
Satan's Baker
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2021
So BreadMan taking any ideas to spitball for a few future scenes or what not?
Go for it, it might be better preserved on the discord, we got a channel just for that, but I'll jot it down either way if I dig it enough!

By the way, will the new characters be added to the bed art? Can't wait to see more of Angelina
Good question, Angelina is a commissioned character and I've been hesitant to add them to the bed. I'll probably put it to a vote and see what folks say
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Mar 9, 2018
Hello. How about some fresh feedback from someone who just picked this up and barely played any of this yet? Alright!
  • Movement should be streamlined. Changing screens sucks. Do away with those arrows and let me move/pass to the next screen anywhere where nothing is blocking my movement. Not sure how this is implemented, but if in doubt, just put down a line of those arrow objects at the screen borders and make them invisible. Basically it should flow like a zelda gameboy thing.
    Similarly, get rid of actions on doors, don't wait for the user's ENTER, just let me through there already. If I'm not totally retarded, I do believe some doors work like this already, whereas others need an ENTER confirmation first. Which is annoying.
    Similary, similarly, what's also annoying are all those doors that I can't enter (yet, or now, whenever). The problem here is twofold: first I have to discover what is even a door in the first place, and secondly I need to check if that door is on it's period right now, or if it's a cool door I can enter. So many doors can't be entered all over the place. Shit like this is just going to frustrate your players. The solution is simple: clearly indicate what is a door (not necessarily a blinking glowy thing, but something in this direction, so you see it's "active", something you can interact with). Then, you only indicate what's a door, if interaction with that door is actually possible. If not, then don't have a door indication on. Simple as. This will also work thousand times better later on, when doors that have been bitchy so far become accessible all of a sudden. It's not like players would go around, checking doors every day.
    Question: Why are all the doors closed for no reason, but I'm free to walk into the police station and enter the private elevator straight into the police officer's officer office? Kind of strange.

  • The various menus and gadget interfaces (e.g. phone) also need to be streamlined. If any of that stuff is open, and I hit ESC, then that thing - whatever it is - needs to close and go away. No exceptions. Unfortunately there are some, can't tell you exactly when or what menu, but some stay open and you need to click on some shit arrow with the mouse or what not. Not good. As for the phone, I'm not sure what's going on, and if it's supposed to be crappy since it's from your mom and not your own super iphone. If I can't call anyone, then gray the option out and maybe have a tooltip appear if you mouse over that says so. But an interface should signal to you whether something is useless/off, or active/on. Then there's a photo list of my girls. Some have an info screen. Others do not? Some have nothing at all in this version? But they all look the same. Again, if it's off, gray it our or don't list it. And then if you have a list of something, they should all allow me to do the same thing, but it's kind of a mess? Needs to be cleaned up/streamlined if you ask me. Why the fuck do credits roll if I hit the hamburger icon on my phone? And why do I have to watch it? All I can do is speed it up a little... That's just odd and annoying. Where do I get 500 bucks for a better phone?

  • I'm about one sex and two blowjobs and a bunch of titty and demonboobie- and angel handjobs, and two school days into this (so about an ingame week of gameplay or something), and I haven't made a single choice, whatsoever, other than maybe whether I get a blowjob in the stalls first, or for seconds, rather. But nothing that mattered. Might have picked up some side-quest too, but that isn't exactly a choice either. Point being: as a player I've got nothing to do. I can walk the whole town, but doors are closed, so I just end up skipping time, so the main quest can proceed. And it's all on rails. I've played visual novels with more "interaction" and well, choices, so I'm not really sure why all the setup and "gameplay" here, when there in fact is no gameplay at all. Hit enter to continue.
    I haven't played much, so this might pick up later on a bit, but it really should be more of a game early on, you know, where your actions somewhat matter, one way, or another? As a player, I don't feel in charge at all. I'm merely watching what the MC does next. And then that's it. I'm really not sure that was the goal here... Here's a good example: I have that stupid and totally mysterious letter in my pocket since day one. A normal people would try to read it, if only in passing. But the MC outright refuses to read the fucking letter, that is there, addressed to him. OPEN THE FUCKING LETTER. Stuff like this is just dumb. Again, I do not feel like I'm actually playing this. I'm just watching, slightly annoyed and a bit bored. I do like to do things, you know?

