Unreal Engine - Deluded [v0.3.5 Test Build] [SRT]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Super promising game and super underrated, hope to see next update. If development continue - game can become top 3 of my favorite on this site. Hope to see blackmail and other non con content progress in next updates. Hate about this game is mostly about big price, but you can play latest build on this site for free, what is wrong with you people?
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I might not be über partial on this one since I liked MLW until the original devs were replaced and it made a U-turn so I was quite hyped when I learned that SRT was working on a new game.
    Well, regardless the game is far from perfect which is natural since it's only V 0.3, yet I still think it's got a lot of promise.

    Pros :

    - Nice graphics
    - Dark and mysterious plot
    - Your actions and behavior have real consequences, you can lose opportunities because of that
    - RPG elements
    -Animations are nice
    - Good environmental story-telling
    - Dirty talk during sex scenes (that's especially important to me)
    - You know what your character is going to say (seems dumb said like that, but considering certain RPG give you only a brief summary that leads to a totally different response than what you thought/wanted your character would say, it feels like an important detail to mention)

    Cons :

    - Some situation/dialogs are stats locked and some of them can be difficult to level up (devs already aware and working on it)
    - Some dialogues could benefit from some polishing because, while understandable, the phrasing is sometimes a little weird
    - Some dialogues/monologues feel unnatural, they feel more like the devs giving lore information directly to the player than "real"/natural conversation between "beings". Additionally, they can also feel information heavy at times, hence disseminating information here and there might work better and be more beneficial in the long run (I know it's nitpicking but hey, why not wish perfection for the final product)
    - With the current stamina and speed it can be a bit tedious to explore bigger zones, especially if you get a bit lost
    - The game is time limited, you only have 3 days to play but, to my knowledge, you can't really keep track of the in-game time so sometimes you can't do everything you want to do before the day ends

    And there is also a survival system with needs that, if not fulfilled, will lead to a game over. I put it outside of pros and cons because this is a core element of gameplay that could be a deal breaker for some. Also you can't be a switch you're either sub or dom and, right now at least, the MC start with a certain amount of pureness so to be able to access some sex scenes you need to do actions to up your lewd stat to a certain level and to do that you need get rid of your pure stats.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is heavily similar to Lust Wish, but sadly with the same issues.

    While the game might look like the best fully 3D game visually, the gameplay and it's progression is again very odd and not fun. It's a very early version, so there is not much to do yet and most will change, but the gameplay loop is fairly decent, the UI is good, graphics are amazing (except for the disgusting blurry environment at the campsite) and story very intriguing.

    The issue I have here though, is the weird progression. Sure it will get expanded upon, but it's hard to make something great from a bad framework. Lust Wish had this very issue. The progression makes no sense, is not rewarding nor engaging. Basically it's just a gimmick. The author seems to not understand how to make proper fun corruption/progression gameplay. For example, currently, there are one time events that happen on certain days, and if you don't manage to "farm" enough stats, you won't be able to see the choices you would want. And by farming, I mean you have to do everything correctly to have enough points by the time you get there. You have to always pick the option that gives you the stat you want (you can't split, you are forced to pick one stat and follow it or you won't see neither, it kills the fun of picking answers however you want and forces you to pick answers you might not even like), and oftentimes you don't even know what answer leads to what. For example, at the beginning you get to a stranger's car with several options how to answer him what you are even doing there. You have to not respond so he thinks you are a whore. Then you can lie that your anus hurts and he owes you money so you can get +lewd. First it makes no sense gameplay wise. Second it makes no sense as a virgin pure girl saying this (this is my issue with the progression making no sense). And If you miss a single or two +lewd options, you won't be able to see certain events later on because you won't have enough lewd stat. That also happens with other stats as well. But then you have Str and Grace that you can spam gain by doing exercises without any limit? Makes no sense and breaks the progress again. Create more options, but also cap them so you can't just spam it and be the most buff/lewd girl ever in a single day...

    The sex scenes are... fine I guess. It's just a single animation playing basically. Needs way more in there. Maybe some interaction like choosing positions etc. It's just weird that you start as a pure girl but can wear the most slutty things and the very next day fuck someone you just met and were creeped out by... Also just remove the option to ask for sex with your family if it's not ever gonna be in the game anyway. It has no place in there, it's confusing and frustrating when you realize you can't even though the option is there.

