Unreal Engine - Delta Zone [v19.0] [DEVOLUTION]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly not really big fan of extraction shooters. But I had pretty fun playing this. Gunplay felt suprisingly good. Other than that the game stats to show where its lacking. I used the cracked version to feel and see the world and surroundings. Well the outdoors where pretty navigetable but when you get the city streets it became fucking tediously unbearable to try to find a vendor. Honestly spent 2h running around circle trying to find a vendor who was supposed to be near med station but couldn't find it. After that i tried to find my way out of the city outdoors again and couldnt even find exits of the map. The map player is provided is useless, its too inaccurate in that city space where everything looks same and you cant really landmark anything. Enemy variation is also lacking, you get hobo ruskis, specops ruskis or tentacles. Oh boi tentacles, dodging those bastards get really f annoying after a while. Also i couldn't find anything better than raider gear so that's that, and can't say anything about cyberware because i didn't find any vendors to sell them. Also at medium difficulty didn't find a need to really use any at gameplay.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A Spicy Tarkov :)
    Game has a lot of potential in my opinion. So far one of my Fav!

    First time I play this kind of genre and I really enjoyed it
    I would suggest making an easier to read map
    Really good work to the Dev

    Cheers !
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Review will be updated as time goes on and more stuffs are implemented into the game.

    For being in Alpha, this is honestly a pretty tight and generally enjoyable game - Combat is well done with damage models being superior to many AAA games IMO (though I could do without the enemies spotting me from a city block away on foggy days as well as being shot from beneath the floor when hiding in a room on the 2nd floor).

    The gun tinkering is expansive yet limited to having everything be an assault rifle-style of firearm; pistols, shotguns, SMGs, and long rifles would be nice to see implemented into the game eventually (pistol barrels and shotgun rounds don't really count).

    The hover scooters are deathtraps; any obstruction at speed will knock you off, damage your health, and leave you vulnerable to any nearby enemies. Lost a good, ongoing character because of a rock hidden in low grass.

    Enemy types and variations would be nice to see expanded upon at some point in the future (such as mutants (not to be confused with tentacle-infested humans), roving tentacled horrors, etc...).

    A larger variety of birth types and animations would also be nice to see (human, mutant, tentacled horror, etc...). More consequences for giving birth, both bad as well as possibly good, would make for an interesting gameplay experience (Increased spawn rate and quantity of hostiles? roving friendly NPCs? skirmishes between said friendly NPCs and hostiles?).

    The animations in the game are well done and deserve some praise. The graphics performance of the game is generally good; there are moments where FPS drops dramatically (likely due to enemies spawning) but runs smooth otherwise.

    Prone/crawling would be nice to have in the game. Not really sure why it hasn't been included.

    Character editor is alright but could use some more options (skin/eye/hair colors/styles, ethnicity, skin marks (freckles, scarring, etc...) ). Would be nice to change her pose and rotate/zoom so I can see what the sliders are doing.

    The frequency at which clothes are damaged by walking through shrubbery is honestly annoying; it makes sense if you're running through it, but is a bit too high when you're just walking casually through a bush or next to a tree.

    At this time, there are no meaningful missions to perform.

    Do the irradiated areas even serve a purpose or are they just there to drain your sanity and make you see the paralysis demons? Would be nice to find higher-tier loot in these areas.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


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  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I am rating the current state of this game and not its possible future.
    Let's start with the Performance. Even with current gen high-end hardware this game suffers from a lot of stutters. The graphics aren't bad for an Indi-Game, but they ale not good enough to explain the performance need.

    The game itself is pretty dull. It has no story and is a type of survival game. You start a raid, kill bots, loot and get fucked. This only makes fun a few minutes and then it starting to repeat.
    The hand full animations are clunky and currently the pregnancy progress seems to lead nowhere.

    The keybindings and inventory system are bad and take a lot of time. The bots are either dumb as hell or laser guided snipers that take you out miles away. So the balance is lacking.

    So currently this game is only below average.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    game shows promise as a indie fps shooter, unfortunately as game is still under development its pretty unoptimised and ocassional bugs do exist, apparently updates are a bit slow as its just a single developer working his socks off to create the game, there are certain mechanics which hopefully can have an option to be turn off or on e.g. get pregnant to easily which doesnt follow the science having multiple partners lowers pregnancy rates by alot.... some game mechanics should be toned down as it just servers to disrupt the game flow its a fps looter shooter etc...
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This is both a poor FPS and a poor porn game.

