing a sexual game with some story here and there, where the sexual content seems pushed just for fap material.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Based on the (as yet) unfinished V.9.

    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    • Plenty of sexual scenes - For me this is always requirement number 1 and so it's a big old check mark that the game will regularly get smutty. The game never forgets that its a porn game and is capable of throwing in the odd sexy scene even between the more intense moments of the plot. Not to the extent that it throws the pacing completely off, but enough so that the pervert inside is rarely unsatisfied for long.
    • Lots of different kinks - In line with the above, it's pretty refreshing to see a decent variety in the different sexual encounters and even between girls. One likes it up the butt, one is the blowjob queen, the odd elements of proper dom/sub. It's good stuff. Even some of the sharing content (which is generally a big no for me) was actually surprisingly hot and fun.
    • Illusion of choice - All important for me in story games of any description, I need to feel that my choices are actually impactful and here they are (to a degree). In that at least it feels like there are a few different options and routes you can go through for the girls.
    • Katherine - The character of your wife in-game. I've seen at least one reviewer call her model "creepy" so perhaps she's somewhat polarising, but I actually think she might have one of the outright best character models in just about any game. She's super cute, loving, sexual, has a banging body and a unique, angular face which makes her stand out. She is possibly the highlight for me and I'm only disappointed there isn't the option of knocking her up!

    • ALL the other Character models - Both of the other girls you can bang are less visually interesting than Katherine and they, along with you are all edging a bit towards the uncanny valley. They all have features which are just slightly too exaggerated to seem real, such as too wide hips, a too big jaw, a too big butt.
    • Sex scene length - Overall a tad too short and uninspired. For all the variety I mentioned earlier, only a few of the scenes felt like the writer was really trying to MAKE them hot. The rest are "here are a few sexy visuals, now go jack off". Not exactly bad, but certainly not ideal.
    • Animations - Relatively rare but also always a bit odd, they never really flow and seem to be a tad janky or awkward. Even smaller ones, like a girl jiggling her tits around, often don't look that great.

    • Story and writing - The dialogue is often overly wordy and so gradually as time grew on I started skipping through it faster and faster. I was never really engaged with much of the plot, not because it was uninteresting but because it spent far too long belabouring every single point before advancing. For a detective story there are often rather unfathomable leaps of logic made which make the actual "mystery" very, very bizarre. Not to mention the presence of a weird, totally separate, sort of religious society that lives on this fictional island. It's just weird and doesn't gel. Not BAD, but unfortunately kinda boring and difficult to get into.
    • Introduction - In line with the above, the intro feels SUPER out of place. Thankfully you get through the confusing bit quickly, but it's a weird mixture of flashback and non and the results from it are extremely weird. We don't know why it happened, what prompted it and even the response seems bizarre.
    • Police behaviour - In line with the above, even someone with less knowledge of police activity than myself (and I'm not an expert by any means) will likely find it a bit weird how a guy will get fired, becomes a PI and gets almost immediately taken back on as like a weird advisor. Not to mention detectives constantly doing things on their own or jumping to conclusions and a whole raft of things which break suspension of disbelief.

    Deliverance doesn't exactly do anything extremely wrong. For all that I've listed a bunch of negatives above, they all come back to one pretty central issue: the writing isn't great.

    The vast majority of the time it feels like the dev would write a bit, have an idea and then explain how the characters justify carrying out their idea. Then they come up with the next idea. It doesn't feel coherent and like a cohesive story.

    I said above that the sexual scenes don't kill the pacing and that's likely largely because the pacing is actually pretty bad all on its own. Dialogue is often janky and stilted and things will one moment seem really drawn out and slow and then seem to go way to quickly the next. It eventually got to the point where I was starting to skip through a lot of what was happening just to get to the next sex scene and that's when you know something has gone wrong with the story.

    Combine the rather frustrating pacing issues with regular difficulties in suspending disbelief and the game's story starts to drag.

    I've said before, I'm here for the porn and so a good story is the icing on the cake. And at the very least the characters are all distinct, have their own motivations and are fun to interact with. And even more fun to fuck. So because the game is good enough for porn purposes, it raises it up to a decent standard. It simply can't reach that much higher.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    An interesting story and a varied amount of kinks makes this one I always like to see updated. I'm surprised how fun the sharing scenes are and hope more games empower the secondary characters in the same way. Great renders for the most part and I'm really hoping things get especially depraved by the end.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an immersive detective story with the occult thrown in for good measure and it works. The story is simple enough to follow and everything ties up rather nicely together. Chandler it's not but who needs that in a XXX VN? The women are gorgeous and the wife is pure love or lust or both depending on the player's choices. The assistants are pretty good fap material too. Ass lovers will drool over Sarah and Rose. One review complained that the sets were lacking. I find the sets to be totally appropriate for the story; it's dark, it's gloomy and there is a feeling of abandon in the air foretelling of dark times to come. Renders are at par with the best artists here and the animations are improving chapter by chapter. Some bits need a reality check but they are few and far between so their impact on the whole synergy is minimal. The English writing is good and fluid and adequately conveys the gist of the story and inherent actions. The first 8 chapters should be viewed as an introduction to the whole play. If one reads the Dev's comments and posts one realises that the tentative approach of the first chapters will soon give way to more drama, more sex, more investigations. I'm entranced and enthralled. It feels so fresh, no incest, no teenage angst, no BS. Great!
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Mike Rofon

    Dont get fooled by the high ratings, this game is not 4 or 5 star material.