    All and all the game has a huge potential, but it seems like the writing is very off. The author is able to make a great looking game that works, but lacks the ability to make it engaging, or properly coherent and fun . Maybe the author wanted to show some scenes so people get hooked on the game, but it really needs some heavy tweaking. Else it's gonna end the same way as Lust Wish - just a gimmick of you running around doing mini-quests to see some animations.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising but needs a lot more work.

    Animations are quite decent, as are graphics, game runs fine but needs some optimization, currently not much to do in the game aside from experiencing the tentacle sex scene, few masturbation scenes and anal and blowjob scene with one NPC.

    Game is trying to be quite ambitions, regular sex, tentacle sex, I presume there may be some monsters involved at some point (in dream sequences), there is some mention of a brothel, somewhat interesting story, feels like a certain other game one can find here on F95zone that happens in a school, both kinda feel like Life is Strange (also similar character designs). In cheat menu we can see a lot of interesting stats regarding the body, pregnancy, etc.

    I have a bad feeling about it, feels like another game that will get stuck after the initial demo is released and will never get finished, but we'll see.

    Right now I'd say it's not worth wasting time playing, there really is just one proper sex scene, and you can see it in the little gif that plays in this game's thread, that's it, there are few quests and game only lets you play for 3 in game days, then it's over, the open world map is unfinished, so there isn't even anything to explore in it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    it's probrably the best game I've ever played ON f95,i have to
    admit that the idea mixed with horror and porn game is remarkably innovative.If you release it on steam or somewhere else,I will definitely support you guys.BTW i hope there will be more puzzle solving factors added in the later versions.(y)(y):cool:
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is good. Eerie, fun, very sexy, and not straight forward to solve puzzles. I played my first time with the third update and started over a couple of times to see if I could get all the spoils all of the time. I couldn't. The choices you make give you access to some scenes/tools, but hinders access to others.

    The story is a bit confusing sometimes, but maybe everything makes more sense when it develops further - it is a mystery evolving, after all.

    Added to my watch-list.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a great aesthetic, animations are good, the graphics are very nice I love the main girl you play as, I like all the attention to the different clothing, walking around and interacting with the world is generally cool too.

    It has some huge issues, though:
    Everything is timed, meaning you're very unlikely to finish what you're doing unless you're copying a guide.
    Everything is very obtuse. You can spend Huge amounts of time looking for what to do in a quest. It took me about 20 minutes to find out in order to get onto the roof, I had to look at a table upstairs.
    Everything is locked behind stats. Meaning, even if you DO find the sexual encounters, your stats will very likely be too low to actually view them.
    The camping scene for an example is a pretty large area, but you can only run a short period of time before needing to rest for a bit. It makes navigating extremely unsatisfying. After running around for ages I finally found an encounter, only to find all my stats were too low to view it. Even worse, it's implied that my character DID watch, it was just that I, the player, didn't get to see.

    If you play this without using a guide, your experience will be rather disappointing as most of the content you just won't get to see, but like me you'll still probably be excited to see what the game will be like in future. I would love to see the time limit heavily increased or even removed so we can explore in our own time. Also let me sprint for much longer, please.
    Likes: Indur
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Really a 3.5
    One of the most promising Unreal Engine games on f95 (currently on v 0.3). Although there is not much content available atm, the foundation for a good game seems to be developing.
    The storyline is intriguing and misterious, and promises a lot to be revealed during gameplay. Different (sometimes opposing) player stats also enable variation and potencial reaplayability. The somber/bleak tone to the scenery and characters also add to the mistery.
    There aren't many characters so far, and apart from the MC, they aren't the more best looking. If by choice or by design, I can't tell.
    Some optimization is still lacking, and I get some stutters on a laptop rtx3060. On top, the game only detects the integrated GPU, and doens't let me choose dlss, which worsens the performance. Since it is a very early version, I suppose some of this may get better.
    Really looking forward for aditional content, and very curious to find out more aspects of the story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, many people are saying that accessing most scenes is impossible because of the stats, but it's not impossible. Even though I had to replay it several times, it is indeed possible. The game itself is very good, although it has quite a bit of RNG (you need it to obtain the stats). There are some things in the game that I haven't been able to see yet, like the cave I'm trying hard to find. I'm not sure if it's possible to have scenes with the family members because even though I meet the prerequisites, I couldn't. But the game is good, I recommend it—very beautiful graphics, and I liked how the narrative is unfolding.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    After what happened to UberPie and Taffy Tales, any planned scenes with Dad and Bro can be thrown into the dumpster...