    Maybe I give another example here: so the game wants me to watch a certain kind of movie with my mom for the main quest to proceed. I'm given three choices, romance, horror, comedy, or whatever. Of course I'm a good player, and just hit whatever the game tells me it wants from me to progress the story. So I hit romance and get to cum buckets over my mom again, which is nice. It's just... not very engaging. If you give me three options to pick from, then don't tell me what the fuck to do, you're not my mom, and let me make a decision, give me actual options, and then some outcome. And if there's no such thing, then don't make a riddle(?) out of nothing for no fucking reason, only to tell me the answer to the "riddle" in the quest book, whats even going on? Or is this some kind of cargo cult thing I don't get?
    I mean, stuff like this doesn't even have to be meaningful such that it could derail the story or something. But it's a question of how you approach such a thing. Why not have three different little scenes you get to pick from? Watch horror, so mom get's afraid and horny, so you can hug her and get more horny. Or watch romance and get horny, in a romantic way, or you watch the comedy and fool around, and oh sorry, I didn't mean to touch your nipple. lol. And then it's all good, the story can move forward either way, and maybe you can watch some movies with mom again, just because, and see the other scenes you missed out on, or maybe you don't give a fuck, and move on with your life and the game. This isn't so much a question of more work, but a question of design and structure.
    Here's another example: at that first family gathering with the lewd aunt and the lewd cousin, again, I get nothing to do at all. The lewd cousin blows me a bit, only to be interrupted by the lewd aunt who finishes business, which is nice. But really, just let me decide at this point how to proceed upon being interrupted by the lewd aunt. Then you let the player pick one, and only one of them, and then that's it for that evening. You see, the fun of choices are always also the opportunity costs. The things you miss out on (not necessarily permanently).
    Ahh, right, so the next day cousin told me that aunt is somehow mad now, and what's up with that. I got a choice to either tell her the truth, or to lie to her. I have absolutely no idea what either option does, so how could I possibly make a well educated decision being prompted like that? No fucking idea. So I lied to her, I guess, and then... well, I don't know. Did anything happen? Will something be different now? Maybe even permanently so? Yes, choices are cool, but let me make proper choices, and not bullshit bingo. Again, it's a question of structure, and a proper choice will need some prelude.

  • First school day was alright, I guess, but the second sucked balls. Making me take those four classes again, only to show me a message, four times, that I indeed was in that class today, is not much fun. But at least I can call up some bitch to blow my noodle during lunch break, so that's nice. So, I get out of school, and think, hmm, why not head back in, see what's up, maybe some teach still lingers around. And the game tells me that if I enter school now, I will have to do the four classes all over again. What. Either put up a sign that says school closed, fuck off, or let me enter that bitch, and let me do some teacher that is still there, or something. But I really doubt I should be able to go to school twice a day.

  • What's the purpose of a speed-up ingame clock when time skips at random anyways?

Hope this wasn't too harsh, and maybe even a little bit useful. I'll play some more another day, since the art is cheap, but fresh and the girls are nice. Mostly. The blonde angel sucks, she ugly and her blowjob thing looks goofy. Total turn off and a let down for an angel. Worst angel I've ever seen. Please fix. Is that part of the story? To pimp her out? Kind of like the ugly duckling thing? And all of a sudden, boom SUPER LEWD ANGEL? Might be cool if so. If not, however!


Dec 18, 2016
So far, this is probably my most favorite game on this site, definitely top 3.

The art is absolutely fine, I've enjoyed much worse. Animations are fantastic.
Gameplay can be a little rough, mostly due to unnecessary transition between areas and doors. Also the RPGM's signature "a character walks away for 5 minutes and the player can't do anything" situation.