    Oh, sex scenes can look decent...sometimes. Other times they are an unholy mess it's hard to recognize where and whose body parts you're looking at.

    As for FPS part, that's even worse. I've seen dev mention Tarkov. Well, here's a small difference with Tarkov. Player character doesn't have movement range of a tank in Tarkov, enemies (unless cheating) don't always know where player is, they don't shoot halfway across the map before player came anywhere close in range and even basic ammo types can do the job.

    Story? Ehm...which story?

    Main character is hot, so that's a plus. The rest? Eh, too much bother for too little gain.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Lore 2/5 - Generic post-apocalyptic wasteland world, with Cyberpunk/Fallout vibes. Semi-open world at this point (needs to be at least 2x bigger to be taken seriously). Also needs to establish characters/dialog, which is crucial for a story mode.

    Graphics 3/5 - Still glitchy with messy textures but character design and animations (both nsfw and action) are pretty good for an independent game. H-scenes are pretty smooth but lacks variety at this point.

    Gameplay 3/5 - Fun shooting and gun mechanics. Lacks different costumes and gear but will probably be added later. Action/character/sex mechanics are good but very basic. Can still be improved upon.

    Potential 5/5 - This is probably the ONLY barely-playable adult 3d shooter in the internet right now. Development is taking a while, but I am giving 5/5 rating due to it's sheer potential. Just add bigger maps, dialog, characters, gear/weapons, story mode (horde mode too) and were all set.

    If you feel the same, please support the DEVOLUTION on Patreon or Subscribestar. usd1.50 is the minimum level.

    Verdict - YES
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of potential and steady development. wish you could outright buy it. maybe that is planned in the future. gunplay is decent and implemented. really all its missing is world building which takes time i know
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely terrible, the animations are janky, the gun play is bad. The Ai is either braindead or cheats, The only thing you can loot are dead bodies & cardboard boxes. most of the game world is hidden behind paywals. I do not see what people like about this game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's true what other reviews are saying. The game is in a very tech-demo state. Unlike most games that you can say that about, though, it's a very solid tech-demo both in gameplay and porn aspects. The developer is definitely an experienced video game worker. You can tell from the game and his discord. I think that also is a big reason why the development is a little slow. He has to work and do this in his free time.

    What you can expect is a shooter with mechanics like gun customization, arm fatigue, cover, resting your gun for better aim, leg fatigue, and stealth elements. There are also bare elements of abilities like cyberpunk. The UI is bare as a stylistic choice I think. The enemies can be hard and it can be very punishing to get hit, but that's fine. Right now there are only 2 types though, and they are tentacles and humans. There's like 6 or 7 animations, but they are high quality. There are also nice after effects from them such as gaping/dripping which are done very well. There's also impregnation and birth, although the birth is just egg-laying. Still a very high quality event though.

    You can customize the main character's body to pretty specific details, but not face yet except for makeup.

    There is no story yet. You go out and explore the landscape and try to find parts for your gun from enemies, chests, and vendors. One level has a hoverbike, which is pretty cool but also in a very alpha state.

    If any of that sounded discouraging let me say that out of all the games on this website this one definitely has the most potential in terms of combining high quality gameplay, porn and visuals. Even right now it's definitely worth a few hours roaming around and exploring all the scenes while building up the highest quality gun.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Good FPS sex games to be start. But it not finish yet so. more to come
    need to add more gun and bad guys.
    Need a Good base
    other than that I Very Please to a very Good game.
    And thank you to the person for the crack version
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd say this game is underrated so I'm leaving this review to try to fix the rating. This review is gonna be a mess.

    It's difficult to please everyone - some people complain about porn games having sandbox-style sexual content with no gameplay, and others complain about porn games taking themselves too seriously. Generally, I prefer sandbox games like WildLife, but Delta Zone has made me a believer. I've spent hours actually playing it with my both hands on the mouse and keyboard.
    Yes, there is no storyline in this game but everything else is on point. Great gunplay, lots of stealth, action, horror, survival; nice gun crafting/customisation, etc. It is hardcore but with time and practice you get better equipment, learn the mechanics and life becomes easier. For example, getting your shit stolen is not a big deal, just kill the thief and get your loot back. Going into the delta zone just to have sex is not reeeaally punishing - the only way to lose here is to die,

    The porn side of the game is 6-7 out of 10. Nice animations and poses, great physics; there is some kinky stuff like pregnancy, eggs and tentacles. I'd like to see more poses tho. And some sex sound effects are just not that good. For example, some blowjob sfx sound like the main character is puking out her intestines and her friggin soul.