    The thing is, I wasn't interested with those anyway. I'm not even interested in that Alan creep.
    I want ALisa to find herself some sugar daddy material. Some fat, old, ugly slob. A corrupt politician or business man thanks to whom, Alisa will climb the ladders of the local government and find clues about that drug etc.
    She could work as a call girl or strip dancer, afterhours. Simple sex scenarios, where Alisa earns money. That's it.
    The whole house play scenario with incest is well...outdated. You need actual writing skills for a game of this magnitude. Incest ain't it.
    If I was the dev, I would make the whole city playable. Days could go by until the end of 182nd. After that just start filling the game up with content.
    Keeping the player locked up is a joke. The dev started on the wrong foot...Who the hell cares about face expressions?! With Taffy Tales nuked, a problem resurfaced . A mistake I see devs keep repeating.
    Missed opportunities. Do you seriously want to waste time on NPC schedule and face expressions? Your making a sex game not a Sims clone...The time keeps ticking and Patreon employees just ran out of patience and brains.

    Anyway...Whatever you decide, dev please add more pantyhose. Pantyhose is love. Pantyhose if life.

    Initial review:
    I just did a complete walkthrough. My initial comment was an outburst yet justified.
    I managed to unlock everything by day three.
    -You need the bathroom scene on day 1.Then on day 2 you spam the marker and shower until you have 21.5 lewd points.
    -Remember to pick the Pure option when spying on your brother.
    -The books are also random. Reload the game if you didn't get the bonus.
    -There is a bug imperative for the run. The "birthday present" from our brother gives us +3 Int instead Lewd/Pure. Thanks to that we can unlock the safe on day 3 and still have the lewd 20 scene in the closet. Do the hiding in the closet scene on the second day. Make sure you have as much space in inventory to get all the money on day 3.
    -You don't have to give the gun to Stuart.

    Remember to pick every possible INT option on day 3.
    You don't have to do the quests on day 1.
    On day 2 you can have the Lewd 5 dialog with mom and Int 20 dialog with dad.
    Save scam the Steal option in the parents bedroom to farm Dom to 20.
    The clothing quest is bugged though. When I finished it on day 2, the box didn't appear on day 3. Whatever.
    I ended day 3 with 40 Lewdness, 100 strength, 26 INT, 30 grace and dominance without cheating. No there aren't any sex scenes with dad.
    No idea about the Anal 10 scene with Alan.
    And no, I do not intend to go through with the Fool path. It's to disturbing...IMO the dev should drop it.

    The game itself felt like a safe to crack due to it's limited scope. This is the main problem. The dev hasn't given the players enough space to play in...Nor the content justifying all this crap.
    He gave these illusions of accomplishments and gameplay. I got mad over one sentence in dialog...
    It took one year to give us day 3...The dev want to have 182 days...Do the math guys.
    This trully fells like a side project with the help which, the dev is skimming of the top...Like a second PornHUB account.

    P.S. The game has better potential then Silicon Lust ;P
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is bad. Pure and simple. The pointing system is poorly designed. You have to save scam in order to grind dom/sub points when stealing. It's a joke.
    You have to get 5 lewd points in order to start Alan's quest. Only after then can you enter the Pure path. Joke
    Impossible to get 20 intelligence on day 2.
    The 20 dom shoes are a joke.
    The 20 Pure item is a joke.
    one update per year...
    You can tell this was by design in order to lure customers into buying the cheat.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Art: decent art style and graphics.
    Setting: horror setting with survival elements

    Lighting. You can't see shit.
    Multiple versions or demos. The "normal" demo is almost unusable, Most of the scenes are locked behind stats that you CAN NOT OBTAIN in the normal version on the demo.
    I understand you need to monetize game development but that doesn't mean we have to play through a version on a demo that is made to intentionally waste your time and frustrate you.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Okay, Deluded.