As my final note, I hope there'll be something with Ashley's nerdy girl friend. The seeds are already planted.


Sep 14, 2019
Hello. How about some fresh feedback from someone who just picked this up and barely played any of this yet? Alright!
  • Movement should be streamlined. Changing screens sucks. Do away with those arrows and let me move/pass to the next screen anywhere where nothing is blocking my movement. Not sure how this is implemented, but if in doubt, just put down a line of those arrow objects at the screen borders and make them invisible. Basically it should flow like a zelda gameboy thing.
    Similarly, get rid of actions on doors, don't wait for the user's ENTER, just let me through there already. If I'm not totally retarded, I do believe some doors work like this already, whereas others need an ENTER confirmation first. Which is annoying.
    Similary, similarly, what's also annoying are all those doors that I can't enter (yet, or now, whenever). The problem here is twofold: first I have to discover what is even a door in the first place, and secondly I need to check if that door is on it's period right now, or if it's a cool door I can enter. So many doors can't be entered all over the place. Shit like this is just going to frustrate your players. The solution is simple: clearly indicate what is a door (not necessarily a blinking glowy thing, but something in this direction, so you see it's "active", something you can interact with). Then, you only indicate what's a door, if interaction with that door is actually possible. If not, then don't have a door indication on. Simple as. This will also work thousand times better later on, when doors that have been bitchy so far become accessible all of a sudden. It's not like players would go around, checking doors every day.
    Question: Why are all the doors closed for no reason, but I'm free to walk into the police station and enter the private elevator straight into the police officer's officer office? Kind of strange.

  • The various menus and gadget interfaces (e.g. phone) also need to be streamlined. If any of that stuff is open, and I hit ESC, then that thing - whatever it is - needs to close and go away. No exceptions. Unfortunately there are some, can't tell you exactly when or what menu, but some stay open and you need to click on some shit arrow with the mouse or what not. Not good. As for the phone, I'm not sure what's going on, and if it's supposed to be crappy since it's from your mom and not your own super iphone. If I can't call anyone, then gray the option out and maybe have a tooltip appear if you mouse over that says so. But an interface should signal to you whether something is useless/off, or active/on. Then there's a photo list of my girls. Some have an info screen. Others do not? Some have nothing at all in this version? But they all look the same. Again, if it's off, gray it our or don't list it. And then if you have a list of something, they should all allow me to do the same thing, but it's kind of a mess? Needs to be cleaned up/streamlined if you ask me. Why the fuck do credits roll if I hit the hamburger icon on my phone? And why do I have to watch it? All I can do is speed it up a little... That's just odd and annoying. Where do I get 500 bucks for a better phone?

  • I'm about one sex and two blowjobs and a bunch of titty and demonboobie- and angel handjobs, and two school days into this (so about an ingame week of gameplay or something), and I haven't made a single choice, whatsoever, other than maybe whether I get a blowjob in the stalls first, or for seconds, rather. But nothing that mattered. Might have picked up some side-quest too, but that isn't exactly a choice either. Point being: as a player I've got nothing to do. I can walk the whole town, but doors are closed, so I just end up skipping time, so the main quest can proceed. And it's all on rails. I've played visual novels with more "interaction" and well, choices, so I'm not really sure why all the setup and "gameplay" here, when there in fact is no gameplay at all. Hit enter to continue.
    I haven't played much, so this might pick up later on a bit, but it really should be more of a game early on, you know, where your actions somewhat matter, one way, or another? As a player, I don't feel in charge at all. I'm merely watching what the MC does next. And then that's it. I'm really not sure that was the goal here... Here's a good example: I have that stupid and totally mysterious letter in my pocket since day one. A normal people would try to read it, if only in passing. But the MC outright refuses to read the fucking letter, that is there, addressed to him. OPEN THE FUCKING LETTER. Stuff like this is just dumb. Again, I do not feel like I'm actually playing this. I'm just watching, slightly annoyed and a bit bored. I do like to do things, you know?