    Story 1/5 Very generic mystery story, boring and badly written. I dont watch police shows but even I could tell police doesnt work that way. And the demon part is super generic.

    Renders 2/5 Most outdoor renders look empty , thats not unique to this game but if you are trying to tell a serious story, its a problem if the scene doesnt fit the story.

    Girls 2/5 This point is higly subjectiv but if you look at girls in 5 star games, even if they are not your cup of tea they look sexy in their own way. Thats not the case in this game. The brunette looks creepy in a lot of renders and thats a big problem because 70% of lewd stuff is with her.

    Sex 2/5 The MC is like road runner, meep meep and the sex scene is over. Theres a lot of sex in this game but most short quickies that all feel the same. The scenes all follow the same recipe: girl shows skin, wiggles bodyparts, meep meep roadrunner came and over.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the game to the end, including my last update. As with the character in the game, the sexy and beautiful main character could have been younger, not bad. The story progression of the game was good at the beginning but it gave a little pumpkin taste towards the end. My biggest expectation about the game was that there was no pregnancy in the game and the shelter should be brought to the world, as in the game, to meet the family and add incest stories. The things I like most in the game are that animations, unfortunately, would be better if it was very mediocre. PLEASE LET THERE A LITTLE STORY AND A HAPPY FINAL AWARD TO EVERY UPDATE TO THE MAIN SISTER, WHICH WAS WRITING THE STORIES, WRITING THE SUMMER AND GET HUMOR DRAM VIOLENCE AND CONSOLE. I follow this game. Arigato
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Downloaded it after seeing the praise and backing from so many people. Played it for half an hour. Deleted it.

    Can't really understand why everyone's drooling and gushing all over this game. Well, I can, sort of. The renders are pretty good, and the sex scenes are plenty, PLENTY, PLENTY.

    But what I can't understand is why would the dev put in the effort of creating a seemingly interesting plot, making sure the text isn't too gibberish and is readable, make sure the women are all hot, and then have them all jump on the MC's dick the moment they spot him. I mean I can understand Katherine, for she's married to him. Sarah, maybe. We don't see that relationship budding but she might have had feelings for MC for a long time, so it's sort of believable. But then every other chic he encounters wants to throw themselves at him. They go straight for his cock, and he's more than willing to drain his balls. They're all beautiful to the eye, no doubt, but it's hard to get a sense of the MC as a person. You don't just get kicked out of a job where you're apparently a legend and then stroll around town humming a jaunty tune and dating every chic you can see.

    Three stars because of the time and effort that has been put into this game, but wanted to give it 2 because it's like sooooooooo many other games which seem made so that you start the game, fap fap fap fap fap, done.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For me this game is in top10 porn games. Everything is surprisingly good: graphics, big amount of content, mysterical story, no grind and no free roam, hot girls and their emotions, fetishes like ability to share your wife with others.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I guess this must be one of the best games I have played in this website. There are many reasons for this claim. The developer frequently releases updates compared to other developers, and when a new update is out, it often contains a good amount of content to play. The story is top notch, and sexual content is a part of the adventure instead of the whole game revolves around sex. When a game is all about sexual content, it's no longer a visual novel, but merely a porn game. What is a point of a porn game when you expect a good story-line. The graphics is quite good, and I feel like it gradually updates. I highly recommend this game to anyone who is looking forward to a thrilling, adventurous game with a plenty of sexual content.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    My review is based on Chapter 9 of this game.

    • All Love Interests
    • Story
    • Sex Scenes
    • Katherine (Wife) :love:
    • Brilliant Animations
    • Nothing I can think of

    An excellent VN by 1Thousand! One of the best games I have played on this site. A truly underappreciated gem.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good history, good animations and renders, I would add sexual sound effects to be perfect. But the game in general is great and the girls who participate are all very hot, I would play any other game that is from this creator, I really really enjoy every new update.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Deliverance is a truly amazing game! The story slowly builds adding new elements and taking a major turn into a new world which is still being discovered by the MC . Kat is the star of the show, she is funny, beautiful and very naughty. This game does a beautiful job of balancing two slightly different storylines in which you can either share Kat with other guys or keep her for yourself. This sharing is completely optional and adds great enegry to the story. The other LIs are ok but none are as awesome as Kat. The Dev has done a great job continually improving renders and animations with each new chapter. If you are into sci-fi, action, detective or romance games this is right up your alley!