    A project from the "we're sinking into the swamp" series that offers us the opportunity to... participate in a dreary story about a girl going through... well, I don't know, it seems like a period of puberty. The gameplay is very sluggish, the graphics may be good, but not good enough to say something positive about it. You also have the opportunity to aimlessly wander around the house in search of the meaning of existence, all the while asking yourself, "What am I doing here, and why am I even playing this?" The dialogues are so dull, it's almost unbelievable. Illusions of decision-making are also present, and the sexual content you'll encounter is not worth the time it takes to realize the purpose of this project's existence. And as always, the concept of project development is completely absent; it continues to confidently sink into the swamp.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best Unreal Engine game I've seen released yet. Of everything I've played, this is the only one I would actually spend money to support. Graphics and game mechanics work very well. Can't wait for it to be finished some day.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    there is a lot of potential in this game and its looking good. that said, there are also a lot of things that could be solved better. the game is too grindy, not rly helpful in hints on what to go. i dont mind it beeing a sandboz-puzzle, but you rly cant put ppl under time pressure in a game designed like this. no save options, no hints, sandbox-pullze, and if you fk up, and you will, you have to start all over. sry, but the game is an a terrible state rn as is.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2:

    Very promising start. Game has a great atmosphere. Great character models, open world feeling and clothing customisation. World also has a real feeling of interactivity to it with interesting things to discover in each part of the house. Also has some excitingly erotic teasing/corruption storylines in their very early stages.

    Two major concerns about this project though:

    1. Game is very heavy on resources and on my machine is quite sluggish in control responsiveness. Tbf though, my machine is quite outdated now. But I'm concerned that as the game grows in size and the map is populated with more items, npcs, etc, that the game's hardware requirements could become quite a barrier. Hopefully that's not the case and it gets some optimisation in the future.

    2. Development progress is concerningly slow considering the game's stated scope. I'm sure the devs are working as hard as they can, but with the current pace along their posted roadmap I have a bad feeling it could take years for this game to reach a state of significant gameplay being available. Devs say they've been doing lots of background work on the game's systems though, so I hope I'm proved wrong to doubt them.

    Will keep an eye on this game for sure
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    a very promising game, graphics and plot are really good and I love how the mc behaves and being able to make her a submissive slut or dominant strong girl is absolutely wonderful. I really hope you guys will continue working on this one and release the 1.0 some day :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Crazy potential, both in story line, as devs...Everything. Graphics looks nice, although will need some work... which is normal for an alpha game. This could potentially be the best RPG adult game ever.
  19. 4.00 star(s)



    All in all, pretty promising start. A lot better tha most other unreal engine games that are basically a model showcase.

    Nice things :
    - Graphic pretty nice
    - Doesn't kill my grapic card
    - Sandbox gameplay is nice
    - Clothing options set up nice possibilites
    - Able to actually change the character --> abs through workout for example

    Bad things:
    - Grinding needs to be toned down
    - Grace (flexibility) and int need to be accessible through training like str
    - Events need to happen when triggered by stats.... Many options were lost because we don't have the stat when the event is time-triggered.
    - Usable source of light maybe? Some places are dark as fuck
    - Balance out the Pure/Lewd progression --> MC can become a saint just because MC repeatedly refuse to masturbate in the bath. Maybe we can gain lewd points by exposing ourselves
    - Clothes need rework. MC wears the 2nd day cloth that covers everything but people react like MC is naked because of missing skirt slot.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    a lot of the bad reviews because of poor performance is disheartening. majority of games on this site are not demanding at all compared to most mainstream types of games. now this game... this is the the type of game i would expect from something like a AAA studio no joke. so it should be obvious from the moment you start up this game that it probably wont be the smoothest game to run on a PC that isnt decent. (my PC is pretty outdated but runs the game fine. ) to be fair, this game may very well need some better optimization so im not going to entirely try to put the blame on other peoples pc

    theres not a ton of content and the game def needs some work (like most unreal engine games on this site lol). but the foundation so far is VERY promising. easily one of the games i look forward to the most on this site