    Maybe I give another example here: so the game wants me to watch a certain kind of movie with my mom for the main quest to proceed. I'm given three choices, romance, horror, comedy, or whatever. Of course I'm a good player, and just hit whatever the game tells me it wants from me to progress the story. So I hit romance and get to cum buckets over my mom again, which is nice. It's just... not very engaging. If you give me three options to pick from, then don't tell me what the fuck to do, you're not my mom, and let me make a decision, give me actual options, and then some outcome. And if there's no such thing, then don't make a riddle(?) out of nothing for no fucking reason, only to tell me the answer to the "riddle" in the quest book, whats even going on? Or is this some kind of cargo cult thing I don't get?
    I mean, stuff like this doesn't even have to be meaningful such that it could derail the story or something. But it's a question of how you approach such a thing. Why not have three different little scenes you get to pick from? Watch horror, so mom get's afraid and horny, so you can hug her and get more horny. Or watch romance and get horny, in a romantic way, or you watch the comedy and fool around, and oh sorry, I didn't mean to touch your nipple. lol. And then it's all good, the story can move forward either way, and maybe you can watch some movies with mom again, just because, and see the other scenes you missed out on, or maybe you don't give a fuck, and move on with your life and the game. This isn't so much a question of more work, but a question of design and structure.
    Here's another example: at that first family gathering with the lewd aunt and the lewd cousin, again, I get nothing to do at all. The lewd cousin blows me a bit, only to be interrupted by the lewd aunt who finishes business, which is nice. But really, just let me decide at this point how to proceed upon being interrupted by the lewd aunt. Then you let the player pick one, and only one of them, and then that's it for that evening. You see, the fun of choices are always also the opportunity costs. The things you miss out on (not necessarily permanently).
    Ahh, right, so the next day cousin told me that aunt is somehow mad now, and what's up with that. I got a choice to either tell her the truth, or to lie to her. I have absolutely no idea what either option does, so how could I possibly make a well educated decision being prompted like that? No fucking idea. So I lied to her, I guess, and then... well, I don't know. Did anything happen? Will something be different now? Maybe even permanently so? Yes, choices are cool, but let me make proper choices, and not bullshit bingo. Again, it's a question of structure, and a proper choice will need some prelude.

  • First school day was alright, I guess, but the second sucked balls. Making me take those four classes again, only to show me a message, four times, that I indeed was in that class today, is not much fun. But at least I can call up some bitch to blow my noodle during lunch break, so that's nice. So, I get out of school, and think, hmm, why not head back in, see what's up, maybe some teach still lingers around. And the game tells me that if I enter school now, I will have to do the four classes all over again. What. Either put up a sign that says school closed, fuck off, or let me enter that bitch, and let me do some teacher that is still there, or something. But I really doubt I should be able to go to school twice a day.

  • What's the purpose of a speed-up ingame clock when time skips at random anyways?

Hope this wasn't too harsh, and maybe even a little bit useful. I'll play some more another day, since the art is cheap, but fresh and the girls are nice. Mostly. The blonde angel sucks, she ugly and her blowjob thing looks goofy. Total turn off and a let down for an angel. Worst angel I've ever seen. Please fix. Is that part of the story? To pimp her out? Kind of like the ugly duckling thing? And all of a sudden, boom SUPER LEWD ANGEL? Might be cool if so. If not, however!
fuck that im not reading that lol