    Anyway, I'm very excited for quests, missions, npc tasks or whatever is to come!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    An extraction shooter with slightly more NSFW content than Tarkov (ask me about Tagilla fucking me up on Factory). Honestly it's a pretty good tech demo at the moment, but as of right now there's not a lot of variety. Of course, I wasn't able to look at the City Outskirts map, because that requires being a patron.

    As of right now it's:
    * Hardcore gunplay
    * Semi-random hardcore looting
    * Meh Combat
    * 2 tentacle animations (that I could find)
    * 3 (4?) human animations
    * A trader that you can sell things to
    * The most confusing map layout known to man

    Once things like more animations are added, as well as more core gameplay, like opening doors, or quests that need to be completed (or a bigger map?) this will be worth the time AND money.
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  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Eggtree McGee

    Clearly very early in development, but even as a tech demo its not fun. If an enemy shoots you, you are stunned and your aim is massively thrown off, so good luck fighting back. Your weapon is also extremely inaccurate so you can't snipe.
    I know the whole point of these games is to lose, but there needs to be actual gameplay to make that something.
    I'll wait for this game to be in a better state, but currently its awful. Only pros are it looks very good. Thats what pulled me in, but the gameplay very quickly pulled me out.

    Also this game makes my computer sound like a jet engine and I have a good modern computer so thats a clear sign of poor optimization. Pulling 1.2gb of ram on idle isn't great either
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best I've ever seen.
    The gameplay is very interesting, I have never seen anything like it.
    Great animations
    И очень понравилась русская реклама и реплики противников. Будто в тарков зашел).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a Tarkov clone with NSFW features. The gameplay is legitimately entertaining, though difficult at first. It takes some practice to learn the mechanics. The roadmap is promising and the updates have been reassuring. Honestly think it's the most promising and most worth supporting on the site. Optimization is already really impressive for a NSFW game. It's not perfect but I have high hopes for the dev team and am solidly behind the project. This could set the standard for future NSFW games
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR - This is a hardcore STALKER-ish game that happens to have NSFW elements built around it. It is a nice concept, but needs a lot of polish before it can become a real game.

    - Extremely good gun-play, better than some AAA titles
    - A solid gun-build feature that is fun to mess around with
    - Enemies are aggressive or evasive depending on the situation
    - Graphics are nice
    - Gameplay mechanics make a difference during gameplay
    - The NSFW animations are nice

    - Tutorials are really barebones and rarely load
    - AI can sometimes launch towards you cross-forest for sprinting for 3 whole seconds
    - Not enough gun variety to make a truly interesting scavenger gameplay
    - Not enough content to make the game worthwhile

    - The map is confusing but stays true to hardcore shooters, a simple compass would fix it right up
    - There are simply not enough animation variety, but the tentacle animations are the best I've seen in a Hgame ever
    - Currently in a very sandbox-ish state, barriers that close off areas or the edge of the map are confusing
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    With the recent update I'm extremely pleased. A map system that is what Escape From Tarkov strives to become, different zones all connected in each their way. The combat is really nice, and the NPCs are surprisingly sophisticated. Depending on their situation, they may run away while getting shot at in the open, get knocked down and shoot from what looks like a seated or proned position, and push whenever they manage to land a good hit on the player. I see some hooverbikes sitting around the maps, and dislike their concepts, so I've refrained from using them. At least I believe they should be rarer, or obtained through hard work. Graphics look really nice, and the game overall runs stable above 60 fps on a 3060 card. H-Scenes give me Fallout/Skyrim H-Scene vibes, in which there's little to no dialogue and just a free camera. There are quite a few poses, and getting caught isn't insanely punishing, though you will lose a lot of stuff. Great game overall and the development has been surprising. ^^ Much love <3
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually progressed very much in development unlike many of the other games on this site that have been in development even longer than this game. Currently at version 15, there is a very solid gameplay cycle and is quite fun to play