Readable, no, that would be a ton of work to create an actual comic for the items. When we get all ten issues in game I want to do a fun event for players that collect all of themAre the comics ever gonna be readable?
Readable, no, that would be a ton of work to create an actual comic for the items. When we get all ten issues in game I want to do a fun event for players that collect all of themAre the comics ever gonna be readable?
Shame on the Developer because you:Gave up on this piece of cr*p game. Failed to initialize graphics. If dev is here, shame.
As Marudo pointed out ^Gave up on this piece of cr*p game. Failed to initialize graphics. If dev is here, shame.
Hmm it would be interesting if this either unlocks an outfit for one of the girls. Or unlocks the character from the comic as a potential NPC to fuck.Readable, no, that would be a ton of work to create an actual comic for the items. When we get all ten issues in game I want to do a fun event for players that collect all of them
The Bleach one was done good. the context and the situation was in-character. Being outsmarted is not a bad thing. But thetrue but it reminded me of a certain bleach death
The Bleach case was done good. Tje context and situation was in-character. But the JJK one:Offscreen, the opponent became more stronger at the end of the fight, The statement that the opponent wassent going all out we seeing him at deathdoor multiples time and being saved by his "father"true but it reminded me of a certain bleach death
How would that work if everyone would realistically collect them at the same time?Readable, no, that would be a ton of work to create an actual comic for the items. When we get all ten issues in game I want to do a fun event for players that collect all of them
Once a player has all 10, an event would fireHow would that work if everyone would realistically collect them at the same time?
You realize you can edit your posts?My bad for the first post
You can't run this game on a McDonalds kiosk.Gave up on this piece of cr*p game. Failed to initialize graphics. If dev is here, shame.
"I want to do a fun event for players that collect all of them"- And why does your phrase remind me of exactly thisReadable, no, that would be a ton of work to create an actual comic for the items. When we get all ten issues in game I want to do a fun event for players that collect all of them
oof, that song, right in the childhood"I want to do a fun event for players that collect all of them"- And why does your phrase remind me of exactly this
All the character bios are viewable through the links chat on the discord (also right here -Does anyone have pictures of the chars?? Lucia? Arianna? Linnet?
The one who said he gave up on this game... ,is just a f**** hater .My PC is also old (from 2012) and with its graphic driver well installed my computer never notice I'm playing this game, even the web browser is much more heavier than Demon DealsShame on the Developer because you:
There's definitely a piece of crap (no censorship necessary) in this thread - and it's not the game. There is someone who should be ashamed - and it's not the developer.
- Have an older computer, or
- Haven't updated your OS and/or drivers, or
- Haven't bothered to search the thread for "failed to initialize graphics", or
- Haven't even asked for help before grousing in the thread so that you could be pointed to a the developer SPECIFICALLY made for people in your situation?