Aug 6, 2016
Hello. How about some fresh feedback from someone who just picked this up and barely played any of this yet? Alright!
  • Movement should be streamlined. Changing screens sucks. Do away with those arrows and let me move/pass to the next screen anywhere where nothing is blocking my movement. Not sure how this is implemented, but if in doubt, just put down a line of those arrow objects at the screen borders and make them invisible. Basically it should flow like a zelda gameboy thing.
    Similarly, get rid of actions on doors, don't wait for the user's ENTER, just let me through there already. If I'm not totally retarded, I do believe some doors work like this already, whereas others need an ENTER confirmation first. Which is annoying.
    Similary, similarly, what's also annoying are all those doors that I can't enter (yet, or now, whenever). The problem here is twofold: first I have to discover what is even a door in the first place, and secondly I need to check if that door is on it's period right now, or if it's a cool door I can enter. So many doors can't be entered all over the place. Shit like this is just going to frustrate your players. The solution is simple: clearly indicate what is a door (not necessarily a blinking glowy thing, but something in this direction, so you see it's "active", something you can interact with). Then, you only indicate what's a door, if interaction with that door is actually possible. If not, then don't have a door indication on. Simple as. This will also work thousand times better later on, when doors that have been bitchy so far become accessible all of a sudden. It's not like players would go around, checking doors every day.
    Question: Why are all the doors closed for no reason, but I'm free to walk into the police station and enter the private elevator straight into the police officer's officer office? Kind of strange.

  • The various menus and gadget interfaces (e.g. phone) also need to be streamlined. If any of that stuff is open, and I hit ESC, then that thing - whatever it is - needs to close and go away. No exceptions. Unfortunately there are some, can't tell you exactly when or what menu, but some stay open and you need to click on some shit arrow with the mouse or what not. Not good. As for the phone, I'm not sure what's going on, and if it's supposed to be crappy since it's from your mom and not your own super iphone. If I can't call anyone, then gray the option out and maybe have a tooltip appear if you mouse over that says so. But an interface should signal to you whether something is useless/off, or active/on. Then there's a photo list of my girls. Some have an info screen. Others do not? Some have nothing at all in this version? But they all look the same. Again, if it's off, gray it our or don't list it. And then if you have a list of something, they should all allow me to do the same thing, but it's kind of a mess? Needs to be cleaned up/streamlined if you ask me. Why the fuck do credits roll if I hit the hamburger icon on my phone? And why do I have to watch it? All I can do is speed it up a little... That's just odd and annoying. Where do I get 500 bucks for a better phone?

  • I'm about one sex and two blowjobs and a bunch of titty and demonboobie- and angel handjobs, and two school days into this (so about an ingame week of gameplay or something), and I haven't made a single choice, whatsoever, other than maybe whether I get a blowjob in the stalls first, or for seconds, rather. But nothing that mattered. Might have picked up some side-quest too, but that isn't exactly a choice either. Point being: as a player I've got nothing to do. I can walk the whole town, but doors are closed, so I just end up skipping time, so the main quest can proceed. And it's all on rails. I've played visual novels with more "interaction" and well, choices, so I'm not really sure why all the setup and "gameplay" here, when there in fact is no gameplay at all. Hit enter to continue.
    I haven't played much, so this might pick up later on a bit, but it really should be more of a game early on, you know, where your actions somewhat matter, one way, or another? As a player, I don't feel in charge at all. I'm merely watching what the MC does next. And then that's it. I'm really not sure that was the goal here... Here's a good example: I have that stupid and totally mysterious letter in my pocket since day one. A normal people would try to read it, if only in passing. But the MC outright refuses to read the fucking letter, that is there, addressed to him. OPEN THE FUCKING LETTER. Stuff like this is just dumb. Again, I do not feel like I'm actually playing this. I'm just watching, slightly annoyed and a bit bored. I do like to do things, you know?

    Maybe I give another example here: so the game wants me to watch a certain kind of movie with my mom for the main quest to proceed. I'm given three choices, romance, horror, comedy, or whatever. Of course I'm a good player, and just hit whatever the game tells me it wants from me to progress the story. So I hit romance and get to cum buckets over my mom again, which is nice. It's just... not very engaging. If you give me three options to pick from, then don't tell me what the fuck to do, you're not my mom, and let me make a decision, give me actual options, and then some outcome. And if there's no such thing, then don't make a riddle(?) out of nothing for no fucking reason, only to tell me the answer to the "riddle" in the quest book, whats even going on? Or is this some kind of cargo cult thing I don't get?
    I mean, stuff like this doesn't even have to be meaningful such that it could derail the story or something. But it's a question of how you approach such a thing. Why not have three different little scenes you get to pick from? Watch horror, so mom get's afraid and horny, so you can hug her and get more horny. Or watch romance and get horny, in a romantic way, or you watch the comedy and fool around, and oh sorry, I didn't mean to touch your nipple. lol. And then it's all good, the story can move forward either way, and maybe you can watch some movies with mom again, just because, and see the other scenes you missed out on, or maybe you don't give a fuck, and move on with your life and the game. This isn't so much a question of more work, but a question of design and structure.
    Here's another example: at that first family gathering with the lewd aunt and the lewd cousin, again, I get nothing to do at all. The lewd cousin blows me a bit, only to be interrupted by the lewd aunt who finishes business, which is nice. But really, just let me decide at this point how to proceed upon being interrupted by the lewd aunt. Then you let the player pick one, and only one of them, and then that's it for that evening. You see, the fun of choices are always also the opportunity costs. The things you miss out on (not necessarily permanently).
    Ahh, right, so the next day cousin told me that aunt is somehow mad now, and what's up with that. I got a choice to either tell her the truth, or to lie to her. I have absolutely no idea what either option does, so how could I possibly make a well educated decision being prompted like that? No fucking idea. So I lied to her, I guess, and then... well, I don't know. Did anything happen? Will something be different now? Maybe even permanently so? Yes, choices are cool, but let me make proper choices, and not bullshit bingo. Again, it's a question of structure, and a proper choice will need some prelude.

  • First school day was alright, I guess, but the second sucked balls. Making me take those four classes again, only to show me a message, four times, that I indeed was in that class today, is not much fun. But at least I can call up some bitch to blow my noodle during lunch break, so that's nice. So, I get out of school, and think, hmm, why not head back in, see what's up, maybe some teach still lingers around. And the game tells me that if I enter school now, I will have to do the four classes all over again. What. Either put up a sign that says school closed, fuck off, or let me enter that bitch, and let me do some teacher that is still there, or something. But I really doubt I should be able to go to school twice a day.

  • What's the purpose of a speed-up ingame clock when time skips at random anyways?

Hope this wasn't too harsh, and maybe even a little bit useful. I'll play some more another day, since the art is cheap, but fresh and the girls are nice. Mostly. The blonde angel sucks, she ugly and her blowjob thing looks goofy. Total turn off and a let down for an angel. Worst angel I've ever seen. Please fix. Is that part of the story? To pimp her out? Kind of like the ugly duckling thing? And all of a sudden, boom SUPER LEWD ANGEL? Might be cool if so. If not, however!
It seems a bit hash for a review ! Who the fuck are you Gordon Ramsey. ;)
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Reactions: Goodgiant


Jan 31, 2022
Is anyone having issues with running the Mac version? Won't run through the "game" file, like last update. But trying to run the "nwjs" through terminal just keeps giving me errors. Any help would be appreciated!
I'm having the exact same issue. Please let me know if you find a solution.


Dec 20, 2019
As my final note, I hope there'll be something with Ashley's nerdy girl friend. The seeds are already planted.
Babs is a fan favorite and we've (fans) been discussing her story arc quite a bit on the discord server. There will be more for her, but maybe not in next version. I believe her and Ashley's arcs will be somewhat intertangled at first (meaning Babs is around MC because of Ashley, so Babs story will advance when Ashley is with MC until it gets to a point of MC/Babs).
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Reactions: BreadManGames


Dec 20, 2019
So BreadMan taking any ideas to spitball for a few future scenes or what not?
Yes. We (fans) spit balled 8 different scenes last night on picarto and he chose one of them for the next update (classroom scene). Join the discord server for some doodle/scene votes for picarto nights (another picarto sketch happening today/Friday). For future versions and which character arcs are focused on, those votes come from subscribestar and kofi subscribers ($5 USD tier and up).
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4.50 star(s) 157 Votes